Russia has right to military response after jet downing - Naryshkin

ricky l • Remove
Both sides should avoid harsh words to prevent escalation.Reply
Both sides also equally have faults in the incident.
For eg. :-
(1) Russia did provide the flight path of military planes in the operation. Turkey must be aware and must be cautious in responding.
(2) But Russia plane violating the airspace of Turkey is also not correct according to International law.
(3) But Turkey fighter shot down the Russian bomber when it exit Turkey airspace is also not correct.
Having looking at the circumstances, both side should exercise restraint in this saga and learn from this lesson.
Escalation of tension between both sides is never good for the 2 Blocs that are combating the ISIS daesh - as it may snowball into bigger conflict.
Both sides should refrain from exchanging harsh words and should de-escalate.
ricky l • Remove
If both sides escalate and decide to shoot down one another's plane - rather than staying focus to combat ISIS daesh ---- then ISIS daesh will be laughing at the 2 Blocs - and try to instigate the conflict between the 2 Blocs.
ISIS daesh will then watch the show - and let Russia and Turkey fight.
ricky l • Remove
Then ISIS daesh will have more time, more space to plan more attacks into Russia and Turkey territories ---- where Russia and Turkey waste time and energy to shoot down one another's fighter planes.
ricky l • Remove
So instead of Russia and Turkey concentrate on combating ISIS daesh, more time, energy, military resources, money will be wasted in trying to shoot one another's plane down.
Then it will be open up too many front to combat, to focus on - draining manpower, money, resources etc.
Not worth it.
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