Thursday, July 26, 2018

Scientists confirm Einstein's supermassive black hole theory

26 Jul 2018 11:51PM
Ricky Lim
Einstein Law of Relativity = Buddhism 色 = 空,空 = 色。

Universe Space, Gravity (Time, Space), Black Hole = 空 (Jhana Samadhi) (Nirvana).
Universe Stars, Planets = 色 (Samsara Universe)

Einstein say that Time and Space - can be distorted by Gravitational Pull of the Black Hole (under Law of Relativity).

Universe look like void - vacuum - space = Emptiness or 空. But this Void is not true Void - 此空非彼空。Because Universe space will be distorted by Massive Black Hole distorting Space and Time and the larger and denser the Mass (Stars, Planets) - the more space and time will be distorted and the larger the Black Hole.

Thus 色 = 空,空 = 色.

This experience can be attained by Meditator --- who attained Jhana Samadhi (Black Hole) - where all body matter and senses are suck into a black hole (one pointedness concentration).

And then when the one pointedness concentration Jhana Samadhi (black hole) - suck in sufficient mass ---- will explode into a Big Supernova Explosion --- to form the Nirvana that encompass the entire Universe.
--- Which Einstein say that "Massive Super Black Hole - Big Bang --- into Universe).

Yes, Buddhism Jhana Samadhi - did form Nirvana (just like Big Bang Black Hole - form Universe).

It is the true experience of Supreme Enlightenment. 
(double confirm plus double chop)
Ricky Lim
The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. (Albert Einstein)
--- Wonder did Albert Einstein also experience Supreme Enlightenment to understand this - and develop his theory of Law of Relativity?

Ricky Lim
And black hole - gravitational pull can cause stars and planets to move more quickly - fast forwarding time and space.

Similarly, Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana can also fast forward karma (the cause and effect).

Also Einstein talk about spaghetti when in event horizon near the black hole - a person leg is stretch like spaghetti from his head due to strong gravitational pull.

Same as Jhana Samahi - where the one pointedness of concentration is like black hole that suck all body matter and mental sense deep inside --- but the mental frame is intact as the body matter and mental sense got stretch by the one pointedness concentration nimitta light.

Ricky Lim
Einstein is very sure about his Law of Relativity - and no scientists can until now disprove his theory.

If Einstein did not attain Supreme Enlightenment for him to come out with Law of Relativity --- to describe how Big Bang of Black Hole form the SuperNova Universe --- then how can Einstein theory cannot disprove?

Similarly, meditator who attained Supreme Enlightenment of Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana -can vouch for Einstein's theory of Law of Relativity --- because it is the exact experience the meditator went through --- as Einstein describe how Big Bang create the Universe.

Yes, double confirm plus double chop !!!

Einstein use science and physics --- to explain the Big Bang, the Black Hole and the creation of Universe.

Buddha and meditators - use "metaphysics" and cognitive experience to explain Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana (which is the same phenomenon of Big Bang, the Black Hole and the creation of Universe).

Except Einstein talk about "Matter" - 色。(Rupa) 
Buddha and meditators talk about "Mind" or "Mental or consciousness" - 空。(Nama)
Ricky Lim
Not sure whether Einstein mention "Multiverse or Parallel Universe" in his theories.

But in quantum physics or Stephen Hawkings last paper - he did expound his theory of possible "Multiverse or Parallel Universe" - where our Universe is not infinite - it has its boundary that hold what seemingly infinite galaxies, stars, planets --- but there is finite to how much of these 1 Universe can hold.

Other Universe or parallel Universe will form itself and hole its own galaxies, stars, planets.

Ricky Lim
Why do I want to mention "Parallel Universe or Multiverse"?

Because, Buddha in his many discourses talk about "multi-dimension" in "Multi-Universe" - of infinite Buddhas' World.
Buddha discourse that cover this are predominantly documented in Mahayana Buddhism sutra (The Great Vehicle) and not much in or not prominent in Theravada Buddhism sutra or Pali Canon (The Small Vehicle).

Because :-
(1) Buddha attain Supreme Enlightenment (3 Times Perfection of Nirvana) - this is unsurpass, complete, perfect Enlightenment - The Knowers of All Truth.

And Buddha "One Pointedness Concentration" and "Nirvana" - is Perfect and Unsurpass with Supreme Clarity.

