Monday, November 30, 2015

Fights against climate change, terrorism linked - France's Hollande
ricky l
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ricky l  •  35 seconds ago Remove
Yes terrorism and climate change are linked to human survival.

(1) Terrorism is likened cancerous cell that will grow and infect good cells and slowly kill the body immune system until the body die.

(2) Climate change is like hastening old age - so that a person die from accelerated ageism and die.

Terrorism - can be prevented so that no deadly cancer cell will kill the body.

Ageism - can only be postponed as far back as possible. Earth will still finally demise. But climatic changes should be contained so that it will not hastened the demise of the Earth.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Combating terrorism and climatic conditions --- will require the cooperation and coordination of all Global community members.

Both are linked to human survival on Earth.

Both are linked to the well being, security and survival of our future generations.

ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Failing to cooperate among the Global community members - will mean the demise of human mankind overtime.
ricky l
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ricky l • a second agoRemove
Human mankind extinction are due to 3 minor catastrophe - 小三灾.

The 3 minor catastrophe are :-
(1) War ---- terrorism belong to this category.
(2) Natural catastrophe - climatic condition belong to this category.
(3) Epidemic - bacteria, biological infection.

Human mankind are now threatened by 2 minor catastrophes - that required Global cooperation and coordination to stop the threat. 

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