Wednesday, November 18, 2015

China says has shown "great restraint" in South China Sea

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Both US and China wish to be a major political influencer in the Asia Pacific region because Asia Pacific is a region of vibrancy, growth, prosperity and large population with many growing middle earners - which will contribute to be a big market for business, trade, investment, travel.

But China with the desire to vying as a major force in Asia-Pacific region - is coming out with 2 hands tie - as oppose to US.

US are viewed by Countries in Asia Pacific as a friendly major power (politically and militarily) and a trustworthy trade partners for many decades.

China on the other hand is the up and coming Economic powerhouse but is viewed as a more unfriendly major power (political and military power) - to some members of the Asia Pacific region that have conflicting claims in South China Sea and East China Sea - as China position, actions and words are strong.

US has played this card well - as seen in the APEC - by emphasizing the conflict in South China Sea - to contain the China's economic card and in addition play well in the just concluded but yet to rarifified trans pan FTA as oppose to China's initiative on another trade pact.

Thus for China to perform well as a major and friendly up and coming Economic and Political Powerhouse to rival US, China will have to perform and perceived as a more friendly political and military power in the Asia Pacific region.

Otherwise, China may start to lose the major influence that China desire to have in the Asia Pacific region where China are thriving - through trade, business, investment, travel etc - especially if conflict erupted and turn hostile.

Notably, those Countries not involved in the claims will stand neutral, still if conflict erupted, China will still be in a disadvantage position.
rricky l
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ricky l  •  52 seconds ago Remove
Economic card - goes hand-in-hand with Political card and Military card.

Analysing US and China's card.

US - play the Economic card, Political Card and Military card well.

China - play the Economic card well - but is edge out by the Political card and Military card - namely on the South-China Sea and East-China Sea.

China in order to grow its geopolitical influence in Asia Pacific region - will have to level up and play its Political card and Military card well. Not so simple because US has the upper hand through many decades of goodwill in the Asia Pacific region.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Because human nature wise - it is not easy to do business in one-hand - but unable to see eye-to-eye in the other hand (like conflicting claim that turn ugly).

For eg. not easy to smile and get angry at the same time.
Anyone can do it? 
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
A friendly advice from a friend of both China and US. 
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Torpedo  •  5 minutes ago Report Abuse
China just wants to protect its own supply lines and not getting hijacked by US and pirates from savageland.

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    Win by heart and mind - not by force.
    It will be more superior.

    US play this card well.
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove


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