Buddha experience with "Jhana Samadhi", "Nirvana" of MetaPhysics of (Mental States) = to the Samsara Matter (Physical States) of Black Holes, Big Bang, Physical Universe and Parallel Universe, Infinite multi-dimensions.

(2) For Bodhisattvas attainment of Enlightenment (2 Times Perfection of Nirvana) - Bodhisattvas "One Pointedness Concentration" and "Nirvana" - i.e. experience with "Jhana Samadhi", "Nirvana" of MetaPhysics of (Mental States) = to the Samsara Matter (Physical States) of Black Holes, Big Bang, Physical Universe - should be the same as the Buddha.

But most Bodhisattvas' sutra did drop hints of Parallel Universe, Infinite multi-dimensions - but did not speak or document in detail or in clarity.

(3) As for Arahat and Pacceka Buddha attainment of Enlightenment (1 Time Perfection of Nirvana) - "One Pointedness Concentration" and "Nirvana" - i.e. experience with "Jhana Samadhi", "Nirvana" of MetaPhysics of (Mental States) = to the Samsara Matter (Physical States) of Black Holes, Big Bang, Physical Universe - should be the same as the Buddha.

But no Arahat or Pacceka Buddha are able to "experience Parallel Universe, Infinite multi-dimensions". Pali Canon or Theravada Buddhism sutra has no mention of such --- where they only see Sakyamuni Buddha as the "One and Only Buddha" - and Matrieya Buddha will be the next coming Buddha.
Ricky Lim
Eg. of Bodhisattva that drop hint of Parallel Universe, Infinite multi-dimensions, Multiverse, infinite Universes - but did not speak or document in detail or in clarity.

Posted on :- Friday, April 26, 2013
Sama Sam BuddhaSa
The Origin of Universe is made up of :-

(1) Basic 4 Great Elements (Matter, Air, Temp, Water) & 5 Mental Aggregates (5-sense consciousness, feeling, perception, judgement, mental formation) – fused into 1 Black Hole & 1-pointedness Jhana concentration Samadhi.

(2) Then 1 Black Hole – Big Bang into Universe & 1-pointedness Jhana concentration Samadhi – expand into 3-Ring Fruition.

Math representation :-

0 to Infinity to 1.

Or 0, 0.0000….1, ……. 0.999999999………….. -1.

0 represent - Basic 4 Great Elements in 1 Big Black Hole & 5 Mental Aggregates of 1-pointedness Jhana concentration Samadhi.

Infinity represent – the current cosmic bodies evolution of galaxies, star, planet, moon, evolution of lives in many pattern and never ending due to permutation of the 4 Great Elements and the 5 Mental Aggregates of the 6 realms sentinent beings and the 4 Enlightened Beings.

1 represent – the Great Final Salvation into 1 Final Great Nirvana.

Thus use math to define :-

• 0, 0.0000….1, ……. 0.999999999………….. - 1. ------ represent 1 Universe – 1 Buddha Final Great Nirvana.

• 1, 1. 0000….1, ……. 0.999999999………….. - 2. ------ represent 2nd Universe –
2nd Buddha Final Great Nirvana.

• Etc until Great Infinity….

Ie. 0,1,2, ……………… 9999999999999999999…….. back to where (math cannot compute) --- but is back to 0.

1st Buddha Final Great Nirvana = 2nd Buddha Final Great Nirvana = Infinity Buddha Final Great Nirvana ============ 1 BIG NIRVANA as Nirvana are all SAME & EQUAL in ALL BUDDHAs.

"Sama Sam Buddhasa" !!!


Ricky Lim
Theravada Buddhism :-
Arahats &
Pacceka Buddhas ---- can only through their "Jhana Samadhi" & "1 time Perfection Nirvana" ---- see "1 Buddha, 1 Universe, 6 realms sentinent beings in 1 Universe".

(Just like many mainstream religions see - 1 Divine Being as the Creator of 1 Universe, 1 Earth of Human Beings and living things).
It is 境界的问题。(Because of the Jhana Samadhi concentration power with 1 time Perfection of Nirvana)

Mahayana Buddhism ;-
Buddhas &
Bodhisattvas --- see "Infinite Buddhas, Infinite Universe, Infinite 6 realms sentinent beings in Infinite Universe in Infinite dimensions".
(Because of the Jhana Samadhi concentration power with 3 times Perfection of Nirvana of the Buddhas and 2 times Perfection of Nirvana of the Bodhisattvas)

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