By Sumisha Naidu@SumishaCNA
10 Jul 2018 11:59AM (Updated: 10 Jul 2018 12:23PM)
Ricky Lim
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said the country has not yet given Singapore "full notice" of its intentions for the planned Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR) but that its neighbour knew what it wanted to do.
"As far as the Singapore government is concerned, we have not given them full notice yet, but they know what we want to do," he said at a news conference on Tuesday (Jul 10).
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said the country has not yet given Singapore "full notice" of its intentions for the planned Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR) but that its neighbour knew what it wanted to do.
"As far as the Singapore government is concerned, we have not given them full notice yet, but they know what we want to do," he said at a news conference on Tuesday (Jul 10).
Dr M, the World don't operate on what you say in the press.
Law don't operate by what you say in the press.
Go through the proper process to effect what you want - so that a proper follow up can be make.
Stop acting like a spoil child - it reflect how Malaysia operate which is a poor role model for your Countrymen.
Law don't operate by what you say in the press.
Go through the proper process to effect what you want - so that a proper follow up can be make.
Stop acting like a spoil child - it reflect how Malaysia operate which is a poor role model for your Countrymen.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Ricky Lim
Does Dr M want us to serve you "a notice of compensation" according to the Agreement - based on what you say in the press?
Stop behaving like a spoilt child.
Stop behaving like a spoilt child.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
Singaporeans should have more spine - to travel less to Malaysia for shopping, dining or leisure - and spend our money at home.
We can save at least RM50 billion (S$16.6 billion) a year in Singapore economy rather than in Malaysia.
So even though if this sly Dr M decide to drag it out, RM50 billion (S$16.6 billion) a year is more than enough to compensate for our loss in this HSR saga.
So Singaporeaans - do you get the message?
We can save at least RM50 billion (S$16.6 billion) a year in Singapore economy rather than in Malaysia.
So even though if this sly Dr M decide to drag it out, RM50 billion (S$16.6 billion) a year is more than enough to compensate for our loss in this HSR saga.
So Singaporeaans - do you get the message?
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
Ricky Lim
Singapore should hold up the 1MDB monies in Singapore as "pawn" - as long as Dr M drag out on the HSR.
If Singapore suffer loss, the monies from 1MDB can be used to compensate our loss in HSR.
If Singapore suffer loss, the monies from 1MDB can be used to compensate our loss in HSR.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim
Gerrard Villa
Sporean kena robbed daylight. Just rubber stamp some papers can get billions. Teachers also kena robbed 8m in car park charges. I hope the Khaw can claim the 250m from Malaysia, if he can , your boss must promote you to DPM
Like · Reply · 2h
Justice Boa
Corrupted NJ robbed Malaysians of US$600 Millions and put the country $1 Trillion in debts! With the senile M digging a bigger grave for Malaysians with the coming 10% the service taxes! Bodoh! 掩耳盗铃!
Reply · 1h · Edited
Ricky Lim
Ways to claim compensation back on HSR :-
(1) Hold back all monies from 1MDB - until Malaysia address the issue on HSR based on agreement signed.
(2) Singaporeans can play their part by travelling less to Malaysia for shopping, dining or leisure - and spend our money at home.
We can save at least RM50 billion (S$16.6 billion) a year in Singapore economy rather than in Malaysia.
(Note:- RM50 billion (S$16.6 billion) is just in Johor alone and not whole of Malaysia).
(3) Slowly roll back investment in Malaysia of RM20.17 billion (S$6.55 billion) as of early-2017 - and freeze all investment plan into Malaysia.
So Gerrard Villa - you think can re-claim the $250 million from Malaysia on the HSR?
Reply · 37m
Ricky Lim
Gerrard Villa - we have at least RM$100billion firepower - to make Malaysia compensate our loss of S$250million on HSR project.
You think you can run away with your daylight robbery?
In addition, now Dr M has make the name of Malaysia rotten worldwide --- and foreign investors are not looking at investing in Malaysia.
You think Malaysia can 只手遮天?
Malaysia is losing real big over the daylight robbery of S$250million - when foreign investment start to bypass Malaysia - and this mean no jobs created for Malaysia and Malaysia GDP and economy will suffer.
Talk big - can ----- we can talk BIGGER.
