Commentary: What you get if you drink the Kool-Aid of social media marketing
The Ministry of Finance’s move to tap on social media influencers has drawn the attention of Singapore’s online community – and there are lessons we can all learn from this episode, says Channel NewsAsia’s Lin Suling.
(Updated: )
Ricky Lim ·
Some say the Finance Ministry’s effort to engage social media influencers should be applauded and taken as a sign of sincerity in wanting to broaden engagement and tap on a vast spectrum of ideas to help shape policymaking.
But how much latitude is there to shape policy in the month leading up to Budget 2018, where most of the broad ideas on how we want to boost the economy and help households would arguably be already set out?
I think many are sceptical about whether social media will be useful in shaping policy such as the Budget.
Well just to give some examples on how some ideas in social media are being adopted by the Government and feature in the Budget.
(1) Industry Transformation Map (ITM)
- Idea is posted in 2012 to tackle disruptive tech and is adopted by the Government feature in Budget 2016.
- Now this idea is used in 23 industries where 15 industries led by one Minister-of-State have undergone transformation and has start to reap positive outcome - as a good number of companies have start to reap growth and profit through the newly transformed business.
Some say the Finance Ministry’s effort to engage social media influencers should be applauded and taken as a sign of sincerity in wanting to broaden engagement and tap on a vast spectrum of ideas to help shape policymaking.
But how much latitude is there to shape policy in the month leading up to Budget 2018, where most of the broad ideas on how we want to boost the economy and help households would arguably be already set out?
I think many are sceptical about whether social media will be useful in shaping policy such as the Budget.
Well just to give some examples on how some ideas in social media are being adopted by the Government and feature in the Budget.
(1) Industry Transformation Map (ITM)
- Idea is posted in 2012 to tackle disruptive tech and is adopted by the Government feature in Budget 2016.
- Now this idea is used in 23 industries where 15 industries led by one Minister-of-State have undergone transformation and has start to reap positive outcome - as a good number of companies have start to reap growth and profit through the newly transformed business.
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Ricky Lim ·
Source of Origin of ITM :-
Ricky Lim ·
The following is posted on:-
Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 2:57 PM
Ricky Lim
REACH RWEB Submission feedback RWEB2012050100010 via the REACH website: To raise productivity,
To raise productivity, everyone has a part to play :-
1. Business invest in capital tools and send workers for training
2. Workers upgrade skills to operate capital tools
3. Govt provide grants, provide good education, married govt R&D bodies with business etc
4. Government work with various industry to devise objective and tangible KPI to allow business, workers, union, gov, schools etc to shoot for the KPI.
5. Govt, business, bright individuals should scout overseas countries and industries that have make their industries productive and bring it back to Singapore and transform our business to be more productive.
6. Union encourage, provide relevant course for workers to upgrade
7. School train students in right course, right skills and married industry with courses.
8. Home, family members, social bodies have to support working members to provide a conducive environment for working members to be productive.
9. Look at whatever else things that can make the nation productive, to be productive.
10. Peg the wage increase vis-à-vis our regions, our competitors, our international competition to ensure that our wage increase are competitive and will not drive away business – causing massive job losses.
Sent: Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 3:24 PM
Subject: REACH RWEB Submission: Govt agenices working with industries to devise prodictivity figures
To elaborate further :-
(1) Ministry of Comm and iDA – should work with IT industries, foreign IT MNCs, local IT vendors etc to devise objective, tangible KPI productive figures in each technology areas and skillsets vis-à-vis global competition and regional competition – so that IT business and IT workers can target to meet the KPI productivity figures – and peg wage growth in % term and/or absolute term to the productivity figures and business profitability. Communicate this to the IT industries, business, IT workers, Union and schools. Make sure we are competitive with our global competitors and regional competitors.
(2) SLA should do the same with construction sector.
(3) Ministry of Finanace and MAS should work with the banking and financial sector. etc
ricky l
0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Ricky L • a second agoRemove
That is, the concept above is how to transform Singapore Economy in 2016 - sector-by-sector (conceptualising the KPI for each sector) ---- and using targeted approach to transform each sector, each industry one by one.
