Activist hackers battle Islamic State in cyberspace

ricky l • Remove
Finally the Anonymous hackers are doing something good and wholesome for humanity.Reply
It will even be better if Anonymous hackers transformed from "black hackers" to "white hackers". That is, transformed from "bad guys to good guys" - that will be more wholesome.
ricky l • Remove
(1) Hacking ISIS websites to provide vital information to the Authorities - so that ISIS operations will be crippled and ISIS terrorists arrested.
(2) Bring down ISIS websites to cripple their recruitment, promotion and marketing campaign - so that ISIS are not able to recruits more militants, devoid them of propaganda platform.
(3) "Blackout" ISIS communication platform - so that they are deprived of communication means to launch attacks, trade, do business, liaise with their likeminded agents to do harm.
(4) Misinform, misled and confused ISIS militants through their web activities etc
All these are means to become a wholesome "white hackers" - to help enforcement to prevent, arrest terrorism.
Anonymous hackers will then become a useful members of IT community - rather than doing disruptive hacking that damage the World Economy.
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