Reply · 23m · Edited
Sporean kena robbed daylight. Just rubber stamp some papers can get billions. Teachers also kena robbed 8m in car park charges. I hope the Khaw can claim the 250m from Malaysia, if he can , your boss must promote you to DPM
Like · Reply · 2h
Justice Boa
Corrupted NJ robbed Malaysians of US$600 Millions and put the country $1 Trillion in debts! With the senile M digging a bigger grave for Malaysians with the coming 10% the service taxes! Bodoh! 掩耳盗铃!
Reply · 1h · Edited
Ricky Lim
Ways to claim compensation back on HSR :-
(1) Hold back all monies from 1MDB - until Malaysia address the issue on HSR based on agreement signed.
(2) Singaporeans can play their part by travelling less to Malaysia for shopping, dining or leisure - and spend our money at home.
We can save at least RM50 billion (S$16.6 billion) a year in Singapore economy rather than in Malaysia.
(Note:- RM50 billion (S$16.6 billion) is just in Johor alone and not whole of Malaysia).
(3) Slowly roll back investment in Malaysia of RM20.17 billion (S$6.55 billion) as of early-2017 - and freeze all investment plan into Malaysia.
So Gerrard Villa - you think can re-claim the $250 million from Malaysia on the HSR?
Reply · 37m
Ricky Lim
Gerrard Villa - we have at least RM$100billion firepower - to make Malaysia compensate our loss of S$250million on HSR project.
You think you can run away with your daylight robbery?
In addition, now Dr M has make the name of Malaysia rotten worldwide --- and foreign investors are not looking at investing in Malaysia.
You think Malaysia can 只手遮天?
Malaysia is losing real big over the daylight robbery of S$250million - when foreign investment start to bypass Malaysia - and this mean no jobs created for Malaysia and Malaysia GDP and economy will suffer.
Talk big - can ----- we can talk BIGGER.
Reply · 23m · Edited
Richard Quek
cunnig fox at work
Moses Sim
Thank you Tun for being such friendly neighbour!
Raymond Goh
Valen Chen Tany We hope he does it. pls do it and earn your RM$2.97 instead. Singapore has many sources for low cost foriegn workers to replace malaysians.
Van Vichet David
Looks like the so-called 4th Generational (softies) Leaders of Singapore will have to do a crash course on geopolitics & diplomacy as they never had the same solid metal mindset as the 1st Generational Leaders... The diplomatic incident with China last year was a real wake up call for LHL & his team to begin with... More complex & tougher bilateral relationship to manage on the horizon
Georgie Lee
From the very beginning I call him a snake. A venomous one. I am not wrong. Also good at flip flopping like roti prata. Yes, Singapore knows but like a snake he can turn around and say it is unofficial. Singapore should rebutt forcefully and cut him into size and put him in his chair. Let the Malaysians continue worshipping him.
KH Low
Of course we would continue worshipping him given that he is doing someting good for the nation. Definitely not all things are to our expectations but at least it is better than the last government. He is providing us some entertainment by keeping some people awake all night worring what is going to happen and expecting the worst, living a miserable pessimistic life.
Reply · 7h
Valen Chen Tany
My opinion is he is trying to force LHL into early retirement and then manhandled the new 4G leaders. But he forget that by doing so he is actually forcing the Johor govt to form a strategic alliance directly with us to jointly develop the southern triangle region. Johor may even seek for independence from the federation. Ofc this is just my view which very well be wrong.
Reply · 6h
Raymond Goh
KH Low You think so? For your info, he will be recall soon by the King of Hell. A pot of boiling Oil is already prepared to immerse him.
Reply · 6h
Terence Ng
No say others know what to do. .
Tell others what you want to do . .
Straightforward pls..
No curve like cook bridge....
Tell others what you want to do . .
Straightforward pls..
No curve like cook bridge....
Eddie Wong
He want Singapore to cancel. So he can claim compensation from Singapore.
Eddie Wong
K Tan Don There are no mutual agreement. It Malaysia whose want to cancel Singapore already spent $250M of taxpayer money.
Reply · 6h
Valen Chen Tany
Or he will cancel without agreeing to pay compensation until he finally retire for good and history will show he is a national hero to stand up against the mighty little red dot.
Reply · 6h
Tay Hai Kong
He's the sly fox. He's not making it official as he does not intend to pay full compensation under international protocol. His country is too bankrupt under huge debt and they have also incurred heavy costs for this HSR project.