Only then productivity in each sector, in each industry can be successfully transformed - supported by empirical, scientific measures.
Good that after 4 years --- the idea is taken up.
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Ricky Lim ·
The origin of Industry Transformation Map (ITM).......................
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Ricky Lim ·
The following is posted on:-
Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 2:57 PM
Ricky Lim
REACH RWEB Submission feedback RWEB2012050100010 via the REACH website: To raise productivity,
To raise productivity, everyone has a part to play :-
1. Business invest in capital tools and send workers for training
2. Workers upgrade skills to operate capital tools
3. Govt provide grants, provide good education, married govt R&D bodies with business etc
4. Government work with various industry to devise objective and tangible KPI to allow business, workers, union, gov, schools etc to shoot for the KPI.
5. Govt, business, bright individuals should scout overseas countries and industries that have make their industries productive and bring it back to Singapore and transform our business to be more productive.
6. Union encourage, provide relevant course for workers to upgrade
7. School train students in right course, right skills and married industry with courses.
8. Home, family members, social bodies have to support working members to provide a conducive environment for working members to be productive.
9. Look at whatever else things that can make the nation productive, to be productive.
10. Peg the wage increase vis-à-vis our regions, our competitors, our international competition to ensure that our wage increase are competitive and will not drive away business – causing massive job losses.
Sent: Tuesday, 1 May, 2012 3:24 PM
Subject: REACH RWEB Submission: Govt agenices working with industries to devise prodictivity figures
To elaborate further :-
(1) Ministry of Comm and iDA – should work with IT industries, foreign IT MNCs, local IT vendors etc to devise objective, tangible KPI productive figures in each technology areas and skillsets vis-à-vis global competition and regional competition – so that IT business and IT workers can target to meet the KPI productivity figures – and peg wage growth in % term and/or absolute term to the productivity figures and business profitability. Communicate this to the IT industries, business, IT workers, Union and schools. Make sure we are competitive with our global competitors and regional competitors.
(2) SLA should do the same with construction sector.
(3) Ministry of Finanace and MAS should work with the banking and financial sector. etc
ricky l
0Thumbs UpThumbs Down0Ricky L • a second agoRemove
That is, the concept above is how to transform Singapore Economy in 2016 - sector-by-sector (conceptualising the KPI for each sector) ---- and using targeted approach to transform each sector, each industry one by one.
Only then productivity in each sector, in each industry can be successfully transformed - supported by empirical, scientific measures.
Good that after 4 years --- the idea is taken up.
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Ricky Lim ·
The origin of Industry Transformation Map (ITM).......................
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Ricky Lim ·
Ricky Lim ·
(2) Posting in social media on how to revamp MRT is made on16 Nov 2017- to ensure MRT will become more reliable and after an MRT accident in Joo Koon MRT.
MRT take action on :- 10 Dec 2017
350 shuttle buses, 700 drivers activated on first NSEWL full-day closure
By Elizabeth Neo @ElizabethNeoCNA
10 Dec 2017
MRT take action on :- 10 Dec 2017
350 shuttle buses, 700 drivers activated on first NSEWL full-day closure
By Elizabeth Neo @ElizabethNeoCNA
10 Dec 2017
Ricky Lim ·
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :-
16 Nov 2017 07:52AM (Updated: 16 Nov 2017 12:47PM)
Ricky Lim ·
Few neasures here may help to mitigate and minimise MRT disruptions and safety :-
(1) Failsafe, failsoft mechanism - eg, if signaling software fail, hardware eg. IoT take over - if not human backup must be able to manual override and take over if signaling software fail.
(2) Redundant lines - to be able to shut down the whole line for maintenance, repair and fail over to redundant line eg, the up and coming redundant thomson line from Changi, Ang Mo Kio to Jurong (NUS, NTU, SP, NP, UniSim, One-North, Science Park) ---- will alleviate and provide redundant to the Green line (East-West line) and Red line (Ang Mo Kio line to Jurong East).
