Friday, January 5, 2018

Olive branch or booby trap? North Korea's new tone divides analysts

05 Jan 2018 03:42PM
Ricky Lim · 

Nothing was changed even when S Korea and N Korea talk.

(1) Sanction is still effective.
(2) Military option is still intact.
(3) Denuclearisation is a necessity.
(4) Alliance are still intact.

The only new dimension is - opening the door to "talk".

So what is the fuss?
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Ricky Lim · 
As long as N Korea continue to nuclearise, sanction will be tighten --- and N Korea will break.

Thus talk will help.

It is an "ice-breaker".

It could also be a "deal maker" if miracle happens.

But when there is no talk, N Korea could be dangerous and may act rashly in desperation.

Thus S Korea should lead the talk, not Donald Trump (whose lack of experience in global affairs will mess things up and let a good opportunity slip).
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Ricky Lim · 

To be honest, if N Korea continue to play hardball and continue to hold on to its nuclear, N Korea has not much to gain.

(1) Nuclear umbrella is still covering S Korea and Japan.
N Korea nuclear has no advantage over S Korea and Japan - because N Korea will still be nuke if N Korea use nuke. It is mutual assured destruction.

(2) S Korea and Japan may force to go nuke to counter N Korea nuke ---- and N Korea will have no advantage.

N Korea in fact will still suffer from sanction, hunger, poverty, isolation, no trade, no investment - if N Korea still continue to hold on to its nuclear.

Thus it is more urgent to N Korea ---- to talk to defuse the biting sanction.

Time is not on the side of N Korea.

So how does N Korea able to set booby trap?
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