Actually the ball is in Singapore's court (no pun intended) to be good neighbours. It is also partly Singapore's fault to co-operate with Najib's government. We could not say our government is unaware of the previous administration's corruptibility. Due diligence, if done, was a bad one. Dubious agreement on the return of the KTM lands to Singapore should be a warning sign. The Malaysian shareholder of the joint company, M+S Capital Pte Ltd, is an offshore company!
And the money laundering saga was an open secret that our Government appeared to be unknowing by simply punishing the banks involved.
There is more than meets the eye for sure!
Actually the ball is in Singapore's court (no pun intended) to be good neighbours. It is also partly Singapore's fault to co-operate with Najib's government. We could not say our government is unaware of the previous administration's corruptibility. Due diligence, if done, was a bad one. Dubious agreement on the return of the KTM lands to Singapore should be a warning sign. The Malaysian shareholder of the joint company, M+S Capital Pte Ltd, is an offshore company!
And the money laundering saga was an open secret that our Government appeared to be unknowing by simply punishing the banks involved.
There is more than meets the eye for sure!
Most balanced view of the situation out here thus far. Mahathir is playing his cards carefully but let us remember that he is first and foremost answerable to Malaysians, not Singaporeans. On the other hand, Singaporeans can and must hold Singapore ministers responsible for whatever actions and decisions they do. It's not an "I have the mandate so I can do whatever I want" situation.
Reply · 7h
Jeremey Wong
Indonesia and the whole south east asian countries are corrupt does mean SG govt can't do business? That what agreement/contract are for.
Reply · 5h
Terence Ng
Okay... Now I see now I know..
Double headed snake want to force sg until buoy tahan. Really a cunning snake..
Double headed snake want to force sg until buoy tahan. Really a cunning snake..
Prakash Moktan
Yes, it very transparent, Prime Minister wants to scrap the deal....the project has no economic benefits for Malaysia - even if you can travel from K.L. to Singapore in 1 hour - whats the significance ....
Richard Quek
ah loong now got heahache what malaysia want,serve him right,no najib to talk to
Richard Quek
Dave Lim ,ah loong just simply sign n use tax payer money without a wink of the eye,thought he mada a good deal with najib but now back fire
Aw Song Chiang
HAHA KBW taxpayers pay u for what purpose? ??
😃hahaha can't manage out.
😃hahaha don't waste taxpayers blood n sweat money. .. HAHA UNCLE out immediate effects.

Valen Chen Tany
They will also know what Singapore is going to do after having knew what they are going to do on the HSR project. But we still need an official note on this if there is no longer a need to sit down and negotiate.
Lucas Lim Hk
let not concern ourselves w wat he wants we didn't elect him. Just increased tolls at causeway for foreign vehicles...he will know what we want. Dat way he can drag as long as he wants. He s 92, new leader will emerge in another few yrs...recover our loss more important. Who care what he wants.
Richard Kee
What cock and bull. First he said it's cancelled. Then he said it's postponed. So which is which? So, NO, Singapore doesn't know what you want to do. You must put it down in official diplomatic letter clearly and precisely, your intentions. When you talk to the media you are just talking to the media, not addressing to Sg govt. Do you even know how to conduct proper business?
Jeremey Wong
Pardon him la, 92 years old, a bit senile. When u r that old u feel like a godfather.
Reply · 5h
Wong Tuck Seng
It takes a tough guy with very strong mental grit to deal with this leader. He has the whole of Malaysai behind him and he knows it. By holding his card close to his chest, he is going to make life difficult for his freinds across the causeway. Lets see if current leaders in SGP can match up to him. Really miss LKY and his 'no nonsense' attitude. If he is around, I don't think he dares play with us.
Shaun Chng
Trying not to give official notice so as to sidestep the issue of compensation and then suggesting raising the price of water selling to Singapore? How are your actions any different from a bully, Mahathir?
Lynn Lee
Why extend the EastCRL to JB or Sgp to cover the full stretch of HSR. It will be cheaper for both countries and the coverage is so much better.
Nicholas Lai
You think we Singapore leader are stupid and navie?
On one hand you say you want to end the project, but not official.