(3) Improve work culture and morale of staff - demoralise staff will not put in extra effort to make the system work or improve the system.
(4) Parallel bus system (that run along the MRT station) - able to beef up during MRT disruption
(5) Proactive, predictive, reactive maintenance - to upgrade and improve the parts that are 20 to 30 years old.
(6) Realtime information dispensement to inform public - that eg. "A" line is unavailable for servicing and move over to "B" line. (This is the same as London tube - where one line is taken down for servicing, a parallel line is activated to serve public. And if both lines are down, bus system that ply the MRT stations are activated). --- 3 redundant public transport system in place. If to be more kiasu, activate PMD, hire-bicycle also put in place - for those who are adventurous to rely on during disruptions.
Make this a standard modus operandi that public will take it as natural course.
---- All mechanical things, or software, or hardware, or system --- will fail some point in time - and need maintenance, servicing, repair.
----- The key is there will be a failsafe alternative, failsoft mechanism to mitigate, redundant system to seamlessly or close to seamless take over of main line if fail.
eg. car will fail on the road and need maintenance.
air con will fail and need maintenance.
computer system will fail, and need redundant system to take over.
etc etc.
Make public understand this.
人法地, 地法天, 天法道,道法自然。
This is the Universal Law of Impermanence.
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Ricky Lim ·
Since the parallel MRT thomson line that run parallel to East-West Line and North South line are still work in progress and not available now -----
"May have to consider using Bus services to run to all MRT stations ---- for eg. service provided during peak hours --- eg. go office hours and after office hours --- to backup MRT lines).
If MRT lines disrupted --- parallel bus service can be beef up =------ until the new parallel MRT line is available."
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Ricky Lim ·
To save cost, this parallel bus service vthat run along the MRT stations will not run during off-peak hours.
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Ricky Lim ·
Best still come up with a transit guide, information display system etc- to illustrate the redundant systems :- eg.
(1) Line A - normal (or disrupted - go to Line B, C and D eg.)
(2) Line B - normal (or disrupted)
(3) Bus service C - normal (or disrupted)
(4) hire PMD, Hire bike D - normal (or disrupted)
Like · Reply · 1m
Posted on :-
16 Nov 2017 07:52AM (Updated: 16 Nov 2017 12:47PM)
Ricky Lim ·
Few neasures here may help to mitigate and minimise MRT disruptions and safety :-
(1) Failsafe, failsoft mechanism - eg, if signaling software fail, hardware eg. IoT take over - if not human backup must be able to manual override and take over if signaling software fail.
(2) Redundant lines - to be able to shut down the whole line for maintenance, repair and fail over to redundant line eg, the up and coming redundant thomson line from Changi, Ang Mo Kio to Jurong (NUS, NTU, SP, NP, UniSim, One-North, Science Park) ---- will alleviate and provide redundant to the Green line (East-West line) and Red line (Ang Mo Kio line to Jurong East).
(3) Improve work culture and morale of staff - demoralise staff will not put in extra effort to make the system work or improve the system.
(4) Parallel bus system (that run along the MRT station) - able to beef up during MRT disruption
(5) Proactive, predictive, reactive maintenance - to upgrade and improve the parts that are 20 to 30 years old.
(6) Realtime information dispensement to inform public - that eg. "A" line is unavailable for servicing and move over to "B" line. (This is the same as London tube - where one line is taken down for servicing, a parallel line is activated to serve public. And if both lines are down, bus system that ply the MRT stations are activated). --- 3 redundant public transport system in place. If to be more kiasu, activate PMD, hire-bicycle also put in place - for those who are adventurous to rely on during disruptions.
Make this a standard modus operandi that public will take it as natural course.
---- All mechanical things, or software, or hardware, or system --- will fail some point in time - and need maintenance, servicing, repair.
----- The key is there will be a failsafe alternative, failsoft mechanism to mitigate, redundant system to seamlessly or close to seamless take over of main line if fail.
eg. car will fail on the road and need maintenance.
air con will fail and need maintenance.
computer system will fail, and need redundant system to take over.
etc etc.
