Monday, November 16, 2015

COMMENT: Singapore the elusive terror target

By | Yahoo Newsroom – 1 hour 19 minutes ago
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Other than a good home team to monitor suspicious activities, community and common man-in-the-street must also stay alert for suspicious activities and characters.

Singapore is a city, a small Country. It is not easy for suspicious characters to hide their activities or smuggle firearms and bombs without being detected.

Everyone must stay vigilant and report suspicious activities and characters to the enforcement agencies before anyone can do any harm.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
To pull off such coordinated, simultaneous, sophisticated attack - it will require a lot of planning, surveillance, communication, logistics such as smuggling firearms, bombs, transport, accomplice, finance, communication gadgets etc.

All these activities will arouse suspicion in Singapore as our housing and population density are very dense - where those activities will be easily spotted and detected.

Also, suspicious character live in a community - whether schooling, working, living and will interact with people and community - in such a dense areas with people living in close density - and any hanky, panky will arouse suspicion.

Thus community support and vigilance is important to supplement home team's effort.

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