Sunday, January 21, 2018

Trump inauguration anniversary marred by shutdown, protests


Ricky Lim · 

If less than 40% of the Americans poll to say that he did not do a good job - wonder how others can say he did a great job as President.

He is also unpopular with other Countries.
Ricky Lim · 

And this hundred of thousands of protesters on the street - is a good sign that he did not do a good job.
Ricky Lim · 

Ricky Lim ·
Is it true that he really protected the American - or is he providing them with immediate gratification - but pose a long term sufferings and burden for the Americans?
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Ricky Lim ·
(1) Donald Trump's tax code - enrich the super-rich at the expense of the middle-income and lower income group (removing many social welfare benefits such as education, health grants etc) - and accumulate a mammoth debt of $1.4trillion unto the $20 trillion debt that US has piled on.

And this so call "Economy trickle down" - for the last 40 years has not worked - but only meant to benefit the super rich like Donald Trump and grossly widen the income inequality of the Americans.
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Ricky Lim ·
(2) Donald Trump so call climate hoax and his rescind of Paris Climate Agreement has trigger :-
- Bomb cyclone extreme weather in the North Eastern part of US
- induce year long California forest fire
- 4 hurricanes that whip US - causing a "nuclear catastrophe" type of damages to US.

You call this protecting Americans?
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Ricky Lim ·
(3) Do you know that Donald Trump almost advertently trigger a nuclear war with N Korea - with his dangerous tweet of "my nuclear button is bigger than Kim and mine works" - in child-like behaviour?

Americans are giving Donald Trump to play with "nuclear button" -- instead of pacifier.

It N Korea fire a multiple of nuclear, chemical or biological missiles at US, US missile interceptors will fail - and millions of Americans will perish.

You call this protecting Americans?
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Ricky Lim ·
(4) Donald Trump cancel the multi-lateral trade deals, TPP, TIPP and threaten the NAFTA, Korea trade deals etc.

Do you know that Countries all over the World are ignoring US in further business and trade deals - but instead move on to work more closely with other Countries in the World.

You call this protecting Americans' business, jobs, investment?

In long term, Americans will discover that they will be losing alot of business opportunities with the rest of the World.

You call this protecting Americans?
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Ricky Lim ·
There are many misgiving and dangerously incompetency of Donald Trump ---- that instead of protecting Americans ---- Donald Trump is causing long term harm to Americans and the US strategic interest.
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Ricky Lim · 

Obama is the one that turn US Economy of deep recession from sub-prime crisis that he inherit and turn it around to grow.

Trump is just riding on the achievements of Obama - and claim it as his.
Ricky Lim · 

Who can't be a populist Trump to please the populist?

Very easy what.

1. We want tax cut. Trump :- I give.
2. We want no immigrants. Trump :- I give.
3. We want jobs by pulling back all firms. Trump :- I give.
4. We want to build wall. Trump :- I give.
5. We don't want trade. Trump :- I give.
6. We don't want climate deal. Trump :- I give.
etc etc.

Who can't be President like Trump --- any tom, dick and harry also can.

Then what give?
US will give way - laden with huge debts, incompetitive, isolated, lose world respect, lose friends, lose trading partners etc --- and one day US collapse.
Ricky Lim · 

为了解救人类的这次浩劫(小三灾) (天灾,人祸,瘟疫), 已在传媒发动了三十年的 “救世禅”。



With the destiny of human facing the likely 3 minor catastrophe (some call it Judgement Day) (Global Climate, Natural disaster; War-nuclear war, WW3; Epidemic) - social media has been triggered for the past 30 years of "World Salvation Zen".

Work is laboriously done via social media. Whether Salvation can be accomplished will be determined by Humanity Collective Karma.

Heaven destined, Karma determined.

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