(Updated: )
Choi Hongmun
Stupid corporation! Wasting our time and money.
Like · Reply · 3 · 6h
Charles Lau ·
SMRT should compensate us with free trips and fare discounts after the renewal work is complete.
Ricky Lim ·
You mean when the parts reached its shelf life, it should not be upgraded?
Then when the train breakdown, why you all kau beh kau boo?
Maintain you damn.
Breakdown you damn.
Right you damn.
Wrong you also damn.
You think so easy to be a SMRT management?
You think so easy to be a transport Minister?
Who do also die.
It is like a kamikazi mission.
Then when the train breakdown, why you all kau beh kau boo?
Maintain you damn.
Breakdown you damn.
Right you damn.
Wrong you also damn.
You think so easy to be a SMRT management?
You think so easy to be a transport Minister?
Who do also die.
It is like a kamikazi mission.
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim ·
Those who do, manage and run MRT must be mentally very tough - to withstand alot of nonsense complaints, and also physically very tough to burn weekends, work OT, late night - to get the MRT in tip top condition and get the MRT running ---- to please non-appreciative commuters.
Do you damn.
Don't do you also damn.
Thus MRT management and staff - must be a "Mental Commando".
Do you damn.
Don't do you also damn.
Thus MRT management and staff - must be a "Mental Commando".
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :-
16 Nov 2017 07:52AM (Updated: 16 Nov 2017 12:47PM)
Ricky Lim ·
Few neasures here may help to mitigate and minimise MRT disruptions and safety :-
(1) Failsafe, failsoft mechanism - eg, if signaling software fail, hardware eg. IoT take over - if not human backup must be able to manual override and take over if signaling software fail.
(2) Redundant lines - to be able to shut down the whole line for maintenance, repair and fail over to redundant line eg, the up and coming redundant thomson line from Changi, Ang Mo Kio to Jurong (NUS, NTU, SP, NP, UniSim, One-North, Science Park) ---- will alleviate and provide redundant to the Green line (East-West line) and Red line (Ang Mo Kio line to Jurong East).
(3) Improve work culture and morale of staff - demoralise staff will not put in extra effort to make the system work or improve the system.
(4) Parallel bus system (that run along the MRT station) - able to beef up during MRT disruption
(5) Proactive, predictive, reactive maintenance - to upgrade and improve the parts that are 20 to 30 years old.
(6) Realtime information dispensement to inform public - that eg. "A" line is unavailable for servicing and move over to "B" line. (This is the same as London tube - where one line is taken down for servicing, a parallel line is activated to serve public. And if both lines are down, bus system that ply the MRT stations are activated). --- 3 redundant public transport system in place. If to be more kiasu, activate PMD, hire-bicycle also put in place - for those who are adventurous to rely on during disruptions.
Make this a standard modus operandi that public will take it as natural course.
---- All mechanical things, or software, or hardware, or system --- will fail some point in time - and need maintenance, servicing, repair.
----- The key is there will be a failsafe alternative, failsoft mechanism to mitigate, redundant system to seamlessly or close to seamless take over of main line if fail.
eg. car will fail on the road and need maintenance.
air con will fail and need maintenance.
computer system will fail, and need redundant system to take over.
etc etc.
Make public understand this.
人法地, 地法天, 天法道,道法自然。
This is the Universal Law of Impermanence.
Like · Reply · 1 min
Ricky Lim ·
Since the parallel MRT thomson line that run parallel to East-West Line and North South line are still work in progress and not available now -----
"May have to consider using Bus services to run to all MRT stations ---- for eg. service provided during peak hours --- eg. go office hours and after office hours --- to backup MRT lines).
If MRT lines disrupted --- parallel bus service can be beef up =------ until the new parallel MRT line is available."
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Ricky Lim ·
To save cost, this parallel bus service vthat run along the MRT stations will not run during off-peak hours.
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Ricky Lim ·
Best still come up with a transit guide, information display system etc- to illustrate the redundant systems :- eg.
(1) Line A - normal (or disrupted - go to Line B, C and D eg.)
(2) Line B - normal (or disrupted)
(3) Bus service C - normal (or disrupted)
(4) hire PMD, Hire bike D - normal (or disrupted)
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- 22 Nov 2017
John Peh ·
National Junior College
Gan veronica....
ya, u r right ! I was once a soldier,i did my ns and reservist. I m not frightened by a single disruption,i m frightened by multi-disruptions as i was nt frightened by a single bullet but frightened by multiple bullets such as machine-gun. But now,i m a paying commuter & i depend on a good reliable transport.
Like · Reply · 49 mins
Ricky Lim ·
You have to imagine yourself living in your house - but your electrical system, your water pipes, and many of your gadget is reaching its shelf life - and need to replace or upgrade.
