Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Former Malaysian PM Najib questions government on economic impact of cancelling high-speed rail project
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/malaysia-najib-high-speed-rail-hsr-azmin-ali-10540090

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
"The Attorney-General has studied the contents of the bilateral HSR agreement signed on Dec 13, 2016 and gave his legal opinions, which I presented to the cabinet on Jul 11, 2018," said Azmin.
"The AG gave his view that this matter must be settled according to the law and via bilateral negotiations. Based on this advice, we are studying all options available.

This is the 1st reasonable statement that come out from the Malaysia Cabinet.
We should take note of it positively and hopefully, it will be a constructive meeting to resolve the HSR issue.

Ricky Lim
"I will lead a visit to Singapore in the near future to have a discussion to reach an agreement with the Singapore Government for a fair and just resolution while maintaining the long-standing diplomatic ties between Malaysia and Singapore," said said Azmin.

We should also note that the Economic Affair Minister wish to "maintain the long-standing diplomatic ties between Malaysia and Singapore,"

This is also another amicable statement that we take note of.

As for the statement "have a discussion to reach an agreement with the Singapore Government for a fair and just resolution" ---- it will be guided by the agreement signed by both parties.

Ricky Lim
Interestingly, Malaysia has appointed a Economic Affair Minister (instead of a Transport Minister) to discuss the HSR issue.

Which lead to the point of :-

Posted in :- 16 Jul 2018 06:09PM (Updated: 16 Jul 2018 06:13PM)

Ricky Lim
There are always some misperception about justifying high cost infrastructure project - and he correlation to direct collection of fees to recoup the capital cost.

Cost & Benefit Analysis done in this manner - will always result in a project no go - because multi-million or billions infra cost - will never be able to be recoup by collection of fares.

It is the Economic activities provided by the infra access - that need to be added into the equation of the Cost & Benefit Analysis - before a project can be determined if indeed cost outweigh benefits or benefits outweigh costs.

Because if the CBA is negative, our side will never approve this project and this project will never have gone ahead - because our side are usually very careful in spending our taxpayers money.

I think there is no need to teach Dr M smart.

But since this is a Malaysia project - no point to make Malaysian smart - just go ahead to cancel it ---- but make sure Malaysia pay Singapore the compensation as per the agreement.
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Ricky Lim
Scenario 1
Thus for a politicians who want to cancel the HSR project, it will justify CBA by :-
(1) Computing planning, design, building and operation cost of HSR.
(2) Computing fare charges for the duration of the lifespan of HSR.
Outcome :- Cost > Benefits = Project not feasible.
Conclusion :- Project Cancel

Scenario 2
For CBA calculated based on Economic Benefits:-
(1) Computing planning, design, building and operation cost of HSR.
(2) Computing fare charges for the duration of the lifespan of HSR.
(3) Projected Economic Activities and the Multiplier Effects. (No need to elaborate - why make Dr M smart?)
Outcome :- Cost < Benefits = Project is it feasible (go and guess)
Conclusion :- Project to go ahead or not (go and guess).

Since Malaysia is not keen on the HSR project - go ahead to work out the CBA based on scenario 1 - and kill the project.
(But remember to compensate Singapore based on the agreement).

Then we can close the chapter amicably.

Ricky Lim
Concerning the social media discussion of :-
(1) There is a need to stress and emphasize the observation of law and international law in any international agreement, resolution of disputes (not roti-prata rule of law).
(2) Importance of good character in helming high post - and if any flaw character make unreasonable demands, crooked arguments, flaw ideologies - social media is a good place to challenge, confront, change and correct them.

Posted in :- 16 Jul 2018 02:14PM (Updated: 16 Jul 2018 04:09PM)

Ricky Lim
Did i say things that is not factual?
Right is right.
Wrong is wrong.

You can't sugar coat wrong as right.
When you don't confront a wrong - it will manifest - and cause problem not only to his people but also to others. This is especially crucial if such flaw character is cheered on by their supporters - it will snowball, manifest and grow out of proportion causing havoc.

Now look at what Trump has been doing --- he is causing a global havoc with his flaw character --- dislocating and changing World Economic Order and World Security Order for the worst.

A flaw character - if don't confront, challenge and corrected - can have disastrous consequences especially if one hold important position.

One can even destroy a Country or the World.
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WU Yinchee
Ricky Lim
Aiya! Politician of country or corporate semua sama sifat dan budayalah...!
Ricky Lim
WU Yinchee - Singapore politicians are professional and serious minded not play play type.

Because politicians deal with the livelihood, well beings of the people as well as diplomatic relationships with other Countries --- where any mis-steps can cause mega $ loss and may even cause lives and limbs.

Thus Singapore politicians treat politics seriously and definitely not fooling around.
Eric Pang
WU Yinchee . SG and MY are of two different systems.

In Malaysia. Malays are clearly the dominant race and they have policies that favours them. Preferential entry into universities, housing, loans etc. In terms of employment, government, military and police are almost exclusively Malay. Unfortunately this has created an entitlement mentality. Corruption is systemic and entrenched. It’s not uncommon for Malays to setup a company and successfully bid for government projects even with no proven expertise. Case in point is the Bakun Dam project. They then subcontract after taking a big cut and paying off relevant officials. This affects the quality of work as the subcontractor cuts corners to deliver on the project.

Singapore, on the other officially espouses meritocracy and open tender.

Michael Cheng
i'm pretty confident prata m will soon screw it up again

Ricky Lim
Michael Cheng - This is a possibility because he is still a PM.
We must be prepared for it.

