(Updated: )
Ricky Lim
Posted on :- 25 May 2018 06:03AM (Updated: 25 May 2018 09:28AM)
Ricky Lim ·
There was a time when a US president could pull the plug on the initiatives of others and they would wither. Think of the 1999 Kyoto protocol on global warming. Or the 1956 Anglo-French-Israeli invasion of Suez.
The world had already evolved before Mr Trump came to office. His presidency is proof of concept.
When Mr Trump withdrew America from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, as he did in his first week, the trade deal did not die. It is alive and well.
The same applies to the Paris accord on climate change.
My bet is that Europe and China will keep the Iran nuclear deal alive too. It is becoming a habit. Allies and adversaries alike are learning how to sustain deals without the US.
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- 02 Mar 2018
Ricky Lim ·
With Trump declaring Trade War with the whole World, the whole World should attempt to create a "buffer zone" against US - by forging multi-lateral trade deals MINUS US.
This is to ensure the whole World trade among themselves - minus US and cushion any fallout from US trade protectionism.
That is - the whole World build a "Trade Firewall" against Trump led US.
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Posted on :-
08 Mar 2018 01:30PM (Updated: 08 Mar 2018 01:49PM)
Ricky Lim ·
With Trump helming US as President - adopting policy such as "America First" and the "World last" and other protectionist policy - it is imperative that the World should adopt more multi-lateral trade deal - and form a "Trade Firewall" against US economic fallout and hostile trade policy.
Keeping Trump led US out of any trade deals - are the best "Trade Firewall" against Trump.
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Ricky Lim ·
But there is a steeper cost to America, and to the world, that far outweighs Mr Trump’s immediate self-harm. It comes in two forms. The first is cumulative.
The more the US thumbs its nose at the global system that it built, the harder it will be to repair.
America’s allies still cling to the hope that Mr Trump is a one-off. Not only will he be replaced by a more conventional president but we need only wait for two and a half years before that happens.
Should Mr Trump win again in 2020, the global shock will far exceed his first victory. It would confirm what everyone fears — that America has made a lasting decision to walk away from the global order it created. We can already measure the difference after 18 months.
By creating a "Trade Firewall" against Trump-led US ---- it is to prepare for the worst scenario - that Trump will win again in 2020 and Trump is leading US to walk away from global order.
By then, the New World Order will already has been created - with multiple trade deals negotiated and formed - working in unison - minus Trump-led US.
Trump-led US will no longer be significant or relevant to the World Order - 可有可无。
Ricky Lim ·
There was a time when a US president could pull the plug on the initiatives of others and they would wither. Think of the 1999 Kyoto protocol on global warming. Or the 1956 Anglo-French-Israeli invasion of Suez.
The world had already evolved before Mr Trump came to office. His presidency is proof of concept.
When Mr Trump withdrew America from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, as he did in his first week, the trade deal did not die. It is alive and well.
The same applies to the Paris accord on climate change.
My bet is that Europe and China will keep the Iran nuclear deal alive too. It is becoming a habit. Allies and adversaries alike are learning how to sustain deals without the US.
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- 02 Mar 2018
Ricky Lim ·
With Trump declaring Trade War with the whole World, the whole World should attempt to create a "buffer zone" against US - by forging multi-lateral trade deals MINUS US.
This is to ensure the whole World trade among themselves - minus US and cushion any fallout from US trade protectionism.
That is - the whole World build a "Trade Firewall" against Trump led US.
Like · Reply · 1m
Posted on :-
08 Mar 2018 01:30PM (Updated: 08 Mar 2018 01:49PM)
Ricky Lim ·
With Trump helming US as President - adopting policy such as "America First" and the "World last" and other protectionist policy - it is imperative that the World should adopt more multi-lateral trade deal - and form a "Trade Firewall" against US economic fallout and hostile trade policy.
Keeping Trump led US out of any trade deals - are the best "Trade Firewall" against Trump.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim ·
But there is a steeper cost to America, and to the world, that far outweighs Mr Trump’s immediate self-harm. It comes in two forms. The first is cumulative.
The more the US thumbs its nose at the global system that it built, the harder it will be to repair.
America’s allies still cling to the hope that Mr Trump is a one-off. Not only will he be replaced by a more conventional president but we need only wait for two and a half years before that happens.
Should Mr Trump win again in 2020, the global shock will far exceed his first victory. It would confirm what everyone fears — that America has made a lasting decision to walk away from the global order it created. We can already measure the difference after 18 months.
By creating a "Trade Firewall" against Trump-led US ---- it is to prepare for the worst scenario - that Trump will win again in 2020 and Trump is leading US to walk away from global order.
By then, the New World Order will already has been created - with multiple trade deals negotiated and formed - working in unison - minus Trump-led US.
Trump-led US will no longer be significant or relevant to the World Order - 可有可无。
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