Tuesday, July 10, 2018

All 13 'Wild Boars' rescued from Thai cave on third day of operation
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/thai-cave-rescue-13-wild-boars-rescued-from-on-third-day-10517142

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Well done for all rescuers and the survivors.
Great news and don't forget the perished Thai Navy SEAL member who sacrificed his life for the rescue mission.
阿弥陀佛· !!!

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

Ricky Lim
Four SEAL team divers - including a doctor - who stayed with the group were still to emerge, the Facebook post added.

Until the above 5 SEAL members have emerged safely --- before declaring the rescue mission completed.

Say Beng Teoh
Ricky Lim Yup. This rescue mission cannot be declared officially closed even though all the 13 had been rescued until all the last 5 brave rescuers emerge safely...

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