Saturday, July 7, 2018

Commentary: Government transfers and social assistance - Who deserves them? Who doesn’t?

We all want social spending to reach the right people to improve societal outcomes, but this requires us to agree on who needs help and how to identify them, says Channel NewsAsia’s Bharati Jagdish.
By Bharati Jagdish
07 Jul 2018 06:28AM (Updated: 07 Jul 2018 06:30AM)

Ricky Lim
Thinking of ways to :-
(1) Earning and enlarging the economic pies - will means there are more budget to spend on social spendings.
(2) Set aside a budget to help those in lower and middle income - will help to close up income and social inequality.
(3) Setting aside another budget to give to all Singaporeans - irregardless of income status - is a way to show appreciation to all income groups that have contributed to the Economy of Singapore - so that higher income group don't feel they are left out or not appreciated for their effort in the contribution to the Economy.

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