Friday, July 20, 2018

Malaysia continues to be business-friendly, will curb corruption: PM Mahathir

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim
Dr Mahathir is also optimistic that the country will return to the democratic system and the rule of law.
"This is very important because no country, which is unstable and does not follow the rule of law, can ever prosper," he added.
I think everyone will be watching with holding breath - that if indeed true "the country will return to the democratic system and the rule of law." - and not the "roti prata rule of law".

Ricky Lim
Listen to the words, watch his actions.
See the hearts.
Eric Pang
Dr :"would enhance anti-corruption practices to ensure a clean business environment and fair play"

No more project handout to bumis contractors?
No more "Project kopi $$"?
No more "Anyhow flip flop by Dr M?"
No more "Anyhow bo pa k agreement"?
No more "Anyhow cut off water supply"?
Let see what you doing to do with the HSR contract.

Bbyeo Yeo
Would you believe That Mamak?
The one who renegades the Water Agreement pricing 3 times over?
In the jungle, kill That mamak first when you see both mamak and snake

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