Monday, January 15, 2018

Pope warns world is one step away from nuclear war

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim · 

Pope Francis said on Monday (Jan 15) he was really afraid about the danger of nuclear war and that the world now stood at "the very limit".
His comment, made as he flew off for a visit to Chile and Peru, came after Hawaii issued a false missile alert that provoked panic in the US state and highlighted the risk of possible unintended nuclear war with North Korea.
Asked if he was worried about the possibility of nuclear war, Pope Francis said: "I think we are at the very limit. I am really afraid of this. One accident is enough to precipitate things."

The World is facing the convergence of 小三灾 (the 3 Minor Catastrophe) - where some group called it the "Judgement Day" - ending of Humanity on Earth.

They are :-
(1) War (人祸)- Nuclear war, even possibly WW3.
(2) Global Climate, natural disaster (天灾)
(3) Epidemic (瘟疫)

which is the manifestation of Universal Karma - due to Hatred (嗔),Ignorance of Universal Law (痴),Greed (贪)。
Ricky Lim · 

Not yet 大三灾 (the 3 Major Catastrophe) - that signify the ending of Universe :-
(1). Universe collapsed into a Big Black Hole.
(2). 6 realms sentinent beings collapsed into 1 Avici Hell.
(3). Universal Dharma can't be heard

Ricky Lim · 
Posted in:-
14 Jan 2018 03:00AM (Updated: 14 Jan 2018 07:31AM)

Ricky Lim ·
In a nuclear attack, even the most solid bunker will be useless.
It probably can help human hiding it to survive the 1st blast, but there after the whole place will become uninhabitable due to nuclear contamination.

Even 30 years is uninhabitable.

Food, water, places are subjected to nuclear radiation and human will not be able to survive.
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Ricky Lim ·
Imagine when this happen, refugees will be unmanageable where everyone will have to scramble to leave the place that is nuke.
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Ricky Lim ·
Even for those who survive the blast and manage to leave the place - will have to deal with nuclear radiated sickness.

It will be immense sufferings - if ever a nuke attack happens.
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Ricky Lim ·
Imagine if Korean peninsula is nuke ----- with nuclear radiation spreading 3,000 km radius ---- multi-million refugees from many Countries will be produced ---- and all run where?
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Ricky Lim ·
The best situation is that S Korea and N Korea is able and manage to break the ice, plenty of confident building and trust building, establish military contact and ensure no mishap, miscalculation will happen.

There after, believe will take a while before genuine contact can happen - between N Korea with US through S Korea.

This will be the best scenario.

Nuclear confrontation is not a joke.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
The events that will derail the goodwill are such as :-
- missile test
- nuclear test
- military exercise

And all these will again cause the past tension to rise.
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