Make public understand this.
人法地, 地法天, 天法道,道法自然。
This is the Universal Law of Impermanence.
Like · Reply · 1 min
Ricky Lim ·
Since the parallel MRT thomson line that run parallel to East-West Line and North South line are still work in progress and not available now -----
"May have to consider using Bus services to run to all MRT stations ---- for eg. service provided during peak hours --- eg. go office hours and after office hours --- to backup MRT lines).
If MRT lines disrupted --- parallel bus service can be beef up =------ until the new parallel MRT line is available."
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Ricky Lim ·
To save cost, this parallel bus service vthat run along the MRT stations will not run during off-peak hours.
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Ricky Lim ·
Best still come up with a transit guide, information display system etc- to illustrate the redundant systems :- eg.
(1) Line A - normal (or disrupted - go to Line B, C and D eg.)
(2) Line B - normal (or disrupted)
(3) Bus service C - normal (or disrupted)
(4) hire PMD, Hire bike D - normal (or disrupted)
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Ricky Lim ·
(3) Posting on 13 Jul 2017 :-
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Adopted and announce on :- 17 Jul 2017
Be friends with all and enemies with none, but don't compromise national interests: Vivian Balakrishnan
By Liyana Othman @LiyanaOthmanCNA
17 Jul 2017 06:19PM (Updated: 17 Jul 2017 08:49PM
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Adopted and announce on :- 17 Jul 2017
Be friends with all and enemies with none, but don't compromise national interests: Vivian Balakrishnan
By Liyana Othman @LiyanaOthmanCNA
17 Jul 2017 06:19PM (Updated: 17 Jul 2017 08:49PM
Ricky Lim ·
Orignal Posting :-
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :-
13 Jul 2017
Ricky Lim ·
It is Singapore's interest to work with all Countries and keep the sea lane open for all - as Singapore trade with most if not all Countries.
And this is based on the principle of mutual benefits.
So making our stand clear is important for us to China, US or any other Countries.
Like · Reply · 14 mins
Ricky Lim ·
We are consistent with our priniciple of :-
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Like · Reply · 7 mins
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :-
13 Jul 2017
Ricky Lim ·
It is Singapore's interest to work with all Countries and keep the sea lane open for all - as Singapore trade with most if not all Countries.
And this is based on the principle of mutual benefits.
So making our stand clear is important for us to China, US or any other Countries.
Like · Reply · 14 mins
Ricky Lim ·
We are consistent with our priniciple of :-
"Make friends with all and make no enemies".
"Forge mutual benefits with Win-Win outcome".
Like · Reply · 7 mins
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Ricky Lim ·
(4) Posting proposed Police to upgrade revolver to handgun using magazine for fast loading on 21 January 2016.
Adopted in :- April 2017
Anti-terror efforts to continue as threats remain at 'a high level': Shanmugam
Singapore has seen more cases of radicalisation this year – including women and even uniformed officers.
17 Dec 2017 09:06AM (Updated: 17 Dec 2017 10:52AM)
Even frontline officers - who are more likely to fight crime than heavily-armed terrorists - have seen their traditional revolvers replaced with automatic pistols capable of greater firepower since April.
Adopted in :- April 2017
Anti-terror efforts to continue as threats remain at 'a high level': Shanmugam
Singapore has seen more cases of radicalisation this year – including women and even uniformed officers.
17 Dec 2017 09:06AM (Updated: 17 Dec 2017 10:52AM)
Even frontline officers - who are more likely to fight crime than heavily-armed terrorists - have seen their traditional revolvers replaced with automatic pistols capable of greater firepower since April.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim ·
Original source :-
Posted in :-
January 21, 2016
ricky l
ricky l1 minute ago
Notice that our police force is still using revolver of 6 rounds.
As our Country is safe from violent criminals, police armed with revolver of 6 rounds is a good deterrent.
