Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Trump says US could 'conceivably' return to Paris climate deal

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
Frankly, Trump have to recognised that :-
(1) Cyclone bomb in North East US coast is not a hoax.
(2) Year long California forest fire is not a hoax.
(3) 4 Hurricanes that whip US is not a hoax.

Only adhering to Paris climate deal - can reduce, mitigate or prevent the effect of climate change.

Extreme weather is the convergence of 4 Great Universal Elements (土火水风)Matter, Temperature, Liquid, Air - known as the Rupa (Matter) Karmic Elements.
They are influence by Nama (Mental) Karmic Elements - whether by Wholesome Menatal States or Unwholesome Mental States.
Currently, Earth is influence by Unwholesome (Nama) Mental States of 贪嗔痴 - Greed, Hatred, Ignorance of the Universal Law - lead to convergence of 4 Great Universal Elements of Extreme temperatures.
The only antidote is transformed into Wholesome (Nama) Mental States of 无我,慈悲,般若智慧 - No-Self, Universal Compassion, Panna Wisdom.
Earth (Universal Condition) - transform from the Heart - when the right condition arise.


Social media can shape National events and influence World events online, real time and transform the World into a wholesome World.

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