(Updated: )
Richard Kee
"Can be discussed" has a slightly different meaning for Malaysia and Singapore.
Ricky Lim
Tony Gan
The below is actual cost from official source :-
(1) Cost of rain water to Malaysia = RM 0 sen
(2) Malaysia charges Singapore for rain water = RM 3 sen
(3) Singapore cost of treating water = RM$2.40 sen (per 1000 gallons).
(4) Singapore charge Malaysia only = RM$0.50 sen (per 1000 gallons).
(5) Malaysia sells the water to Malaysia consumers = RM$3.60 sen (per 1000 gallons).
(6) Singapore directly subsidises to Malaysia = RM$1.90 sen (per 1000 gallons).
Malaysia does nothing and make = RM$3.10 sen (per 1000 gallons).
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Ricky Lim
Malaysia did not get 3 sen.
Malaysia does nothing and make = RM$3.10 sen (per 1000 gallons).
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The below is actual cost from official source :-
(1) Cost of rain water to Malaysia = RM 0 sen
(2) Malaysia charges Singapore for rain water = RM 3 sen
(3) Singapore cost of treating water = RM$2.40 sen (per 1000 gallons).
(4) Singapore charge Malaysia only = RM$0.50 sen (per 1000 gallons).
(5) Malaysia sells the water to Malaysia consumers = RM$3.60 sen (per 1000 gallons).
(6) Singapore directly subsidises to Malaysia = RM$1.90 sen (per 1000 gallons).
Malaysia does nothing and make = RM$3.10 sen (per 1000 gallons).
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Ricky Lim
Malaysia did not get 3 sen.
Malaysia does nothing and make = RM$3.10 sen (per 1000 gallons).
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K Tan Don
Ricky Lim : Don't be so stingy lah..cham siong cham siong..counter offer please...if you talk about free rainwater..Singapore also got free rainwater right ? You can use your own free rainwater..we need our rain water for our own.. If you talk about treated water cost, ok, we can build our water plant and get our own water..then we discuss again the water price ? If you want, we can will manage our own water, including water treatment..we will do something about there anywhere in the contract that explicitly say we cannot request for price renegotion or there is no room for price renegotiation after 25 years..please show us the clause..
Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - go back and refer to the signed agreement.
Talk based on contract - no hanky panky.
If Malaysia increased the price of raw water, Singapore should do a corresponding increase in price in treated water.
If cannot resolved, let settle in the International Courts.
You talk, I talk no used.
The best talk in Courts - it is legally binding and no hanky panky.
This will resolve once and for all -- one day flip, the next day flop, the 3rd day somesault.翻来翻去, 没完没了。
Talk based on contract - no hanky panky.
If Malaysia increased the price of raw water, Singapore should do a corresponding increase in price in treated water.
If cannot resolved, let settle in the International Courts.
You talk, I talk no used.
The best talk in Courts - it is legally binding and no hanky panky.
This will resolve once and for all -- one day flip, the next day flop, the 3rd day somesault.翻来翻去, 没完没了。
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R Chris Lin
I did a quick fact check and Ricky Lim is not wrong. I agree also with his suggested opinion that we may gladly see Malaysia in court.
Winston Ling
Ricky Lim The Water Agreement is ALREADY Legal Binding and submitted to United Nations, so why need to bring to court when there is already a legal document binding the price of water till 2061, if Malaysia want to raise the cost of water, its OKAY after 2061, by then i am sure Singapore's own water desalination plant will have meet the supply needs.
Ricky Lim
Winston Ling - Agreed.
Only if Malaysia want to keep bringing up the water issue - then go to Court and talk.
This will stop their harassing.
And also we can stop wasting time on their "politics that like to flip here, flop there, somersault as and when they like" --- which is very much a part of their colorful political culture.
We handle things professionally and don't monkey around - once contract is signed.
Anything not happy - settle in Courts.
Only if Malaysia want to keep bringing up the water issue - then go to Court and talk.
This will stop their harassing.
And also we can stop wasting time on their "politics that like to flip here, flop there, somersault as and when they like" --- which is very much a part of their colorful political culture.
We handle things professionally and don't monkey around - once contract is signed.
Anything not happy - settle in Courts.
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Ricky Lim
K Tan Don - talk in Courts.
Then both sides will open book - and settle it once and for all.
No need to talk here.
Then both sides will open book - and settle it once and for all.
No need to talk here.
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Damien Vesper
K Tan Don Just be sincere and honor the deal. You can't just make an agreement with others and then go back on your word. Who will trust you the next time you want to negotiate a deal. There was a clause for renogatiating prices 25 years after making the deal in 1986-1987 (during Mahathir's first term) but Malaysia did not take the opportunity to do so. You can't blame Singapore for not renegotiating the water price when Malaysia failed to do so when it had the chance. If Malaysia wishes to build it's own treatment plant, nobody is stopping it because it's not forbidden in the agreement. But just stick to the deal until 2061. By then both of our countries would be less reliant on water from each other.
Damien Vesper
And you are clearly only focus on the raw water part of the deal, you seek to increase the price there thinking the deal is unfair for malaysia even when the math contradicts this. Malaysia is gaining from the deal, you are either ignorant on this or trying to deny this fact to help Malaysia gain more. Don't be greedy
Zhuo Kaiyang
K Tan Don by the time you build the plant then say, no incentive to build plant because 50% of the money will be pocketed, maintenance will not be carried out, and the cost of treatment will be much higher than when sg treats it.
not to mention the johor sultan just sits around and rechannel some rainwater to sg, he gets all this free money at 0 risk and no cost.
where is the incentive to build the plant?
not to mention the johor sultan just sits around and rechannel some rainwater to sg, he gets all this free money at 0 risk and no cost.
where is the incentive to build the plant?
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Shaun Chng
The new Malaysian government obviously thinks they can continually push back development of the HSR, and then boost water selling prices to Singapore in a bid to boost their own local population approval ratings.
This however presents a new issue to our Singapore government. If we then sign a new contract with them and yet there is another new regime change, how can we know that contract is binding?
This however presents a new issue to our Singapore government. If we then sign a new contract with them and yet there is another new regime change, how can we know that contract is binding?
Ricky Lim
Cannot trust them even with international agreement signed or contract signed.
Any new contract sign they will want to flip and flop and somersault.
The only way to ensure they stick to the agreement signed is to "Bring them to court" - to ensure they complied with the agreement signed.
They are giving the World the impression of "Trust Deficit" - ie. they are displaying that they cannot be trusted even with contract and signed agreement.
Any new contract sign they will want to flip and flop and somersault.
The only way to ensure they stick to the agreement signed is to "Bring them to court" - to ensure they complied with the agreement signed.
They are giving the World the impression of "Trust Deficit" - ie. they are displaying that they cannot be trusted even with contract and signed agreement.
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