But now with the advent of ISIS threat around this region, thought that more powerful handgun with more bullets and easier reloading may become necessary.
Eg. of such handgun should come with magazine of say around 15 rounds per magazine will be a sufficient deterrent to deter terrorists threat.
ricky lricky l10 seconds ago
The preloaded magazine will facilitate fast reloading if the first clip is used up.
ricky l
ricky lnow
Some such hand guns also come with laser - and this will be more effective against terrorist - as laser will facilitate fast aiming by the laser without the waiting for the "eye-aiming" ---- so that it will be faster to take out a terrorist esp. if the terrorist is arm with powerful weapon or suicide vest.
The fast response to aim and discharge the weapon to take down the terrorists - will mean saving more life.
Posted in :-
January 21, 2016
ricky l
ricky l1 minute ago
Notice that our police force is still using revolver of 6 rounds.
As our Country is safe from violent criminals, police armed with revolver of 6 rounds is a good deterrent.
But now with the advent of ISIS threat around this region, thought that more powerful handgun with more bullets and easier reloading may become necessary.
Eg. of such handgun should come with magazine of say around 15 rounds per magazine will be a sufficient deterrent to deter terrorists threat.
ricky lricky l10 seconds ago
The preloaded magazine will facilitate fast reloading if the first clip is used up.
ricky l
ricky lnow
Some such hand guns also come with laser - and this will be more effective against terrorist - as laser will facilitate fast aiming by the laser without the waiting for the "eye-aiming" ---- so that it will be faster to take out a terrorist esp. if the terrorist is arm with powerful weapon or suicide vest.
The fast response to aim and discharge the weapon to take down the terrorists - will mean saving more life.
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Ricky Lim ·
(5) Posting proposing a Government Central Job Portal to consolidate job required by each industries by each organisation - so that job applicants can have a central source to apply for jobs - rather than using disparate job portals -- where recruiters cannot find job applicants and vice versa.
cannot remember the date.
Action :- Adopted by Government - and is call WDA Job Portal.
cannot remember the date.
Action :- Adopted by Government - and is call WDA Job Portal.
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Ricky Lim ·
(6) Hawker centre operate like a social entrepreneur to help lower-income group, retirees and jobless or students etc. Posted in 6 Jan 2014.
Action adopted in :- 8 Oct 2017
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Hawker centre run on not-for-profit basis opens in Jurong West
A new hawker centre that aims to offer a "holistic approach"
to the hawker trade has opened in Jurong West.
Action adopted in :- 8 Oct 2017
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Hawker centre run on not-for-profit basis opens in Jurong West
A new hawker centre that aims to offer a "holistic approach"
to the hawker trade has opened in Jurong West.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim ·
Original source :-
Hawker centre run on not-for-profit basis opens in Jurong West
A new hawker centre that aims to offer a "holistic approach"
to the hawker trade has opened in Jurong West.
related media assets (image or videos) available. Click to see the gallery.
08 Oct 2017 11:18PM (Updated: 09 Oct 2017 12:12AM)
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :-
Jan 06, 2014
8:24 AM
To be a social entrepreneur, one need to be enterprising and make the business viable - so that those people benefited from the social entrepreneurship can continue to reap the benefit long turn without folding up.
Thus like the social enterprise CEO that run the hawker centre - he need to be experienced in running such food centre so that he will be effective in sourcing for cheap raw food supply, economies of scale in purchasing to get good discount through consolidated purchase, centralised payment counter, centralised dish and utensil cleaning, use green energy etc to save cost - and yet able to delight and attract customers with cheap but quality and tasty food.
Only then social entreprenuership in hawker centre can survive to meet the social objectives of :-
(1) providing jobs for people
(2) provide low cost but relatively good quality food that will attract and retain customers.
(3) operate on a cost recovery model.
Note :- Customers will not come - just because it is low cost food - the food quality must also be relatively good and the ambience of the eating place must also be relatively comfortable.