And you will need to continue to live in the house, use your gadgets, use electricity, use water ---- while your contractors replace your water pipe, change your electrical system, or service your gadgets such as your air-con, your fan, your computer etc.
In the midst of this, won't you experience multiple disruptions --- or are you expecting no disruptions at all?
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Ricky Lim ·
Or would you fire your electrical contractor if he cause your computer to trip while he replace the electrical circuit?
Or would you fire your water pipe contractor - when you bathe and the water supply is cut off?
Soon you will find no contractors working for you - or no contractors want to take up your project --- and your house will be in deteriorating shamble state.
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16 Nov 2017 07:52AM (Updated: 16 Nov 2017 12:47PM)
Ricky Lim ·
Few neasures here may help to mitigate and minimise MRT disruptions and safety :-
(1) Failsafe, failsoft mechanism - eg, if signaling software fail, hardware eg. IoT take over - if not human backup must be able to manual override and take over if signaling software fail.
(2) Redundant lines - to be able to shut down the whole line for maintenance, repair and fail over to redundant line eg, the up and coming redundant thomson line from Changi, Ang Mo Kio to Jurong (NUS, NTU, SP, NP, UniSim, One-North, Science Park) ---- will alleviate and provide redundant to the Green line (East-West line) and Red line (Ang Mo Kio line to Jurong East).
(3) Improve work culture and morale of staff - demoralise staff will not put in extra effort to make the system work or improve the system.
(4) Parallel bus system (that run along the MRT station) - able to beef up during MRT disruption
(5) Proactive, predictive, reactive maintenance - to upgrade and improve the parts that are 20 to 30 years old.
(6) Realtime information dispensement to inform public - that eg. "A" line is unavailable for servicing and move over to "B" line. (This is the same as London tube - where one line is taken down for servicing, a parallel line is activated to serve public. And if both lines are down, bus system that ply the MRT stations are activated). --- 3 redundant public transport system in place. If to be more kiasu, activate PMD, hire-bicycle also put in place - for those who are adventurous to rely on during disruptions.
Make this a standard modus operandi that public will take it as natural course.
---- All mechanical things, or software, or hardware, or system --- will fail some point in time - and need maintenance, servicing, repair.
----- The key is there will be a failsafe alternative, failsoft mechanism to mitigate, redundant system to seamlessly or close to seamless take over of main line if fail.
eg. car will fail on the road and need maintenance.
air con will fail and need maintenance.
computer system will fail, and need redundant system to take over.
etc etc.
Make public understand this.
人法地, 地法天, 天法道,道法自然。
This is the Universal Law of Impermanence.
Like · Reply · 1 min
Ricky Lim ·
Since the parallel MRT thomson line that run parallel to East-West Line and North South line are still work in progress and not available now -----
"May have to consider using Bus services to run to all MRT stations ---- for eg. service provided during peak hours --- eg. go office hours and after office hours --- to backup MRT lines).
If MRT lines disrupted --- parallel bus service can be beef up =------ until the new parallel MRT line is available."
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Ricky Lim ·
To save cost, this parallel bus service vthat run along the MRT stations will not run during off-peak hours.
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Ricky Lim ·
Best still come up with a transit guide, information display system etc- to illustrate the redundant systems :- eg.
(1) Line A - normal (or disrupted - go to Line B, C and D eg.)
(2) Line B - normal (or disrupted)
(3) Bus service C - normal (or disrupted)
(4) hire PMD, Hire bike D - normal (or disrupted)
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- 22 Nov 2017
John Peh ·
National Junior College
Gan veronica....
ya, u r right ! I was once a soldier,i did my ns and reservist. I m not frightened by a single disruption,i m frightened by multi-disruptions as i was nt frightened by a single bullet but frightened by multiple bullets such as machine-gun. But now,i m a paying commuter & i depend on a good reliable transport.
Like · Reply · 49 mins
Ricky Lim ·
You have to imagine yourself living in your house - but your electrical system, your water pipes, and many of your gadget is reaching its shelf life - and need to replace or upgrade.
And you will need to continue to live in the house, use your gadgets, use electricity, use water ---- while your contractors replace your water pipe, change your electrical system, or service your gadgets such as your air-con, your fan, your computer etc.
In the midst of this, won't you experience multiple disruptions --- or are you expecting no disruptions at all?
Like · Rveply · Just now
Ricky Lim ·
Or would you fire your electrical contractor if he cause your computer to trip while he replace the electrical circuit?
Or would you fire your water pipe contractor - when you bathe and the water supply is cut off?
