Sunday, July 29, 2018

Tan Cheng Bock open to leading proposed opposition coalition
ricky l
Tan Cheng Bok want to imitate Dr Mahathair thinking he can fully similar feat like Malaysia.

Malaysia has problem of corruption, politics based on race and many other problem.

Singapore does not have this problem. Thus Tan Cheng Bok has a lower chance of succeeding.

Dr M is a past PM for more than a decade.
Tan Cheng Bok is only an MP - and he does not have the quality of a Minister - much less able to come out with policies to rule the Country.

Also Tan Cheng Bok partnering Dr Chee Soon Juan a past radical politician that coax with foreigners to influence Singapore local politics -- is a mistake.

34 seconds ago
Singapore under the current Government has many notable achievements :-
(1) The 3rd wealthiest Country in the World in per capita income (GDP PPP) - surpassing wealthy Countries like USA, Japan, China, S Korea, Australia, Canada, Europe like Germany, Switzerland, UK, France etc.

(2) Has foreign exchange reserve more than 2 times of USA.

(3) More than 90% of house ownership - among the highest in the World.

(4) Has Sovereign Funds 3 times the size of the Economy.

(5) Has Trade 3 times the size of the Economy.

Do you think opposition like Tan Cheng Bok, Dr Chee Soon Juan or even WP can pull this feat? Or worst, make Singapore wealth plummet - and everyone's CPF, jobs, business close shops ?????????????

Klenneh Eastwood
2 minutes ago
@ricky l ,
No mysteries. No half-truths.
I think the people want the govt to open the books.

43 seconds ago
@Klenneh Eastwood - Open what book?

2 minutes ago
@ricky l ,
Whatever they want. Not reports that that comes frm the state media and you.....LOL

@Hta htoo ---- All the reports about Singapore achievement don't come the States.

It come from the various World Bodies that compile the various Countries performance in the World.

So don't understand what reports are you all talking about?

Hta htoo
29 minutes ago
@ricky l ,
That's what you've said. No. It must not come from you.......heee.

@Hta htoo - Go to all the World Bodies to check. I bet you know how to use Google search right?

ricky l
1 second ago
@Hta htoo - It is better for Singaporeans to trust the current Government who deliver results --- and definitely not this Tan Cheng Bock, Dr Chee Soon Juan or other opposition parties.

53 minutes ago
@ricky l ,
these govt's 'achievements' mean nothing at all to the hundreds of thousands of citizens with sec. 2 education or lower.

@chorbeehoon - you mean sec. 2 education or lower don't have hdb flats to stay?
They don't have a job?
They don't have a family?
- they roam the street?
- they go hungry?

ricky l
@chorbeehoon - these people don't carry handphone, no tv, no computer, no fridge, cannot go out to eat, have lesiure?


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