Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Fate of high-speed rail rests on Malaysia, Singapore discussion: Azmin Ali

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
He said the HSR solution must also preserve the long-standing diplomatic relations between Malaysia and Singapore.
“We always regard and will continue to regard Singapore not only as our strategic partner but also a crucial partner,” he added.

It is great that the Malaysia Economic Affairs Minister describe Singapore as Malaysia strategic partner and a crucial partner as well as the need to preserve the long-standing diplomatic relations between Malaysia and Singapore.

I think Singapore share similar views as the Malaysia Economic Affairs Minister.

Let see how the meeting goes and see any constructive options can be explored - that will mutually benefit both Singapore and Malaysia.

Unker Will
Well said...this is in total contrast to Dr.M's view of Singapore. Dr.M prefered to visit Indonesia first, by passing Singapore and even acknowledged Indonesia as Malaysia's "closest neighbour", clearly shows his standing with Singapore. There will always be this bitterness and hostility carried with him whenever there is any dealings with Singapore which is no good for the bi-lateral relationship.
Ricky Lim
Unker Will - Dr M study in NUS for his medicine degree.
But he is not grateful despite extending such hospitality to him by Singapore.

Dr M political history, value system has never see eye-to-eye with Mr Lee KY - where Dr M see racial majority right as more important than meritocracy as advocated by Mr Lee KY.

Up to now, it has been proven that Mr Lee KY's value system is correct and has make our Country strong and prosper.

Behind this backdrop - you will see that Dr M will not hesitate to challenge Singapore as and when he gain upper hand over Singapore.

Using water agreement is one issue he will exploit. But little did he know that Singapore has overcome this challenge and transform our threat into great strength.

Thus we must be careful to safeguard our interests and Sovereignty - as we try to maintain good relationship with Malaysia.

Valen Chen Tany
It is signed, sealed but sign of renege before delivered. To renege or not... the ball is only now in your court not ours.
K Tan Don
Nope u cannot say Tun renege on the contract. He did not sign that HSR contract with your government. He did not entice your government to sign the HSR contract. That crook Najib was the one who enticed your government to sign the contract. Najib was the one signed the contract..Tun in fact make it clear he will review n cancel expensive projects in his election campaign. Pls be ckear on that
Haziq Rosli
K Tan Don Doesn't matter who signed it. Its a contract between Singapore and Malaysia. That's how international agreements work.

Your internal problems are YOUR problems and yours alone. It has no bearing on the other party. Please be clear on that.
Valen Chen Tany
K Tan Don Agree Tun as a new head of govt didn't sign the contract. Even Najib didn't sign it but it is being signed by both the govt reps in a G2G agreement which is binding no matter who is the new govt. Ofc the new govt can dishonour the signed contract of which there will be consequences.

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