Soon you will find no contractors working for you - or no contractors want to take up your project --- and your house will be in deteriorating shamble state.
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Ricky Lim ·
Ricky Lim ·
If you are unreasonable, people will not be reasonable with you.
If you are reasonable, people will be reasonable with you.
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Ricky Lim ·
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Now the MRT are reaching 20 years and 30 years shelf life - alot of parts, signaling sytem need to be replace, upgrade.
New MRT lines with new signaling system and parts are coming in - and need to integrate with the old system. Signal interference will bound to occur.
Like the analogy of your house to be upgraded and repair - multiple disruptions will bound to occur.
Unless you are willing to live in the park while your contractors revamp the whole house or if commuters are not taking MRT for 1 whole year while the MRT is revamp ---- then upon completion disruptions will be minimal.
Are you willing to do this or are commuters are willing to commute without MRT for 1 year?
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If you are unreasonable, people will not be reasonable with you.
If you are reasonable, people will be reasonable with you.
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Ricky Lim ·
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Now the MRT are reaching 20 years and 30 years shelf life - alot of parts, signaling sytem need to be replace, upgrade.
New MRT lines with new signaling system and parts are coming in - and need to integrate with the old system. Signal interference will bound to occur.
Like the analogy of your house to be upgraded and repair - multiple disruptions will bound to occur.
Unless you are willing to live in the park while your contractors revamp the whole house or if commuters are not taking MRT for 1 whole year while the MRT is revamp ---- then upon completion disruptions will be minimal.
Are you willing to do this or are commuters are willing to commute without MRT for 1 year?
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Choi Hongmun
Ricky Lim don't forget who is responsible for all this nonsense. Not us. Understand.
Ricky Lim ·
Choi Hongmun - OK then tell MRT to shut for 1 year to upgrade.
You can take bus. No one force you to take MRT.
Better still you walk or cycle - then no need to complain.
You can take bus. No one force you to take MRT.
Better still you walk or cycle - then no need to complain.
Like · Reply · 1m · Edited1m
Donavan Lim
Ricky Lim This is paying the price for years of and years of neglist and rent seeking behaviour
Ricky Lim ·
Donavan Lim - You mean there is no maintenace done at all from day 1 since SMRT take over is it?
Do you have insider evidence that the public don't know about?
And by the way do you need to maintain your house, your old equipment - like upgrading parts, replace parts, do repair?
Or do you even never see a doctor in your life - because you don't get sick?
Do you have insider evidence that the public don't know about?
And by the way do you need to maintain your house, your old equipment - like upgrading parts, replace parts, do repair?
Or do you even never see a doctor in your life - because you don't get sick?
Like · Reply · 1m
Ricky Lim ·
Can anyone tell us :-
(1) In this Universe, in this Earth - nothing will get spoil and will function forever and don't need repair?
(2) Any who in this Universe, in this Earth - no one will get sick or die - or don't need treatment by doctor, eat medicine to get well?
And by doing so, don't human don't need MC to rest - and can work 24 hours non-stop.
For MRT, don't it need downtimes to do maintenance?
Any plant, machinery, computer systems - don't need downtimes to do maintenance?
(1) In this Universe, in this Earth - nothing will get spoil and will function forever and don't need repair?
(2) Any who in this Universe, in this Earth - no one will get sick or die - or don't need treatment by doctor, eat medicine to get well?
And by doing so, don't human don't need MC to rest - and can work 24 hours non-stop.
For MRT, don't it need downtimes to do maintenance?
Any plant, machinery, computer systems - don't need downtimes to do maintenance?
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Man Kit ·
How come other countries MRT maintenence work will not affect daily hours operation only Singapore MRT will? It proves that management is lousy. Why Government buy back MRT and we have to pay the price for the mistakes?
Ricky Lim ·
Are you willing to pay double the tax you are paying now to get 2 parallel MRT lines - so that you can have 100% redundancy.
If you are willing, I think almost 100% no downtime is possible.
Now let you have bus service to take over when MRT line is plan for maintenance - is like psuedo-parallel system.
Still no good enough for you is it?
If you are willing, I think almost 100% no downtime is possible.
Now let you have bus service to take over when MRT line is plan for maintenance - is like psuedo-parallel system.
Still no good enough for you is it?
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Ricky Lim ·
Overseas pay very high tax you know.
So are you saying that high tax should be levy on you ?
Budget 2018 is around the corner you know -- you can send in your suggestion to the social media influencers and the Minister of MOF will surely take your recommendation into consideration.
So are you saying that high tax should be levy on you ?
Budget 2018 is around the corner you know -- you can send in your suggestion to the social media influencers and the Minister of MOF will surely take your recommendation into consideration.
Ricky Lim ·
Lee LK - you mean everything is free is it.
