Monday, November 9, 2015

Megacities hit hard by surging sea levels even at 2C rise: study
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
As long as humans did not take care of the environment, environment will not take care of human.

With economic development, it must be sustainable and not harm the environment - so that environment will continue to provide us a place to live sustainably.

rricky l
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ricky l  •  9 minutes ago Report Abuse
What human and sentinent beings think, speak and do --- it will have a corresponding consequences or what we called karma - under Universal Law of Karma.

How much damage we cause on the environment while reaping profit, environment will bounce back on us equally hard.

Thus while we engage ourselves in Economic Development to build a better lives for ourselves ---- we must be careful to protect the Environment we live in.

Indonesia plantation owner slash-and-burn producing haze damaging environment in a mammoth scale is definitely a no-no.

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