Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Microsoft says security patches slowing down PCs, servers

Microsoft Corp said on Tuesday the patches released to guard against Meltdown and Spectre security threats slowed down some personal computers and servers, with systems running on older Intel Corp processors seeing a noticeable decrease in performance.


 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
Posted on :-
05 Jan 2018 02:50PM (Updated: 05 Jan 2018 03:49PM)

Ricky Lim · Singapore
Intel has to let users know whether intel is providing the patches - that does not cause performance problem or microsoft patches does not cause performance problem.

Users will not want to use the patches that cause 30% drop in performance - and both intel and microsoft have to let users know before rolling out the patches.
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Ricky Lim · 
Now it is proven that Microsoft security patches has slow donw PCs and servers, Intel, Microsoft what is the solution?

It is difficult to accept a slow PC or server - while accepting the "slow" patches.

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