If you run a business, do you offer free service to customers - while you so generous to pay your workers salary and other overhead until you go bankrupt?
If you run a business, do you offer free service to customers - while you so generous to pay your workers salary and other overhead until you go bankrupt?
Like · Reply · 1m
Choi Hongmun
Ricky Lim all this happen because of lack of maintenance in the early days everybody know it.
Damian Haywood ·
Choi Hongmun In Ricky Lim's world, SMRT can never do wrong. Haha...
Ricky Lim think that SMRT is noble for maintaining and running a shitty network, which has been under SMRT care since the first day. If the network is shitty now, whose fault is it?
Ricky Lim doesn't think that SMRT should have plan all these replacements due to parts over their shelf life before everything starts to break down. Maybe it's because SMRT doesn't know the parts shelf life (duh!).
Ricky Lim also doesn't think it's SMRT fault for staff falsifying maintentance records when this showed there is serious problems witihin the company.
Ricky Lim think that all these breakdowns and delays from aging network is normal when other countries have been running trains on network older than Singapore's but do not have these issues.
Despite all the evidences and examples, Ricky Lim doesn't think SMRT has done any wrong or has any deficiencies. Maybe he's Desmond Kuek...

Ricky Lim think that SMRT is noble for maintaining and running a shitty network, which has been under SMRT care since the first day. If the network is shitty now, whose fault is it?
Ricky Lim doesn't think that SMRT should have plan all these replacements due to parts over their shelf life before everything starts to break down. Maybe it's because SMRT doesn't know the parts shelf life (duh!).
Ricky Lim also doesn't think it's SMRT fault for staff falsifying maintentance records when this showed there is serious problems witihin the company.
Ricky Lim think that all these breakdowns and delays from aging network is normal when other countries have been running trains on network older than Singapore's but do not have these issues.
Despite all the evidences and examples, Ricky Lim doesn't think SMRT has done any wrong or has any deficiencies. Maybe he's Desmond Kuek...

Damian Haywood ·
Ricky Lim You are delusional for putting other countries high tax on train networks. That's far from the truth and train network is one of the least reason why those countries have high taxes!
Damian Haywood ·
Ricky Lim is definitely not complaining. He's singing praises! Haha...

Reply · 6h
Ricky Lim ·
Suggest that MRT management and staff, should not be distracted by those unreasonable criticisms coming out from the mouth of those unreasonable people.
MRT management and staff should :-
(1) Treat the maintenance, repair and upgrade like a "Noble mission" no matter how "Thankless it is", no matter how "Unappreciative some people are".
(2) The mission to maintain the MRT system into a "tip top" condition is arudous, tough, demanding not impossible - though thankless.
But it is a noble mission - because it will benefit many Singaporeans - where many are grateful and appreciative --- though there are some who are unappreciative, ungrateful lots, who only know how to 落井下石,打落水狗。
(3) Never mind about those as SMRT management and staff need to have :-
a. The Mental Strength of a Steel - The "Mental Commando" - to have mental toughness - to focus on the mission to get the job done - and not be distracted by those "empty vessels that make the most noise - know how to talk only".
b. The Physical Strength of an Iron - To be able to be physically tough to perform the maintenance, upgrade and repair - and do it well like "the Commandos" - who don't fringe in the roads of difficulties and plough on like the Army pioneer - probing inch by inch in a minefield and complete the mission - no matter how tough the job is.
忍人所不能忍,容人所不能容,能人所不能 - 完成大业。- Because no one can stop people from farting through the mouth.。
MRT management and staff should :-
(1) Treat the maintenance, repair and upgrade like a "Noble mission" no matter how "Thankless it is", no matter how "Unappreciative some people are".
(2) The mission to maintain the MRT system into a "tip top" condition is arudous, tough, demanding not impossible - though thankless.
But it is a noble mission - because it will benefit many Singaporeans - where many are grateful and appreciative --- though there are some who are unappreciative, ungrateful lots, who only know how to 落井下石,打落水狗。
(3) Never mind about those as SMRT management and staff need to have :-
a. The Mental Strength of a Steel - The "Mental Commando" - to have mental toughness - to focus on the mission to get the job done - and not be distracted by those "empty vessels that make the most noise - know how to talk only".
b. The Physical Strength of an Iron - To be able to be physically tough to perform the maintenance, upgrade and repair - and do it well like "the Commandos" - who don't fringe in the roads of difficulties and plough on like the Army pioneer - probing inch by inch in a minefield and complete the mission - no matter how tough the job is.
忍人所不能忍,容人所不能容,能人所不能 - 完成大业。- Because no one can stop people from farting through the mouth.。
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