Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Denuclearisation is path to peace: South Korea's Moon

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
Denuclearisation is the eventual goal.
Rome is not built in one day.
It may not be possible now - but it could be possible in the future.
Alot of confident building, trust building, highly skilled diplomatic effort plus a slew of positive events must take place to build trust - before talk on denuclearisation can happen.

But there is a possibiity that along the way, things can go sour and efforts will be needed to bring the trust back.

3 things are very clear now :-
(1) Both sides do not want war.
(2) Both sides do not want nuclear war.
(3) Economic development, to break out from isolation, removal of sanction - is vital to N Korea.

Can work along this line.

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