Dr Mahathir, Muhyiddin met G25 on Najib, says member

ricky l • Remove
The following comments by G25 on Dr M are right on dot :-Reply
(1) He said Dr Mahathir had also criticised Najib over the money that the prime minister allegedly lost.
“So I countered back, from the time you were prime minister to the time you retired, if I took all of your losses and counted it to present day values, I’m sure it will be more than what was lost in 1MDB.
(2) The former Umno lawmaker admitted that he did not hold Dr Mahathir in high regard and blamed the former prime minister and his policies for the current state Malaysia was in.
(3) He said Dr Mahathir had undone the work of Dr Ismail and Malaysia’s founding fathers in his desire to cling to power.
(4) Racial issues only started when Dr Mahathir became increasingly concerned about “Malay rights” and began using the other races as a scapegoat to unite the Malays, said Tawfik.
Malaysia's increasing “Islamisation” could also be traced back to Dr Mahathir’s attempts to counter the influence of PAS, he added.
(5) Dr Mahathir, during the meeting with the G25 to discuss Islam and the constitution earlier this year, had tried to steer the topic to 1MDB and began attacking the government, said Tawfik.
“So I told him we’re here about Islam, not talk about politics. But he kept on insisting. Then I told him, if you get rid of Najib, who are you going to replace him with? And what makes you think he would be any better?
“He said, ‘well, you know, the person who succeeds him will be guided by a council of elders’,” said Tawfik.
However, Tawfik said he could not accept such an argument, as it would be undemocratic to have an unelected council of elders dictating the prime minister.

ricky l • Remove
This is a good summary of why Dr M will fail to unseat PM Najib - because Dr M actions are full of himself, his own personal self interest and his own ego.
Dr M never do good for Malaysia - except to advance his own interest - looking at how he unseat so many successive PMs and ex-Leaders.
That is why - Dr M's negative karma will fail him this time - and he will fail miserably ....
ricky l • Remove
Yes Dr M - is the main reason why Malaysia is in this current state of limbo ----- because Dr M advance his own personal interest - and use Malaysia as a scapegoat and pawn to advance his own personal struggle.
ricky l • Remove
Read all Dr M's thoughts, speeches, actions ---- what he did to all his successors and all the historical things he did that make Malaysia into a limbo.
Look at the current limbo state of Malaysia - who cause it ??? The actual mastermind is Dr M.
Wise People are not stupid. In their mind and heart - they know who is the actual mastermind that cause Malaysia limbo state ---- it is actually Dr M.
ricky l • Remove
Even outsider know the actual culprit is Dr M ----- what more are this experienced and shrewd Malaysian elders?
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