The only consolation is - how long he will last.........

Georgie Lee
Only now you know that this matter must be settled according to the law and via bilateral negotiation. It must take an AG to tell you and your 93 year old snake that. In Singapore we leave it all in the hands of our capable Khaw Boon Wan.
Still no official reply but a telephone call.

Mohd Kumar Ravi
Please don't use name calling on our PM, it won't solve anything but bear in mind that 93 year old snake will swallow your PM whole sale! ! !

Georgie Lee
Mohd Kumar Ravi Impossible lah, friend. But yours is very good at flipping and flopping like roti prata.
Georgie Lee
Mohd Kumar Ravi Also, tell your 93 year old snake to be respectful of Singapore When he went to Indonesia recently he told President Jokowi Indonesia is Malaysia closest neighbour. Do you agree with him? He is senile.
Eric Pang
Mohd Kumar Ravi . No hardfeel. It just a reflection of how Dr. M feel toward SG all this while.
Eric Pang
Mohd Kumar Ravi . But we have no problem with Malaysian.
John Low
Mohd Kumar Ravi I agree with you that you have a very swallowing Tun and Doctor.
One thing he is very good at is to make two people quarrel.
That is the very nature of snake.
George Tay
The PH governmetn should come clean about how they came out with "HIDDEN COST" methology to calculate cost and if the same hidden cost methology will apply for all future mega projects initiated by the PH government and should the same methology also apply to measure cost of home ownership in Malaysia.
Unker Will
That's what it should to be done in any agreements and that is why there is a provision for termination in an agreement. I don't think Singapore is not too concern about why Dr.M wanted it to be cancelled. He can come out with 101 reasons be it personal or not, only he knows best but the thing is, you want to cancel; do it properly. Rule of Law applies in every aspect of society even more so for an international agreement between 2 countries where each country needs to respect one another and more so, to be accountible to their respective citizen.

Goh Jon Hin
Indeed as long as the termination is properly done in a fair and just resolution between the 2 countries. I'm ok that out of bitterness, he declared Indo as his closest neighbour.
Unker Will
Goh Jon Hin Ha haha...I am Ok with that too....my immediate neighbour isn't "closest" to me too!
Stanley Chee
Myr 20 roadcharge. Singapore msia rts. MACS issue. Bus services fr jb sentral to larkin.
Stanley Chee
Mahathir wants to build bridge fr melaka to sumatra befo in 1990s.
K Tan Don
Seriously man, u n Rahman Dahlan dont know what u signed? Holy cow
Unker Will
History repeating itself? It has been like this all these years and it will continue to be such as long as there is a "brain drain" of highly trained professional in Malaysia to other countries and leaving behind what is good to lead the nation.
Eddie Lim
Lucky current transport minister is mr khaw boon wan....our most capable minister...we can be rest assured that mr khaw can handle the old sly fox.... hehe
Gabriel Goh
"The AG gave his view that this matter must be settled according to the law and via bilateral negotiations."

Wow. A lawyer who thinks matters should be settled according to the law. What next? A TCM practitioner who thinks illnesses should be treated with TCM?

What would be newsworthy would be if the AG advised that the matter be settled with duelling pistols at high noon.

Are Malaysians, or more precisely Malaysian politicians, so lawless and random, that they need the AG to tell them that they should settle things according to the law? Or did Malaysian politicians think it could be settled with a bribe?
Jm Chow
Gabriel Goh..

I like you comment "Malaysian politicians think it could be settled with a bribe"

How true ? How apt ? Bull's eye... to the point !!!

Dr M calling for project to be delayed or canclled.... is his usual way to get his cut.
As Singapore will not receive or pay 'under the table' deal... he will be disappointed. He will kill the project.

NO need to have discussion...NO point.

Just send them the bills (plus GST) ...as provided in the contract...under the clause, "termination of agreement."

Zhou Hong Xing
Mr Li (李) , you're very rude, Tun MM is old enough for you as a father/grand father. Unsuitable for you to represent our capable politicians. Regards
John Low
Tun is so old already, that is true. Indeed the oldest PM in the world. Not sure he will enter Guinness World Records as the oldest PM.
However respect is not one way. If we respect him, will he respect us?
Not respecting contract signed by predecessor or contract being chopped and signed is indeed very disrespectful to a soverign state.
Singapore is "kechil" so can "bermain main". So old man can bully kechil.
Respecting the law is more important than respecting the old. If you don't respect the old, the most you are called rude. If law is not respected, coutries may end up at war. If a war erupt, the old man has lots of hidden money dont need to worry can go places, while you and I with only little money wil die.
Ricky Lim
Old can 倚老卖老吗?
Old can be unreasonable 吗?
Old can cut people's water to threaten other's life 吗?
Old can say things and do things 翻来覆去吗?
Old can 不依法办事,无法无天吗?

You are very rude, Mr Lee is a Prime Minister - and you did not even show respect to your Leader - but suck up to someone who don't deserve respect 
 - who want to cut your water so that you die of thirst.

You don't even have the sense of what is right and what is wrong.

If PM Lee did not plan ahead and make enough water for Singapore - you will die of thirst now. 
Now do you know who to respect?
Your PM or the evil old man? That evil old man even laugh at us for "drinking urine and sewage" - and yet you have so much respect for him - while you disrespect the PM that provide water for you to drink.
You grateful or ungrateful? 是非不分,不知所谓。

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