Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Temasek’s net portfolio value hits record high of S$308 billion

Despite posting a record portfolio value for the second straight year, Temasek Holdings struck a cautious note at its annual review by saying that it is planning to temper its investment pace.
By Tang See Kit@SeeKitCNA
10 Jul 2018 03:27PM (Updated: 10 Jul 2018 07:12PM)
Ricky Lim
Another medium-term risk is monetary and financial stresses in some key economies, with a rising risk of a recession in the US being something that Temasek said it will be watching out for.

“With the economy running above capacity and a fiscal boost in the late stage of the economic cycle, the risk of overheating has increased. Against this backdrop, we are pacing our investments and focused on our intrinsic value-based approach,” said Ms Tay.
The above assessment is correct and worrying.

Posted on :- 30 Nov 2017
Ricky Lim · Singapore
It is thus important to watch out for Trump's "Boom and Bust" budget, fiscal policies (or his "Economic Yo-Yo" policies) - that artificially inflate economic growth (causing a spiking "Boom" for immediate gratification to his voters --- but will cause a sharp correction in the near term causing a sharp downturn correction - a "Bust" --- that will cause US recession --- and have the impact of pulling down the World Economy --- triggering a World Recession --- like in the past.
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Ricky Lim
Temasek good performance together with MAS performance (GIC not announced yet) --- will ensure our reserves and Sovereign Funds are indeed growing strong.

Our CPF and the overall financial health are getting stronger and stronger ----- very good performance and well managed for Singapore.

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