Universe Shouldn't Be Here, According to Higgs Physics

According to the Supramundane Jhana Samadhi and explosion in to 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition,
Jhana Samadhi is a 1-pointedness Concentration - whereby the force of suction into the 1-pointedness nimitta (bright light) is so strong that all 5 Mental Aggregates and 4 Great Element consciousness - are sucked into it.
This mirror the phenonmenon of a Black Hole experienced in the Universe - with suction so powerful that will suck in all celestial bodies around its vicinity whereby even light cannot be emitted.
However when the Jhana Samadhi cannot hold the accumulated energy (of both the 5 Mental Aggregates and 4 Great Elements consciousness) into the 1-pointedness nimitta (bright light) anymore, it will explode with massive force that will expand outward and outward - until it enwrap the entire Universe - until it reach a steady state.
The DHARMA WHEEL on the top left corner depict the entire process.
The CORE of the Dharma Wheel where are the spokes converged is the 1-pointedness nimitta (bright light) Jhana Samadhi.
The SPOKES of the Dharma Wheel depict the massive explosion of the 1-pointedness nimitta (bright light) that expand outward in 10 directions with so much energy that will keep expanding outward, outward to cover the entire Earth, the solar system, the galaxies and until it cover the entire Universe.
The OUTER CRUST of the Dharma Wheel depict the fringe or circumference of the Universe - whereby the entire 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition that encompass the CORE, SPOKES, OUTER CRUST will enwrap the entire Universe.
The protruded spokes outside the OUTER CRUST of the Dharma Wheel are stray thoughts (that will trigger the 12 Dependant Origination of Life).
Note :- By mental noting of the Dharma Wheel - a mirror image of the formation of Universe emerged.
Now, the question is - will Universe collapsed and demise?
Under the Universal Law of Impermanency for the Samsara Universe - anything born with form (like the Universe) will demise - ie. Birth, Living, Sickness or Decay and Demise - and there after Rebirth.
Just like Math :- 0, 0.000....1, 9999..... infinity - will it go back to 0 and then reborn again?
0,0.000....1, ............1 - 1st Universe.
1,1.000....1, ............2 - 2nd Universe. ---- until Infinity Universe.
ricky l • Remove
The protruded spokes outside the OUTER CRUST of the Dharma Wheel are stray thoughts (that will trigger the 12 Dependant Origination of Life) - come with 2 aspects :-
(1) Mental aspects - stray thoughts of lust - that want to trigger birth.
(2) Physical aspects - the sperms attempting to penetrate the wombs
These 2 aspects depict the formation of Living Things with both Mental Faculty of a Human Beings as well as their Reproductive Organs for formation of Human Lives.
Hence, Christianity in Bible use the Analogy of Adam and Eve - to depict the birth of Human Lives.
Buddhism are much more profound and provide very detail description - that delves into 12 Dependant Origin of Lives - that talk about the detail of each mental states and physical consciousness states.
ricky l • Remove
In Supramundane Nirvana, if the Universe expand, the Dharma Wheel expand into full 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition.
If the Universe contract, demise and collapse into a Big Black Hole, the Dharma Wheel will contract into a 1-pointedness of bright-light nimitta of Jhana Samadhi.
Thus no matter how the physical Samsara Universe evolve, formed or collapse - Dharma Wheel of 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition is a "mirror image" of Samsara Universe - and its state is always in Peace, Bliss, Serene, Equanimity - where there is no birth, no death, no sufferings - in Eternality - no matter how Samsara Universe evolve, transformed and changed.
Hence 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition is OmniPresence - it is all-encompassing presence that enwrap and mirror the Universe.
ricky l • Remove
Most important the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition depict by the Dharma Wheel - has no karma and no sufferings.
Samsara Universe - the mirror image of 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition - exist because of karma and thus its associate sufferings - due to Universal Law of Impermanence of Birth, Life, Sickness, Decay and Demise and then rebirth again if Nirvana is not attained.
ricky l • Remove
And because the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition depict by the Dharma Wheel - has no karma and no sufferings. - where the Samsara Universe exist because karma and thus its associate sufferings - due to Universal Law of Impermanence of Birth, Life, Sickness, Decay and Demise and then rebirth again = due to the nature of OmniPresence that enwrap the entire Samsara Universe - OmniBenevolence arises ----- to want to salvage al 6 realms sentinent beings that suffer under the Samsara Universe - into the 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition where all sufferings end.
ricky l • Remove
And because of the nature of OmniPresence and OmniBenevolence due to the insight
direct experience of the formation of Jhana Samadhi and 3-Ring Nirvana Fruition - where its mirror image is the Samsara Universe - OmniScience of the formation of Universe is known.
(Note :- what evolve through mutation of living things, celestial bodies, etc is directed omniscience).
Ie. human live and not in omniscience of how his body work and function - unless learn through science and technology - thus result in "Directed Omniscience".
