Sunday, January 28, 2018

North Korea's nuclear missiles 'most serious and imminent problem': S Korea minister

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
Posted on :-
05 Jan 2018 03:42PM
Ricky Lim ·
Nothing was changed even when S Korea and N Korea talk.

(1) Sanction is still effective.
(2) Military option is still intact.
(3) Denuclearisation is a necessity.
(4) Alliance are still intact.

The only new dimension is - opening the door to "talk".
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Ricky Lim ·
As long as N Korea continue to nuclearise, sanction will be tighten --- and N Korea will break.

Thus talk will help.

It is an "ice-breaker".

It could also be a "deal maker" if miracle happens.

But when there is no talk, N Korea could be dangerous and may act rashly in desperation.
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Ricky Lim ·
To be honest, if N Korea continue to play hardball and continue to hold on to its nuclear, N Korea has not much to gain.

(1) Nuclear umbrella is still covering S Korea and Japan.
N Korea nuclear has no advantage over S Korea and Japan - because N Korea will still be nuke if N Korea use nuke. It is mutual assured destruction.

(2) S Korea and Japan may force to go nuke to counter N Korea nuke ---- and N Korea will have no advantage.

N Korea in fact will still suffer from sanction, hunger, poverty, isolation, no trade, no investment - if N Korea still continue to hold on to its nuclear.

Thus it is more urgent to N Korea ---- to talk to defuse the biting sanction.

Time is not on the side of N Korea.
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Ricky Lim · 

The above strategy - think one day will work.
Winston Ling · 
i wonder why is it a serious threat, if they had wanted to use it they would already have, what will they get out of Using it, other than a retailation from others, and an end to the luxury life of the leadership. no N.Korea leader would want to disrupt his peaceful powerful life of luxury and become another Saddam Hussein.
Ricky Lim · 
What happen if it is used to as extortion for monetary benefits, power benefits and other benefits?
Eg. give money, the seat of kingdom, food, whatever beneifts -- else nuke you.

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