Thursday, January 11, 2018

Fitch reiterates US downgrade warning

Fitch reiterated its warning on Wednesday that the United States could lose its prized triple-A credit rating if the country's debt ceiling is not raised in the coming months.
10 Jan 2018 08:25PM
Ricky Lim · 

The U.S. Treasury Department will exhaust all of its borrowing options and run dry of cash to pay its bills by late March or early April if Congress does not raise its borrowing limit, the Congressional Budget Office has said.
Fitch's head of sovereign ratings James McCormack told Reuters that even if Washington then continued to make interest payments on its main government bonds, not meeting other domestic obligations "would not be compatible with 'AAA' status."
Posted on :-

19 Nov 2017 12:54PM (Updated: 19 Nov 2017 12:57PM)

Ricky Lim ·
Is Trump creating conditions for US to experience another Lehman Brothers collapse in the US financial sector?

The World financial system must be careful in investing in funds coming out from US - or else get caught in the Lehman Brothers 2 saga.
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Ricky Lim ·
Trump drastic cuts in taxes, and boosting rampant spendings - is creating a ballooning fiscal deficit --- and increasing debts for US - and its future generation will have a hard time servicing the debt.

Together with this banking regulation - Trump is creating a condition for financial crisis or meltdown of the past.

Trump don't seems to care about the future - and bend on immeditate gratification.

World Economy and finacial institutions must be careful and watchful of what will come out from Trump financial and fiscal policies --- and not let it drag down in a domino effect of the past.
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Ricky Lim ·
Trump don't seems to learn from the lesson of the past - or rather he is indifferent - because it will not affect him now.
The problem will surface later - where he may not even be around - and he couldn't care less.
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Ricky Lim · 

Posted on :-
21 Dec 2017 01:38AM (Updated: 21 Dec 2017 10:49AM)

Ricky Lim ·
And in case you can't remember, US Government have to use taxpayers money to bail out BOA, Citibank, AIA and many other banks and financial institutions - that nearly go bankrupt.

What if Trump say, sorry no more taxpayers money - already $21.4 trillion deficit - cannot bail out those banks, insurance companies, etc ---- if you got deposit or insurance with these companies - you can say bye bye to your money is it?
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Ricky Lim · 


Ricky Lim · 


Ricky Lim · 

Even if Trump increase its debt ceiling, who is he going to borrow from?

External lenders will not lend - because of its high risk of default.

Then Trump will have to borrow from its own banks and financial institutions.

But if Trump impose such huge tax cut, where he find the money to repay his debts and service its interest?

Then US banks and financial institutions become a high risk - if US Treasury default and cannot pay back.

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