Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Shanmugam moots Select Committee to study deliberate online falsehoods, says Singapore 'highly susceptible' to problem
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/shanmugam-moots-select-committee-to-study-deliberate-online-9848472

 (Updated: )
Ricky Lim · 

The minister added that the country's status as a key strategic node and key player in ASEAN also makes it attractive as a target. "What we say on regional issues, international issues, carries weight," Mr Shanmugam said. "If we can be influenced and swayed, then foreign interests can be advanced through us."
This is particularly crucial.
Ricky Lim · 
Wrong information - will result in wrong diagnosis - and wrong medication will be prescribed - and the outcome will be catastrophic.
Ricky Lim · 

Ricky Lim · Singapore
Posted on :- March 3, 2017

ricky l 5 seconds ago
There are 2 aspects of cyber warriors that perform the role of cyber defense :-
(1) Protection of our IT infrastructure
(2) Psychological and ideological warfare - propagated through the cyber space.
ricky l
Reply 00
ricky l 15 seconds ago
The latest US election - demonstrate that social media are used in cyber space to influence the election result by foreign intelligence.

This is one aspect of cyber attack - that fringe on psychological and ideological warfare - that cross border and impact domestic views and change election result.

ricky l00
ricky l 8 seconds ago
Sophisticated software are used to do profiling, web crawl to do meta data search, data analytic are performed and ideologies, fake news, propaganda, scandalised news etc are spread to targeted audience - via the cyber space - to influence the election result.

This is a new dimension of cyber attack that brought down the US and change the election result ---- just like how USSR was disintegrated (not through cyber spaces - but through traditional propaganda).

ricky l00
ricky l 16 seconds ago
What US did to USSR in 1991 that disintegrate USSR and led to the fall of Communism - through traditional propaganda.

Is what Russia did to US in 2016 in US election - that give rise to Trump syndrome and impact on Capitalism - through social media cyber space.

"What come around, goes around".

Thus cyber defense - also need to encompass psychological and ideological warfare defense.
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ricky l00
ricky l 15 seconds ago
Also want to mention that "Universal Law of Karma" is real ------ on "What come around, goes around".

"Do good.
Refrain from evil, refrain from wrong." - is the best safeguard against "What come around, goes around".
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