Friday, July 6, 2018

In Thai jungle above trapped boys, alternative rescue effort ramps up

Rescue teams thrashed through dense forest hundreds of metres above a cave complex on Friday, searching for an alternative way to extract 12 boys and their soccer coach trapped inside for nearly two weeks.

06 Jul 2018 06:25PM
Thanes' engineers are working with the army to explore an area they believe to be the back end of the cave, chiselling away fragile limestone rocks that he said could be just hundreds of metres from where the boys are trapped.
He said that up to 200 people are exploring the hill to try to find a workable shaft.
Drilling down raises concerns that parts of the cave could collapse on the boys.
Posted on:- 05 Jul 2018 11:41AM (Updated: 05 Jul 2018 06:34PM)

Ricky Lim
Drill vertically down where the boys are - and then use long ropes with safety belt and seat - to hoist them up one by one maybe a safer method.
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Efforts to widen diving channels, have raised similar fears about blocking narrow passageways and hemming the team in.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk tweeted on Friday that engineers from his firms - SpaceX and The Boring Company - were heading to Thailand to see if they could assist the rescue.

The firms have "advance ground penetrating radar" that is "pretty good at digging holes" or technology that could "create an air tunnel underwater" for the children to traverse, Musk said earlier.

The Thai government said Musk's team could help the rescue operation with location tracking, water pumping or battery power.
Posted on :-
03 Jul 2018 10:11AM (Updated: 03 Jul 2018 12:10PM)

Ricky Lim
If this is the case, a more elaborate operation maybe required - like using large underground drill to drill a large pathway into the cave - and use raft to sail through it to pick up the boys.

Safety vests will be required to issue to the boys and the coach when they sit on the raft to sail back by oars.

Training the boys to dive may carry some risks.

Rescue efforts since British divers found the team on Monday have focused on draining the flooded cave and teaching the boys – some of whom are as young as 11 and not competent swimmers – to attempt dives that would challenge expert cavers.

The death of a former Thai Navy SEAL working in the flooded cave on Friday has shaken the rescue mission, and forecasts for more rain could undermine the draining of the cave, forcing officials to consider other options.
Relatives of the boys, some of whom have camped at the site for weeks, say all they want is the safest exit for their children.
"I'm worried ... he has never dived," said Somboon Kaewwongwan, the father of a 16-year-old boy trapped in the cave.
Posted on :-
03 Jul 2018 10:11AM (Updated: 03 Jul 2018 12:10PM)
Ricky Lim
Wonder is it feasible to block water from entering the entrance of the cave - eg. using sands or sandbags?

And then using water pumps to continously pump the water out of the cave -- assuming it takes days or weeks to do so?

Only when the water reach a water level of say less than 0.5 metres - guide the boys and the coach out by wading through the shallow water?
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Princess Angelswp
This saga brings our world together as one. Remarkable! No matter how smart humans think they are, we must always respect Nature. Hopefully technology and human ingenity can win this race of time. At least we know there is a destination ...unlike the missing airline.
Princess Angelswp
Hopefully experts on such rescue all over the world send their suggestions.

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