Only through media , I know your intention, you want Singapore end to halt the project, by the time we are behind schedule, you will question why our side cause delay, you will activate Singapore causes delay and demand compensation.
Our strong PAP leader will not be easily fooled by this snake.
Cunning idiot
On one hand you say you want to end the project, but not official.
Only through media , I know your intention, you want Singapore end to halt the project, by the time we are behind schedule, you will question why our side cause delay, you will activate Singapore causes delay and demand compensation.
Our strong PAP leader will not be easily fooled by this snake.
Cunning idiot
Joseph Tan
Both Malaysian and Singaporean generally have no quarrel. As for M, we just have to use a big stick method and out manoeuvre him.
Rahmat Samsudin
every moment of truth.................add to more...............confusion in life................
Razin Park Razor
No worries.. Our million dollar salaried ministers can out-wit Dr M cos our ministers are pegged at the highest salaried CEOs of the world and is expected that they can perform according to the salaries they've given to themselves. Have confidence... lol!
Michael Leow
I am shaking my head with Mahathir's logic. He cannot hold a candle to LKY in terms of statesmanship.
Tan Ke Huat
What a sly politician, seems like Malaysia's Cabinet is hopeless, only the sly fox is running the show. Malaysia will never prosper and get worse under his rule. Very sad for the Malaysian people.
Richard Quek
Ah loong must ask his able $8 man who was a ex malaysian to talk to Tun since he is minister of Transport
Michael Loh
The devil may not know what the man's intentions are but with his actions and many opaque indications and negative body languages, it makes us stupid not to be able to make an intelligent guess.
Unker Will
The moment Dr.M make it official in writing means all the effects of termination clause(s) in the Agreement would kick-in. By doing it in an unconventional way, he wants to complicate the termination procedures and hopes to wiggle his way out. Maybe instead of saying "As far as the Singapore government is concerned, we have not given them full notice yet, but they know what we want to do," he could be saying .."As far as the Singapore government is concerned, we have not given them full notice yet, but they should see it coming when they signed the HSR Agreement with us, so don't blame us now for that!".
Andrew Wang
I read from the news that Mahathir will visit China in middle of August 2018, maybe to discuss on the train project and others. I somehow believe after his visit to China, maybe he will have something to tell us more about this train project. Now that China has the largest network of high speed trains in the world, getting a good offer from China can be what Mahathir wants from this visit.
Calling him all sorts of names will not change anything now. Counter-productive and short-sighted.
Calling him all sorts of names will not change anything now. Counter-productive and short-sighted.
George Lim
Dr M the old sly fox is really shrewd. He's delaying any official termination of the Agreement. The media is serving his needs. He knows the SG government are straight laced scholars and will seek compensation if a formal notice is given by the Malaysian government. Our bourgeois 4G leaders are no match for the kampong veterans across the causeway. Anyway our government is losing alot of taxpayers money everyday of the delay. The two parties are at fault. One for reneging on the Agreement, the other for failing to conduct financial due diligence of a business partner before entering into this multi billion dollar project.
Kwai Meng Tang
Send the official response Dr. M stop playing childish game. Until your government make it official the Singapore won't know exactly what you want to do.
Clarence Ng
Pretty lame for M to think he could hide behind ambiguity to prevent paying compensation. Unfortunately, that's not how International law works. If he thinks SG garmen dares not take them to court, he is delusional.
Tan Kee Heng
Malaysia risks putting itself into a corner should it decides that HSR is a non-priority for its economic development. Thailand has embarked on a rapid rail expansion as part of its plans for over 2,500-km high-speed railways, linking up the entire country with electric trains and new high speed rail lines. Come 2020, Taopoon-Bangsue in Bangkok will become the largest mass transit hub in Thailand with the new Bang Sue Railway Station, starting with 10 track high–speed railway platforms, linking up their new high speed rail lines with three international airports in the Thai capital, namely Don...See More
Nicholas Lai
well, just read the following dialog
A. Hey Bro I am about to take off, help me to buy 4D, 2000 big 2000 small
B. OK I go buy now he spent 4000 $ on that number
2 weeks later B ask A you owe me 4000 $, where got, the 4D money, A replied why you go and buy?
Another sceniro B decided not to buy ,ignore him, who knows open up first price,
A will ask B where is my 10 million $, what 10 million $, the 4D iask you to buy.?
You did not buy?.....
