Sunday, January 7, 2018

Trump says willing to talk with North Korean leader

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

Amazing. Now Donald Trump say Korean talk is a great thing for humanity.
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Ricky Lim · 

This is a sign of :-
似相非相天 ---- 神是你,鬼又是你。
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Ricky Lim · 

Always like to say the great things he has created --- when others have to scramble behind to clean up his shit - and turn around the outcome.
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Ricky Lim · 

似相非相天 - don't have a focus point.

The characteristics is a "yo yo".

Reply7 minsEdited
Ricky Lim · 

This is what Trump say earlier :-

Trump says he wants North Korea to give up its nukes before talks...
7 Nov 2017 ... Trump's just-announced North Korea stance is less apocalyptic, but still pretty much doomed to fail. ... Trump says he wants North Korea to give up its nukes before talks can start. ... But there are two major reasons why Trump's policy is different, and even less likely to succeed, than what came before him.

Lindsey Graham: Trump “told me” he will bomb North Korea if it...
1 Aug 2017 ... "If thousands die, they're going to die over there. ... Lindsey Graham: Trump “told me” he will bomb North Korea if it keeps testing missiles ... Graham went even further later in the interview, saying war between the United States and North Korea was “inevitable” under this president unless North Korea stops ...
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Ricky Lim · 

No one can stop Trump from waging nuclear war with North Korea...
Trump's threat to nuke North Korea has experts poring over the fine print on presidential authority. ... No One Can Stop Trump From Waging Nuclear War With North Korea, Not Even His Generals. By Jeff Stein On 9/27/17 at 3:36 PM. Trump North Korea U.S. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump at the ...

North Korea Nuclear Missiles: How Many People Will Die If Kim ...
5 Oct 2017 ... New analysis uses North Korea's estimated capabilities to calculate the amount of casualties that would result from a nuclear attack. ... The possibility of North Korea actually initiating an attack remains remote, as the goal of the regime appears to be self-preservation rather than world domination. But the ...
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Ricky Lim · 

This is how close the World are - in experiencing a nuclear war.
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Ricky Lim · 
Without social media, the World may end with Donald Trump blunder.

Nuclear war will have broken up, possibly follow by WW3.

Some people call this judgement day - may have come.

Trump pre-emptive strike have the possibility of ending the World.
Kim is dangerous - but he is more like the catalyst for Trump to act.

The danger is not over yet - but a temporary reprieve has at least happen - and make "ice breaking talk" possible.
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