Thursday, December 31, 2015

Indonesia: Hundreds cheer as unmarried pair are flogged for being 'too close'

Romil Patel
30 December 2015
Punishment serve to deter but not to maim, crippled or worst led to death.

Else it become cruelty - and the punishment become over-administer, over punitive.

If the rotan land on the back instead of the backside - then it can cause serious internal injuries as the lashes can hurt vital organs such as heart, liver, lung, spleen etc.

If the heart of those who administer the rotan have good intention to ensure people do not sin, then lashing on the back of a human is a no go - because it will kill the person and she has no chance to repent and turn over a new leaf.

If the person who cane others on the back - that cause serious internal injuries or even possible to death - think is alright to do it, why not let that person who administer the caning - to be similarly cane by others to see what he did is alright humanely.

If you want to do it on others, do it on yourself first.

Eg. if you want to cane others - that will grievously hurt others - do it on yourself first to see whether it is humanely feasible.

If you want to stone others - that will kill someone, stone it on yourself first.

It you want to amputate someone's hands or legs - amputate on yourself first.

Only then, decide whether the punishment is administerable.

If you can't do it on yourself, don't do it on others.

Unless, the criminal murder, or hurt others.

Then law should prescribe the appropriate commensurate punishment.
Because cruelty for petty crime is different from law that punish a person to provide him or her a chance to turn over a new leaf.

If a person is stone to death, head chop off, limbs amputate, lash to death - for petty crime, that person is not given a chance to turn over a new leaf.


Heavenly is by nature - Compassionate and always provide chances for sentinent beings to turn over a new leaf - especially for petty crime.

If a person is stone to death, limbs amputate, head chop off, limbs amputate, lashes to death ---- how does the person turn over a new leaf ? This is akin to cruelty.

China building second aircraft carrier: defence ministry

Benjamin Haas
31 December 2015
ricky lricky l1 second ago
As long as expansion in military assets come with responsibility to preserve Global Peace, strengthening International Laws, promote business, trade, investment and travel as a responsible growing SuperPower but not vying for Military Supremacy and Omnipotent - than responsible expansion of military for defense will be acceptable.
The purpose of a credible defense military - is to preserve peace and serve as a deterrent to prevent war.
Not the opposite effect of catalyst for war - to project Omnipotency.

ISIS is the only terrorist group that will be able to launch such terrorist attack into Russia soil.

Thus Russia should commit more focus in neutralising ISIS than other groups.

The earlier prophecy is coming true ....

Friday, November 6, 2015

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ricky l • 33 seconds ago Remove
Already say that Russia must concentrate to target ISIS - as mandated in UN.
Not focusing on ISIS - is a wrong move and boomerang back.

Saturday, October 3, 2015
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ricky l • a second agoRemove

Russia targeting at other groups instead of ISIS will in fact strengthen ISIS who is more potent and will grow in strength - an in future will be even more difficult to contain.

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ricky l • 57 seconds ago Remove
You see what happen - did not listen to advice ....

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ricky l • 1 minute 49 seconds ago Remove
All this are divinity pre-warning vision ----- never listen to advice .... have to learn through the hard way ........

Indonesia to appeal rejection of $565 mn haze lawsuit

31 December 2015
The court decision not to punish errant owners that burnt lands and pollute the environment defy justice.

Just remember the mechanism of Universal Law of Karma :-
(1) If human legal law and justice - did not dispense the justice to correct injustice.

(2) Heavenly law - will take over to administer justice.

(3) If Heavenly law is not adequate in administering justice - the Universal Law of Karma will administer the karma - which will be final and just.

Just be careful that with passing over the administration of justice to next level --- it will be slap with interest and the overall justice will be compounded ---- for procrastinating and delaying justice.

Justice administer must be appropriate according to the law and not overly punitive.

Eg. if the law prescribe punishment of $100,000 fine - it must not be punitive to demand $500 million.

Another eg. if law prescribe 5 stroke caning for vandalism, then 1000 lashes of the cane should not be prescribe until he kick the bucket - just because he draw more cartoons than others.