Tuesday, November 24, 2015

France strikes IS targets as Syria diplomacy hits 'high gear'

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ricky l  •  2 minutes 45 seconds ago Remove
Successful diplomatic front to coordinate air-strike - with ground troops assault of ISIS daesh territory is the only way to eradicate ISIS daesh.

Ground troops should be coordinated by 2 opposing blocs - US-Arab sanction bloc and Russia-Iran sanction bloc - where the focus is on ISIS daesh militants and territory only - before ISIS daesh can be successfully defeated and eradicated.
rricky l
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ricky l  •  51 seconds ago Remove
Only after defeating ISIS daesh and re-capture all the territory from the militants - should then  settle the political issue within Syria.

The rebels and regime should call for truce - and the main focus should be on ISIS daesh - if diplomat front is successful.

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