A. Hey Bro I am about to take off, help me to buy 4D, 2000 big 2000 small
B. OK I go buy now he spent 4000 $ on that number
2 weeks later B ask A you owe me 4000 $, where got, the 4D money, A replied why you go and buy?
Another sceniro B decided not to buy ,ignore him, who knows open up first price,
A will ask B where is my 10 million $, what 10 million $, the 4D iask you to buy.?
You did not buy?.....
Abang Man
Singapore had failed to detect and identify and gave ourselves our own assurances by believing what Najib had given us and we took it like "daddy giving candies" all those pleasantries years of mutual happiness during his tenure as prime minister that we forgot to ask our doomsday oracle to foresee the "what if" of losing more "millions of sg dollars" because of our greedness in our very own empire. Our elders had showed us the straight directions but we wondered to the left with the devil instead. They got rid of the Clown and they brought in the Master of Unceremoniously holding all of aces. Till death do him part. Get me?
Michael Cheng
consider another angle. the sg gov already prepared for this and was gonna upgrade the area around the HSR terminal anyway. if prata M officially cancels the HSR, then the merrier. sg gov can then blame prata M outright and use him as a bogeyman to unite the country.
Francis Lim
Investor ! do you think you have confidence doing business with Malaysia garment...!!
You think selling roti prata....flipping over and over again ...! Unbelievable ...!!!
You think selling roti prata....flipping over and over again ...! Unbelievable ...!!!
Michael Loh
Dr Mahathir is an international Chess player and a champion at that. After his visit to China in August, he will still have the HSR and the ECRL at "0" costs because China needs this geopolitical victory albeit Malaysia's support and recognition as part of S. China sea strategic game plan linking the Belt and Road. China will pay Singapore on behalf of Malaysia for the contract breach of (Rm 500 Mil) in lieu of gaining a foothold for the Belt and Road initiative. Just watch his master stroke!
Michael Loh
Swee Meng Ling
Don't get emotional; its political analysis nothing to do with partisanship. Try to free your mind between Bolahland and Singland.
Don't get emotional; its political analysis nothing to do with partisanship. Try to free your mind between Bolahland and Singland.
Reply · 2h
Swee Meng Ling
Dr M talk talk talk, talk big talk big talk big. BUT don't have the balls to put on paper to terminate. Feeling good at down-talking at Singapore, but actually exposing his deep inferior complex. Deep inside he cannot be sure of what he is actually talking and thinking. If he think the kindness display by SIngapore as weakness, then he shall be wrong again BIG time.
Doramon Wang
He wan spore to bow to him and forteit the penalty. Simple as that.... But he suffers fm inferioty complexity....cannot talk direct...but only whine.
Faveo Zack
Maylasia, guess you do not know what to do now? Do need to give a dame of what he said. Just wait for his official request.
Minhwa Aaron Lee
before, msia was infamous for a most corrupt pm. now, we are infamous for an unprofessional low brow pm, again be cause he was also like that previously. today, he reminds me why i was so embarassed growing up a msian.
Timeless Zim
girl lie down on the bed legs spread wide with pussy in front of you ,does she need to ask you what to do with her, this is what DM is telling you.
Zhenghong Lu
A very seasoned veteran stateman like Dr M, this is not the way to behave. While it is understandable that Malaysians have been 'swindled' billions by Najib and his cronies, and there is a real need to its tighten belt in the years ahead. This is Singaporean taxpayers' money.
Although I may not adore Dr M, but I still have some respects for Dr M until he made such remarks about this HSR project.
I have totally lost my respect for a veteran statesman like him.
We need to seek fair compensation just like they are asking for 'fair' water price.
Although I may not adore Dr M, but I still have some respects for Dr M until he made such remarks about this HSR project.
I have totally lost my respect for a veteran statesman like him.
We need to seek fair compensation just like they are asking for 'fair' water price.
Tun Hla Aung
Dr M is an elder statesman who well knows what is good for his country . He does not need to create problems for himself .
Ricky Lim
Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said the country has not yet given Singapore "full notice" of its intentions for the planned Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR) but that its neighbour knew what it wanted to do.
"As far as the Singapore government is concerned, we have not given them full notice yet, but they know what we want to do," he said at a news conference on Tuesday (Jul 10).
Dr M, the World don't operate on what you say in the press.
