Thursday, January 25, 2018

Trump takes his 'America First' policies to Davos 'globalists'

25 Jan 2018 03:47PM
Ricky Lim · 

Trump's "America First" policies in trade - will end up as "America Last" in the eyes of Global Leaders.

(1) TPP-11 (CPTPP) - has been concluded without US - since Trump rescinded. US businesses lose out in TPP businesses.

(2) If Trump decide to rescind NAFTA - both Canada and Mvexico - find solace in FTA between them and EU as well as the just concluded TPP-11.

(3) Asia is negotiating the RCEP - without US.

(4) Trump stop EU-US FTA and EU go ahead with FTA with other Countries minus US.

So what does Trump secure for US in terms of trade deals --- a "BIG FAT NIL" --- this is the outcome of Trump "America First" trade policies --- "America Last and Nil" outcome.

Ricky Lim · 
Trump in Davos should boast how many FTA did he secured under him?

Answer :- Zero !

Ricky Lim · 

I guess alot of America's Trump supporters -- are still very proud of his achievements.

Let wait one day when economic recession hit them --- then they will all turn around to whack Trump.

And the whole World will start laughing.

Ricky Lim · 
And when that happen, the whole World are trading among themselves -- with little or minimal interaction with Trump led US - and isolated from US economic fallout.

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