Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Myanmar government facing wipeout vows to 'respect' election

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Just wondering why is there such a landslide victory to the opposition party that have no experience of running a government - albeit Suu Kyi is a popular oppostion leader well like by the people.

The ruling party has run as governemt for so long and has open up politically and economically - surely people must have reap economic benefits from the opening up. But wonder why people are willing to risk economically by voting for the opposition that has not been tested to run a country.

Is political freedom the sole motivation to swing the landslide victory to the opposition even though knowing that there is a possibility the people may suffer economically if the inexperience opposition mismanage the finance and economy when running a country?

The post-election analysis of the voter's motivation will be useful to understand the psyche of Myanmar voters.
  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    This is not to say that NLD will mismanage the finance and economy.
    But being new to running a country, the risk is there though it may not happen.

    Only wonder why overwhelmingly, people are willing to vote out the incumbent - where only the local people will know.

    But this phenomenon will be useful for Countries who intend to open up - to be used as a case study.
    ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    One reason that can be thought off is that people has been subjected to oppression for too long - and this election is an "escape valve" of freedom - irregardless of consequences. 

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