Afghan woman stoned to death for 'adultery'


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John 8:3-114 Replies
The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” .
ricky l • Remove
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0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l • 1 minute 4 seconds ago Remove
If going by what Moses, Jesus and this Taliban taught ---- how many women would have been stoned to death?
What about those men committing adultery - how many men would have been stoned to death?
How many rapists would have been stoned to death?
How many prostitutes or ducklings would have been stoned to death?
What she did is wrong.rjavascript: void(0)
But there are other more humane means to deal with the wrongdoings.
Throwing stone till death is a cruel means of punishment. What Moses and Jesus prescribe as stoning to death is excessive - and beyond what Universal Law of Karma prescribe.

0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l • 1 minute 4 seconds ago Remove
What about those men committing adultery - how many men would have been stoned to death?
How many rapists would have been stoned to death?
How many prostitutes or ducklings would have been stoned to death?
ricky l • Remove
Thus stoning to death, amputations, poke another's eyes etc - are all medieval, cruel punishment ---- that does not conform to Universal Law of Karma.
Jihad and crusade or holy war ---- also does not conform to Universal Law of Karma ---- and must be discarded.
ricky l • Remove
If any religious teacher or divine say - it is ok to start a war eg. against ISIS, the religious teacher or divine --- will need to descend to Hell (mentally or physically) and suffer for this order ---- even this is done for the sake of saving humanity.r
This is :- 佛不下地狱, 谁下地狱。
Thus even a religious teacher or a divine - will have to descend to hell mentally or physically by ordering a war under the Universal Law of Karma - even if it is for saving humanity.
Only after repaying the karma of the war - will the religious teacher or divine - escape from hell and back to divinity.
No One --- can escape the Universal Law of Karma ---- No One in this mundane Universe.

ricky l • Remove
Otherwise, a religious teacher or a Divine - can act with impunity - by anyhow waging war, punished others and do wrong things with impunity --- if not subject to the Universal Law of Karma ---- and become a Devil.
ricky l • Remove
Presumably Jesus is compassionate and want to stop the stoning of the woman that committed adultery.
Thus Jesus say among everyone who has no sin can throw the 1st stone. Assume Jesus is compassionate and probably he knows that all humans will sin in form or another - and thus no one will throw the 1st stone.
But what about Jesus himself, presumably he commit no sin - and thus he will qualify to throw the 1st stone.
Once Jesus throw the 1st stone, the rest will follow. And his future disciples will follow his example to throw stones at women that commit adultery.
Stoning is too excessive and is a cruel form of punishment - under the Universal Law of Karma.
ricky l • Remove
If Moses and Jesus is right about stoning for adulterers is the appropriate karma ---- have we noticed that no Countries in the World has enacted law to stone adulterers -- with the exception of this Taliban.
All reasonable humans - in their heart and mind - deem that stoning - is too excessive, too cruel - for this wrongdoings ---- and in fact is too excessive under the Universal Law of Karma.
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