Suspected mastermind of Paris attacks Abaaoud died in police raid - prosecutor

ricky l • Remove
Though we cannot celebrate someone's death.Reply
But his death is his evil karma coming into fruition - so that humanity is saved by his evil objective to harm humanity.
ricky l • Remove
But he is just another lieutenant and foot soldier of the real mastermind - which is ISIS daesh leadership in Syria.r
The real ISIS daesh leadership must be captured, bring into justice or eradicated - so that no harm will be brought to human mankind.
This is because these ISIS daesh leadership are the one that manipulate religions to manipulate all these ignorant followers to commit atrocities to human mankind.

ricky l • Remove
In ancient time (few thousands years ago), there is one evil and cruel religious teacher. He misused the superstition of people during that time and misled his followers to believe that in order for his followers to gain divinity, the followers must kill 100 humans and shed their blood in order to gain divinity.
One of the follower is most potent in carrying out the killing deeds and have killed 99 human. He say to himself, i need to kill one more and i will be a divine.
Then he met a Great Divine Teacher. The Divine Teacher who through his psychic power is able to read this follower's mind and before he could carry out his mission, the Divine Master radiate Compassion to him and expound the discourse on the needs for precept of no killings plus conformance to moral precepts - before a person can attain Divinity.
The Divine Teacher also expound to him the Universal Law of Karma - that he will reap what he sow.
Upon the completion of expounding the karma, the person deeply regretted all his past actions and realised he was misled by his evil master. On the spot he knelt before the Divine Teacher and repent immediately. At that moment, he gain Divinity.
But the Divine Teacher told him to be mentally prepared that Karma will eventually caught up with him even though he has attained divinity. This follower bow to the Divine Teacher and thanks Him for letting him realise his grave mistake at the nick of time (because if he succeeded in injuring this Divine Teacher - he will immediately be propel into Eternal Avici Hell - the deepest hell in the Universe).
He is also willing to leave it to karma - to repaid what he has done - killing 99 lives due to his ignorant for believing a false evil teacher that misled him.
True enough, not too long after he left the Divine Teacher, his enemies caught up with him and he was lynch by his enemies and he had to rebirth into hell realm to suffer the karma of killing 99 lives.
Only after he has repaid his karma in hell, before he was reborn into Divinity realm - and escape from the vicious cycle of rebirth eternally.
ricky l • Remove
And the evil master that have manipulated and misled all his followers to kill 99 lives each - has indeed descended into Eternal Avici Hell.
He is still there suffering from his false teachings - and will stay there and suffer the same intensity similar to all those who have suffered from his false teachings.
He will only be able to leave Eternal Avici Hell - after he has repaid all his bad karma and after he has truly repented or he met Divine Beings who can rescue him after repaying his karma.
Now he is still there.
ricky l • Remove
Thus there are 3 inherent evil roots of human - that if manifest to the maxim - can be hell bound :-
(1) First and foremost of the 1st evil root ---- Ignorance of Universal Truth and believe in false teachings - such as those expound by ISIS daesh.
(2) Hatred and anger - lead to killings.
(3) Greed or attachment to sensual desire - that lead to killings.
The 3 above inherent evil roots ----- if manifest to the extreme - are hell-bound.
ricky l • Remove
Karma is a mirror.J
Karma is science - an action will bring about the opposing force of reaction.
Karma is - you reap what you sow.
So ISIS daesh teachings - about killings will go to heaven - is false teachings. Killings bring a human to hell not heaven.

Jacob • Report Abuse
When a devil is kill, don't you think it's a celebration, but of course the devil itself would not celebrate ;)
ricky l • Remove
Even devil is a sentinent being that will have conscience.
Eventually, even the last devil in Avici Hell need to be salvaged after he has repaid all his negative karma and has repented.
No one should be left behind in the Samsara to taste the sea of sufferings. As long as even the last sentinent being and last grain of sand is left behind, the Universe will continue to be formed and evolved - and there will be no Eternal Peace.
ricky l • Remove
Why Universe is formed and why there are living things on Earth and in Universe?
It is because, the 1st stray thought of becoming - to be born in the mundane Universe - that trigger the whole evolution of formation of Universe and the birth of living things in Universe - that go through the vicious cycle of birth, living, decaying, demise and rebirth.
Universe exist - because of even 1 sentinent being is around and Universe need to house it.
That is the reason why Divine Being have Compassionate Vows - not to leave even 1 sentinent being behind, not even 1 grain of sand of Universe behind - because it will start an evolution of formation of Universe and create living things in the Universe - to suffer in the vicious cycle of birth, living, decaying, demise and rebirth.
For eg. 地藏王菩萨 Bodhi Vows :-
(If Hell is not Empty, I vow not to become a Buddha. Only when all sentinent beings in Hell and Hungry Ghosts are salvaged, will i fulfil my Bodhi Vows.)
Another anonymous 罗汉菩萨 Bodhi Vows :-
(If 10 directions of 6 realms sentinent beings in the Universe are not Empty, I vow not to become a Buddha. Only if 10 directions of all 6 realms sentinent beings are salvaged, will i fulfil my Bodhi Vows. I wish 10 directions of 10 realms provide blessings and supports).
Only when Universe is Empty of sentinent beings - will Universe stopping forming and evolving - because all 5 Mental Aggregates (of living things) and 4 Great Elements (of physical Universe) become Empty ------ and all entered into the Final Great Nirvana.
ricky l • Remove
Else each and everyone of us ---- will have start all over again - starting with the formation of Universe, birth of living things, fighting among ourselves - because everyone want to alleviate self from sufferings --- which in effect bring more sufferings.
Thus Divine Beings Bodhi Vows - is to CEASE all sufferings.
To achieve this Holy Mission ------ we need Great Universal Compassion - 大悲心,大愿力 - Great Grief for the sufferings of sentinent beings, Make the Great Bodhi Vows - to alleviate all sentinent beings from sufferings ---- where One-For-All, All-For-One.
That is, even if "One" sentinent beings suffers - all the rest of the Universe sentinent beings suffer.
Hence the mundane saying :- "Leave no man behind" - not even the last grain of sand.
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