Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Candles and chanting: Thai cave boys begin ceremony to become Buddhist novices
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/candles-and-chanting--thai-cave-boys-begin-ceremony-to-become-buddhist-novices-10557720

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
The boys can make used of the meditation novice monk retreat to cultivate :-
(1) Deep Concentration - Jhana Samadhi via Anapanasati meditation (禅定)
(2) Insights - Nirvana or Nibbana via Vipassana meditation (涅槃)

--- and remember to transfer the merits to the Navy SEAL hero who try to save your lives but perish plus others who have successfully save your lives ........

Ricky Lim
Where Jhana Samadhi (禅定)- can lead to 2 types of attainment :-
(1) Form Heavenly Realm (色界天)
(2) Formless Heavenly Realm (出色界天)

Where Nirvana or Nibbana (涅槃)- can lead to 4 types of attainment :-
(1) Sotappana Fruition
(2) Sakadagami Fruition
(3) Anagami Fruition
(4) Arahat Fruition
- with 1 time Perfection of Nirvana or Nibbana (涅槃).

Ricky Lim
With self Enlightenment without Buddha's Teachings and not preaching attained Dharma - with 1 time Perfection of Nirvana or Nibbana (涅槃) - the Pacekka Buddha (the Silent Buddha) (辟支佛)(缘觉)。

With 2 times Perfection of Nirvana or Nibbana(涅槃) and Complete Fulfilment of Bodhi Vows (菩提愿)- the Bodhisattva (菩萨)。

And with 3 times Perfection of Nirvana or Nibbana(涅槃) - the Buddha (佛).

Ricky Lim
Attaining Arupa Jhana will have acquire :-
(1) 他心通 (knowing the thoughts of others)
(2) 天眼通 (acquire insights or visions that others don't see)
(3) 知因果 (able to know cause and effects or karma)
--- ability to see breath and depth.

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