Strong quake damages homes in eastern Indonesia

Nearly 700 flights cancelled as Bali airport closed over volcanic eruption

ricky l • Remove
That why is important to resolve the haze seriously.Reply
Publish, enforce and punish the business who started the fire and cause the haze.
Refrain from burning in future.
The volcanic eruption in Bali, this earthquake ----- are all part of the karma for mammoth ill-treatment of the 4 Great Elements of the Environment and the millions that suffer the choking and suffocation.
That why I say ---- treat the promise to resolve the haze seriously ---- don't play play.
ricky l • Remove
The bigger the country, the greater the responsibility to do things right - because the action of doing things wrong will have a multiplier effects on others and the environment of mammoth proportion.
Hence the karma will come mammoth and immediate.
Karma has come down in Earth time (immediate) - not Universe time (in future lives of infinity).
Be responsible for our own thoughts, our own speeches and our own actions.
How VP Kalla?
ricky l • Remove
The Earthquake and Volcanic eruption is the response to thank you for your 9 months of clean air (now not 11 months) and for your non-publication and enforcement to punish the business to start the fire and haze.
Don't play play you know.
No one is above the Universal Law of Karma......
ricky l • Remove
Speak no evil.
Do no evil.
Think no evil.
As karma will follow us like shadow - until karma is repaid.

Retro • Report Abuse
Like it or not chances of haze coming back is 80% possible!!! Money is number one priority nowadays and the fear of the lack of money fuels the rat race.
ricky l • Remove
What these plantation owners fire starter did - is a very serious weighty sin.
They started the fire to mass big profit - but in so doing - kill 19 human lives, choke and suffocate multi-millions of people, sending thousands into respiratory illness, causing millions of students not able to attend schools, causing billions of dollars of economic losses not only to its own country but its innocent neighbouring Countries, destroying millions of hectares of land and polluting the Earth environment - they have committed in effectively 杀人放火 -- thus all these will bring very bad weighty karma - such as earthquake, volcanic eruption, corresponding economic losses, plane crashes --- people killed by such weighty karma.
I hope they learn from such lessons and weighty karma - stop burning, start prevention, start enforcement and prosecution - and stop the haze from now on.
They have to take these seriously --- otherwise the corresponding karma will follow them like shadow.
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