Sunday, January 28, 2018

Trump blasts EU for trading with US 'very unfairly'

Trump delivered the warning during a wide-ranging interview on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos.
 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim · 

Trump delivered the warning during a wide-ranging interview on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, where he took his "America First" agenda to the global business elite.
In a speech on Friday he told the forum that his mantra "does not mean America alone" and hinted that the US could rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a deal he withdrew from a year ago.
It is possible to tame the most difficult person like Trump - to finally lower his ego.
And lowering of ego - is a virtue.
For the common good of human mankind.

Posted on :-
25 Jan 2018 03:47PM

Ricky Lim ·
Trump's "America First" policies in trade - will end up as "America Last" in the eyes of Global Leaders.
(1) TPP-11 (CPTPP) - has been concluded without US - since Trump rescinded. US businesses lose out in TPP businesses.
(2) If Trump decide to rescind NAFTA - both Canada and Mvexico - find solace in FTA between them and EU as well as the just concluded TPP-11.
(3) Asia is negotiating the RCEP - without US.
(4) Trump stop EU-US FTA and EU go ahead with FTA with other Countries minus US.
So what does Trump secure for US in terms of trade deals --- a "BIG FAT NIL" --- this is the outcome of Trump "America First" trade policies --- "America Last and Nil" outcome.
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Ricky Lim ·
Trump in Davos should boast how many FTA did he secured under him?
Answer :- Zero !
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Ricky Lim ·
I guess alot of America's Trump supporters -- are still very proud of his achievements.
Let wait one day when economic recession hit them --- then they will all turn around to whack Trump.
And the whole World will start laughing.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
And when that happen, the whole World are trading among themselves -- with little or minimal interaction with Trump led US - and isolated from US economic fallout.
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Ricky Lim · 
Trump also signalled he would be willing to sign the US back up to the Paris climate accord, but only if the treaty undergoes major change.
It is possible to tame the most difficult person like Trump - to finally lower his ego.
And lowering of ego - is a virtue.
For the common good of human mankind.

Posted on :-
September 11, 2017

ricky l 0 seconds ago
Wonder when Donald Trump visit Florida to inspect the destruction cause by Hurricane Irma, will he :-
(1) Make a statement that he make a big mistake for calling Global Warming a hoax.
(2) Make a statement that he make a big mistake of pulling out from the Paris Climate Agreement - and will reconsider rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement.
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ricky l 0 seconds ago
Nature of karma will see Donald Trump and his supporters really repent - on all those wrong views that he and his supporters expounded on Global Warming, Protectionism on trade, business and investment plus others.
0 0
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Ricky Lim ·
Donald Trump should take the initiative to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord - and not wait for others to beg him to join.
Because karma is not going to wait.
Where the next hurricane may come.
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Ricky Lim ·
Also when is Donald Trump repenting - for pulling out of TPP?
When is Donald Trump request to rejoin TPP?
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Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :-
10 Oct 2017 01:14AM (Updated: 10 Oct 2017 02:51AM)
Trump administration to end Obama climate plan
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Look like the 4 Hurricane - Irma, Harvey, Maria, Nates --- is not a sufficient karma lesson for Donald Trump and its supporters.

11 Oct 2017 02:48AM (Updated: 11 Oct 2017 05:11AM)
15 dead as wildfires torch California wine country
Last month, a massive fire described as the biggest in the history of Los Angeles forced hundreds to evacuate their homes.
Wonder will Donald Trump and its supporters learn their lesson on Global Climate.
For karma will be relentless ---- for the unrepenting recalcitrant ones....
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