If not can think of 2 tiers serving - one tier - very good food but slightly pricey food to cross-subsidise. 2nd tier - relative quality but low cost food. In this case the ambience of the eatery also not too bad.
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Hawker centre run on not-for-profit basis opens in Jurong West
A new hawker centre that aims to offer a "holistic approach"
to the hawker trade has opened in Jurong West.
related media assets (image or videos) available. Click to see the gallery.
08 Oct 2017 11:18PM (Updated: 09 Oct 2017 12:12AM)
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :-
Jan 06, 2014
8:24 AM
To be a social entrepreneur, one need to be enterprising and make the business viable - so that those people benefited from the social entrepreneurship can continue to reap the benefit long turn without folding up.
Thus like the social enterprise CEO that run the hawker centre - he need to be experienced in running such food centre so that he will be effective in sourcing for cheap raw food supply, economies of scale in purchasing to get good discount through consolidated purchase, centralised payment counter, centralised dish and utensil cleaning, use green energy etc to save cost - and yet able to delight and attract customers with cheap but quality and tasty food.
Only then social entreprenuership in hawker centre can survive to meet the social objectives of :-
(1) providing jobs for people
(2) provide low cost but relatively good quality food that will attract and retain customers.
(3) operate on a cost recovery model.
Note :- Customers will not come - just because it is low cost food - the food quality must also be relatively good and the ambience of the eating place must also be relatively comfortable.
If not can think of 2 tiers serving - one tier - very good food but slightly pricey food to cross-subsidise. 2nd tier - relative quality but low cost food. In this case the ambience of the eatery also not too bad.
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Ricky Lim ·
(7) Posted on :- March 3, 2017
ricky l 5 seconds ago
There are 2 aspects of cyber warriors that perform the role of cyber defense :-
(1) Protection of our IT infrastructure
(2) Psychological and ideological warfare - propagated through the cyber space.
ricky l
Action taken :- 14 Jan 2018
Commentary: As information warfare enters a new age, time for a Total Defence upgrade
With the establishment of a Parliamentary Select Committee to address the dangers and response to “deliberate online falsehoods”, Channel NewsAsia Digital News' Chief Editor Jaime Ho suggests a careful assessment of the real threats, and a re-look at what Total Defence means.
By Jaime Ho Chief Editor, Digital News
14 Jan 2018 06:26AM (Updated: 14 Jan 2018 07:55AM)
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Speaking to explain its launch that year, then Minister for Defence Goh Chok Tong outlined the evolving needs of a young nation and the concomitant defence imperatives that the country faced:
From military and civil defence, to economic defence, social defence to defend the country’s multiracial space, and finally to an undergirding psychological defence, to ensure that Singaporeans are “willing to stand up for themselves”.
I would argue that focus on a new area of defence is needed, to ensure that Singaporeans are not just able to stand up for themselves, but also think for themselves, in what could be called a cognitive defence.
Such a defence at its core is deeply personal, and involves two key dimensions: First, growing and maintaining a deep-seated awareness of current affairs and the world around us, and especially what’s driving international conflicts.
Second, being educated about these issues, in ensuring that we understand the nuances and trade-offs, their domestic relevance, and understanding that one should only come to a judgement with all the necessary and credible information available.
ricky l 5 seconds ago
There are 2 aspects of cyber warriors that perform the role of cyber defense :-
(1) Protection of our IT infrastructure
(2) Psychological and ideological warfare - propagated through the cyber space.
ricky l
Action taken :- 14 Jan 2018
Commentary: As information warfare enters a new age, time for a Total Defence upgrade
With the establishment of a Parliamentary Select Committee to address the dangers and response to “deliberate online falsehoods”, Channel NewsAsia Digital News' Chief Editor Jaime Ho suggests a careful assessment of the real threats, and a re-look at what Total Defence means.
By Jaime Ho Chief Editor, Digital News
14 Jan 2018 06:26AM (Updated: 14 Jan 2018 07:55AM)
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Speaking to explain its launch that year, then Minister for Defence Goh Chok Tong outlined the evolving needs of a young nation and the concomitant defence imperatives that the country faced:
From military and civil defence, to economic defence, social defence to defend the country’s multiracial space, and finally to an undergirding psychological defence, to ensure that Singaporeans are “willing to stand up for themselves”.
