Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Targeting youths, Finance Ministry taps social media influencers to promote Budget 2018

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
SINGAPORE: Ahead of the upcoming Budget 2018, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) has been reaching out to social media influencers to promote the Budget and related public feedback sessions on Instagram.
These influencers were paid "in line with market rate", the spokesperson said, adding that the ministry had reached out to more than 50 influencers.

It is good that the Government is recognising social media influencers.
By reaching out to social media influencers, the Government is also tapping a vast amount of ideas out there that can help to shape policy making

It is wise to tap and muster the strength of social media.

Because it is realtime, online and can reach many audience and mainstream media offering many varied solutions and ideas even weird unthinkable ones but could bring a breakthrough).

Because social media contribute to the building up of metadata, Big Data where policy makers and mainstream media are tapping for solutions to World problems and National problems.

Social media can shape National events and influence World events online, real time and transform the World into a wholesome World.

Ricky Lim · 

However, important to ensure that this social media influencers - got enough money to live, eat, study, see doctors and live meaningfully - since they can play a vital role in contributing to the policy making of the Nation and benefit the Nation and all Singaporeans.

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