Thursday, July 5, 2018

Singapore and China 'natural partners' for Belt and Road: DPM Teo

By Olivia Siong@OliviaSiongCNA
05 Jul 2018 10:46AM (Updated: 05 Jul 2018 02:38PM)
Ricky Lim
With mostly negative news coming out from Trump led US trade tariff impose on many trading Countries worldwide --- this Singapore-China trading and business cooperation --- is a big welcome news.
Ricky Lim
Hopefully the mammoth RCEP multi-lateral trade deals for the entire Asia Pacific region can be ratified soon - as this will help to spur tremendous amount of trade.

This will mitigate the impact of Trump led trade war.

Trade can be diverted into the fast growing Asia Pacific region - and cushion against the lost trade with Trump-led US.
Ricky Lim
Hopefully the mammoth RCEP multi-lateral trade deals for the entire Asia Pacific region can be ratified soon - as this will help to spur tremendous amount of trade.

This will mitigate the impact of Trump led trade war.

Trade can be diverted into the fast growing Asia Pacific region - and cushion against the lost trade with Trump-led US.
Ricky Lim
Trump is a trade spoiler.

The rest of the World must find new trade platform - to mitigate Trump trade spoiler action - and let Trump suffer from his self-inflicted actions - while the rest of the World can find alternative trading platform and not let Trump held the World hostage in trade.

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