I would argue that focus on a new area of defence is needed, to ensure that Singaporeans are not just able to stand up for themselves, but also think for themselves, in what could be called a cognitive defence.
Such a defence at its core is deeply personal, and involves two key dimensions: First, growing and maintaining a deep-seated awareness of current affairs and the world around us, and especially what’s driving international conflicts.
Second, being educated about these issues, in ensuring that we understand the nuances and trade-offs, their domestic relevance, and understanding that one should only come to a judgement with all the necessary and credible information available.
Ricky Lim ·
17 Jan 2018 06:22PM (Updated: 17 Jan 2018 06:33PM)
Ricky Lim ·
SINGAPORE: Ahead of the upcoming Budget 2018, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) has been reaching out to social media influencers to promote the Budget and related public feedback sessions on Instagram.
These influencers were paid "in line with market rate", the spokesperson said, adding that the ministry had reached out to more than 50 influencers.
It is good that the Government is recognising social media influencers.
By reaching out to social media influencers, the Government is also tapping a vast amount of ideas out there that can help to shape policy making
It is wise to tap and muster the strength of social media.
Because it is realtime, online and can reach many audience and mainstream media offering many varied solutions and ideas even weird unthinkable ones but could bring a breakthrough).
Because social media contribute to the building up of metadata, Big Data where policy makers and mainstream media are tapping for solutions to World problems and National problems.
Social media can shape National events and influence World events online, real time and transform the World into a wholesome World.
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Thus all the above are just some examples of how social media has contributed to the policy making of Singapore.
In fact social media has contribute tremendously to help to shape World events - and many ideas have been accepted by International Community and help to build a more Wholesome World.
Ricky Lim ·
SINGAPORE: Ahead of the upcoming Budget 2018, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) has been reaching out to social media influencers to promote the Budget and related public feedback sessions on Instagram.
These influencers were paid "in line with market rate", the spokesperson said, adding that the ministry had reached out to more than 50 influencers.
It is good that the Government is recognising social media influencers.
By reaching out to social media influencers, the Government is also tapping a vast amount of ideas out there that can help to shape policy making
It is wise to tap and muster the strength of social media.
Because it is realtime, online and can reach many audience and mainstream media offering many varied solutions and ideas even weird unthinkable ones but could bring a breakthrough).
Because social media contribute to the building up of metadata, Big Data where policy makers and mainstream media are tapping for solutions to World problems and National problems.
Social media can shape National events and influence World events online, real time and transform the World into a wholesome World.
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Thus all the above are just some examples of how social media has contributed to the policy making of Singapore.
In fact social media has contribute tremendously to help to shape World events - and many ideas have been accepted by International Community and help to build a more Wholesome World.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited
Ricky Lim ·
Form is Formless, Formless is Form.
What sounds and looks Virtual can be Real, What sounds and looks Real could be Virtual.
What looks and sounds very Unreal, Virtual can be Very Real. And what looks and sounds Real could be Unreal or Virtual.
Only the ability to distinguish, employ, deploy what is Virtual, what is Real --- is the Zen Master.
Form is Formless, Formless is Form.
What sounds and looks Virtual can be Real, What sounds and looks Real could be Virtual.
What looks and sounds very Unreal, Virtual can be Very Real. And what looks and sounds Real could be Unreal or Virtual.
Only the ability to distinguish, employ, deploy what is Virtual, what is Real --- is the Zen Master.
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Ricky Lim ·
Social media has the power and strength of employing 禅的精髓 - only for the purpose and mission of doing wholesome and good cause - not to do employ for unwholesome and evil cause of sabotaging, subversion or destruction that harm people.
As it will bring karma - good karma for wholesome cause. bad karma for unwholesome cause.
As it will bring karma - good karma for wholesome cause. bad karma for unwholesome cause.
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