Dead comet with skull face to hurtle by Earth on Halloween

ricky l • Remove
This is one type of catastrophe that will end the Earth if it hit Earth directly.Reply
ricky l • Remove
This also serve as warning of how vulnerable humans are.
ricky l • Remove
And indeed, Earth and the World will end in a "massive explosion" - where such catastrophe is one possibility.
Human collective karma - will determine when such "End of the Earth, End of the World" happens.
ricky l • Remove
Another possibility of the "End of the World" scenario - is where nuclear states fire "nuclear weapons" at one another - and trigger a "massive explosion".
The "massive explosion" vision - see all debris thrown into outer space - and Earth disintegrate.
Not sure whether nuclear weapons can achieve such a feat?
Not sure whether an asteroid colliding with Earth can achieve such a feat?
But the vision is Earth encounter a massive explosion and totally disintegrate.
ricky l • Remove
Then how to postpone Earth from massive explosion and disintegration?
Simple Universal Law of Karma.
Human collectively :- "Do good, refrain from bad".
Think no evil.
Speak no evil.
Do no evil.
"Think with good heart. Speak with good heart. Do with good heart".
This will elicit collective good karma of the collective 5 mental aggregate of humans and divinity.
This will elicit collective good karma of the collective 4 great elements of matter, air, liquidity and temperature.
The collective good karma of the 5 mental aggregate of mundane and supramundane and the 4 great elements of physical properties - will then postpone the disintegration of Earth - and plummet all 6 realms sentinent beings into Eternal Hell - before the next "Earth" arise to accommodate the rebirth of sentinent beings from Eternal Hell.
ricky l • Remove
Thus when salvaging human beings is not sufficient.
It must involve the 10 realms of 5 mental aggregates (to be comprehensive).
And the 10 realms of 5 mental aggregates must involve the Supramundane, the Mundane and even the Paranormal ---- that coexist on Earth = in a Parallel Universe.
And the salvaging must involve the physical properties of 4 Great Elements - that help the 10 realms to survive.
Hence even the last sentinent beings (even the last being in Avici Hell, even the last micro-organism) and even the last grain of sand in the Universe ----- must be salvaged.
Only then can the "Bodhi Holy Mission" of "Leave no one behind" be successfully completed.
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