Monday, November 23, 2015

Hong Kong's "Umbrella Soldiers" win seats in local elections

ricky l
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ricky l  •  2 minutes 16 seconds ago Remove
So finally HongKong has election - and this is sanction by China.

HongKong should not launch street demonstration now - as political process does evolve overtime.

China is always forward looking, progressive and will indeed change with time - albeit slowly, steadily without causing turmoil.
rricky l
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ricky l  •  44 seconds ago Remove
Hongkong should know that Hongkong never has election - even during British colonial time.

All Governors are appointed.

So Hongkong for the 1st time is able to carry out election - a big step forward.

Also China do let go and experiment it as proof-of-concept to test its viability.
 rricky l
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ricky l  •  1 minute 38 seconds ago Remove
This will be a good step for China ----- if China is looking into future further down the road to embrace Taiwan.
 rricky l
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ricky l  •  1 minute 50 seconds ago Remove
Taiwan is much deeply ingrained in the democratic political process - that by embracing Taiwan without its accompanied election process - is almost politically untenable, as more vocal opposing voice from the whole Taiwan population is almost a certainty.

Even if China takeover Taiwan by force - China will face with a very rebellious population, if election process which is so ingrained in Taiwan culture is taken out.
rricky l
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ricky l  •  36 seconds ago Remove
A most positive scenario on China-Taiwan reunification - without hiccup, war or political backlash from mainland China and Taiwan ----- is possible only where both sides political system, economic system, legal system and social system ----- evolve and aligned with one another.

If both sides political system, economic system, legal system and social system - are still very far apart and are not aligned ----- reunification between China and Taiwan - will be very turbulent. 
 rricky l
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ricky l  •  1 minute 4 seconds ago Remove
Blood is thicker than water.

The best scenario is a peaceful, heart-to-heart willingness reunification - not by force. This will be the best outcome.

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