Some South China Sea fish 'close to extinction'


ricky l • Remove
When there is no regulation, when there are conflicting claims, when there are unfriendly jostling for resources - the karma is everyone will eventually lose.Reply
It will be a "lose-lose" outcome for everyone ----- and eventually everyone starve and suffer.
Only when there are gentleman claims, govern by international law, sharing of resources, constructive claims abide by international law ----- the karma will be good for everyone.
Only then it will be a "win-win" outcome for everyone - and resources can be properly managed and everyone will not suffer and enjoy the fruits of cooperation.
This is the Universal Law of Karma and the rule of Divinity.
Conflict and fight - all lose.
Cooperation and sharing - all gain.
This is the rule of KARMA.

ricky l • Remove
Eventually no one become winners.
All become losers - even the last one who acquire it will lose everything - this is the Universal Law of karma (against one inherent human poison ----- GREED).
Fight - all lose.
Cooperate - all win.
ricky l • Remove
Divinity will not reward anyone - that fight and snatch for things out of greed. Everyone will be make to starve. This is the Universal Law of Karma.r
Divinity will reward everyone - who are willing to cooperate and share resources. Everyone will be rewarded to share the fruits of cooperation. This is the Universal Law of Karma.

ricky l • Remove
This is known as "Collective Karma".
ricky l • Remove
这是共业 !!!
ricky l • Remove
ricky l • Remove
Divinity rather - make everyone lose - everyone starve - everyone suffer ----- instead of rewarding anyone ----- when everyone fight and try to snatch out of GREED.
ricky l • Remove
To punish everyone ---- so as to learn a lesson - not to fight and snatch out of GREED.
But to learn the virtue of Share, Share.
Otherwise, is a punishment for everyone - no food for everyone, starve, suffer and go without food to 思过。
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