Monday, November 9, 2015

No need for ‘halal’, ‘haram’ trolleys, Muslim preacher says

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Will Malaysia go the distance by segregating people into "halal" and "non-halal" section - by dividing the Country - and these 2 people will not mixed?

Talking about moderation - this has gone abit too much.
rricky l
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ricky l  •  3 minutes 19 seconds ago Remove
Accepting others, coexistence - without being paranoid - is a moderation mindset - both in thoughts, speeches and actions - Mutually Inclusive - without treading into Mutually Exclusive mindset.

Moderation will help to foster harmony, peaceful coexistence, tolerance and patience.

Mutually exclusive mindset - will bring unease, conflict, intolerance, impatient - and will result in disharmony.

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