Law don't operate by what you say in the press.
Go through the proper process to effect what you want - so that a proper follow up can be make.
Stop acting like a spoil child - it reflect how Malaysia operate which is a poor role model for your Countrymen.
"As far as the Singapore government is concerned, we have not given them full notice yet, but they know what we want to do," he said at a news conference on Tuesday (Jul 10).
Dr M, the World don't operate on what you say in the press.
Law don't operate by what you say in the press.
Go through the proper process to effect what you want - so that a proper follow up can be make.
Stop acting like a spoil child - it reflect how Malaysia operate which is a poor role model for your Countrymen.
Terence Ng
If this old double headed king cobra drag and act blur till he go tong shan selling salted duck egg....let say within 2 year period what can sg do about this?

Jet Wee
4 short words to sum up this 93 year old snake - " talk cock sing song"
Like · Reply · 3m
Michael Morgan
If your brother had debts and cant afford to buy that new car that he had have signed a contract to buy. And this contract some how make you liable for the intent.
The company sue you or ask for compensation for importing it for your brother.
Try paying for that compensation haha
Would you?
Malaysia is going through that now. Should you be responsible for what your brother did?
In this case, with Malaysia in such a big debt be able to pay compensation to Singapore? Does Singapore leaders really believe that a country in debt can pay them?
Or pay for the whole project. Take control of everything and owned it. Change the contract to have full control.
There are many ways to deal with it. But if you simply want to dominate and ask for compensation from a debt ridden country, keep on barking.
The company sue you or ask for compensation for importing it for your brother.
Try paying for that compensation haha
Would you?
Malaysia is going through that now. Should you be responsible for what your brother did?
In this case, with Malaysia in such a big debt be able to pay compensation to Singapore? Does Singapore leaders really believe that a country in debt can pay them?
Or pay for the whole project. Take control of everything and owned it. Change the contract to have full control.
There are many ways to deal with it. But if you simply want to dominate and ask for compensation from a debt ridden country, keep on barking.
Terence Ng
Zero chance to get any compensation from this old double headed snake I believe ... He will not pay any cent cause he not recognize his own brother Wat... Now he sueing his own brother in

Terence Ng
He can play water ...
He can play cook bridge ...
What else can he still play??
So old already still like to play...
He can play cook bridge ...
What else can he still play??
So old already still like to play...
Like · Reply · 12m
Abdul Hameed
**You think we Singapore leader are stupid and navie?**
Nicholas Lai Sir.....
The Answer To That Is The Answer From This...
Who Is The First Elected President Of Singapore ?
Nicholas Lai Sir.....
The Answer To That Is The Answer From This...
Who Is The First Elected President Of Singapore ?
Reply · 20m
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - Are you blaming the HSR project on Singapore?
HSR is Malaysia project and is pushed to Singapore by your Malaysia leaders.
Dr M is a person who is untrustworthy and lack integrity - and look at the way he conduct himself as a leader in State Affair?
Is he your role model?
HSR is Malaysia project and is pushed to Singapore by your Malaysia leaders.
Dr M is a person who is untrustworthy and lack integrity - and look at the way he conduct himself as a leader in State Affair?
Is he your role model?
Like · Reply · 1m
Lawrence Seow
Frankly this is the least of our problems - our 4G leaders are so out of touch with reality and the common man, they are in danger of making policies with little understanding of the ground.
Alvin Koh
The 1st generation SG leaders would not have continued as compensation will be extremely difficult to get from DM. DM cannot risk putting Malaysia deeper into debt by achiving nothing and risk being unpopular. This is called the unwritten book. The 1st generation SG leaders would stop, take one step back, re-calculate route and seek compensation later.
Ajadim Slim
Typical Singaporean kiasu talking only with sand in theirs brain
Like · Reply · 6m
Nawal Kishor
Most probably they will end up looking like fools , they know very well who they are dealing with ! During Mr Mahatir's visit to Indonesia 2 weeks ago , he said " we are close friends and neighbors " despite known fact that Indonesia and Malaysia
too have their long-standing disagreement on many issues .
too have their long-standing disagreement on many issues .
Like · Reply ·
Kianpheng Ong
Singapore govt must not cave in to dr m bully . we are a small country but we must stand tall with dignity.Singaporean must rise up to the occasion.
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