Sunday, July 15, 2018

EU and ASEAN to restart FTA process: PM Lee

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Singapore is doing well as Asean chair to bring forward multilateral trade deals with other trade blocs.

Ricky Lim
Posted on :-
12 Jul 2018 07:13AM (Updated: 12 Jul 2018 07:20AM)

Ricky Lim
Let's hope the EU-Singapore FTA can be pushed through and ratified in this final stage ---- and uphold the free, open trade principles that drive Global prosperity.

With EU facing a real challenge from Trump's led US trade war, all the more EU should be unified and ratify the FTA to push back Trump's led protectionism and unilateralism --- and ensure that the World can continue to prosper through free and open trade.
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Ricky Lim
Singapore is the 1st step that EU can leverage on and breakthrough in forging FTA - as Singapore and EU has the least collision in conflicting interest in the FTA.

If EU and Singapore can successfully ratify the EU-Singapore FTA, what come later could be EU-ASEAN FTA and EU-Asia Pacific FTA.

Such development will have grossly compensate for the great loss that EU face with squaring off Trump led US trade tariff and trade war.
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