Hence if say God knows everything because He creates everything and hence OmniScience is not true.
ricky l • Remove
If not, can anyone mundane and supramundane - predict when Earth demise, when Universe ends, what other celestial bodies will have human beings and when it will happen?
No one can tell - because of each individual karma and collective karma - will interplay and lead to formation - hence "Directed OmniScience" and not Full OmniScience - of how lives mutate and how celestial bodies mutate.
If One Divine Being is in full OmniScience - than everything including precise time, precise happenings of events will be written in the Encyclopedia - and humans will only need to read the Encyclopedia - and know exactly what will go on in the whole Universe - including what we eat, when we are born, what is our name, where we live and how we live, and what words we say etc.... exactly with precision like a program - correct or not?
ricky l • Remove
Then the One Divine Being - who is full OmniPresence, full OmniBenevolence, full OmniScience - will have created all beings in Nirvana and not in Samsara Universe that are subjected to sufferings - because He is full OmniPotent with full Compassion. - We all know this is not true - because it is not possible.
Though the final goal - is to achieve the above statement = FULLY.
ricky l • Remove
Because when all Beings are in Nirvana - there are no karma, no birth, no death, no suffeings - Universal Law of Impermanence no longer apply - and everything is in Peace, Eternal and everything is Permanent.
When this happen, true Full OmniScience emerged.
ricky l • Remove
When this happen, where every Beings are in Nirvana - the notion of OmniPotent ceased - when true Full OmniScience emerged.
Science is on the right path to unlock the mystery of the Origin of Universe.
Have to work harder - to one day discover the undisputable empirical evidence to support the Big Bang Theory.
Loretta • Report Abuse
This one was the longest and most expensive so far... So you mean we have to wait another century and waste more money just to solve some missing link? Damn, this gotta destroy Earth before you find the answer.
ricky l • Remove
Do you know how many lives lost, how many disputes and wars arising from different ideologies because of arguments on the different interpretations of the Origin of Universe?
If Science one day have prove and unlock the mystery of the Origin of Universe - all the above will be avoided.
In addition, Science discovery are never wasted.
It can be use for applications that may have Economic benefits.
ricky l • Remove
And even if Science have proven the mystery of the Origin of Universe - specifically, the 4 Great Elements of Air, Matter, Temperatures, Liquid - it will only address the "Physical Properties" of the Origin of Universe.
The "Mental Aspect" are still far too profound to be address and proven - because they are intangible not tangible properties that we can see, touch, smell, hear or taste.
That is why, there are volumes and volumes of "Metaphysics" of consciousness - mundane and supramundane to explain how the Origin of Universe - interperse and interlock - to evolve into today's Universe with living things and celestial bodies.
I'm not sure that some crazy general just started a war with another for a disputes over the origin of the universe. Although most wars were stirred with greed and covetousness I sure not heard one fought over science.
ricky l • Remove
And as we are saying here, there are still people out there currently fighting over different ideologes and religions - literally and non-literally.
ricky l • Remove
And if one day, Science has proven with indisputable empiricial evidence about the Origin of Universe - and can correspond - with the "Mental Aspect" of "Metaphysics" of consciousness - with exact fit -
without any doubts ----- it will have unified all the Human Races ----- whereby disputes and fighting over different ideologies and religions will stop --- because each and every religions will have contributed as jigs to the whole mystery on the "Mental Aspects" of the Origin of Universe.
This is what and why the reasons for all the postings is about.
ricky l • Remove
And I will say, this days are getting closer and closer - as people are beginning to see the whole pictures slowly taking shapes and forms - and everything seems to be more and more apparent.
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Loretta •
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The last wars will be on religious beliefs, that I agree.
ricky l • Remove
Hope there is no need to be a war on religious beliefs.
Sound reasoning, science empirical evidences. technologies, math model, neuroscience discoveries, psychological advances, etc hopefully together with contributions of all the religions - piece together - will provide a full complete picture ----- then there will be no need to have wars on religious beliefs.
Religious beliefs - will then just be Science whereby Religion = Science, Science = Religions= Universal Law=Universal Truth - the ONE and ONLY.
ricky l • Remove
Science and Technology include tapping the correct mix of consciousness - to enter into the unseen realms - paranormal realms and Supramundane realms.
ricky l • Remove
Just like radio frequency - by tuning 95FM we can listen to the radio broadcast.
Just like TV channel - by tuning to Channel 8 we can see the TV channels.
By switching to the right mix of kusala fornless consciousness - we can enter into the Formless Heavenly Realms.
By switching to the right mix of akusla consciousness - we can enter into the Hungry Ghosts realms.
ricky l • Remove
Eg. of useful Science and Technology - by inputing the parameters of our thoughts, speeches, actions, the karma calculator = can calculate the consequence of our actions, the time the consequences will take effect, the duration of the consequences will begin, last and end.
So that by doing so, we can improve systematically by inheriting good karma, avoid negative karma etc.
ricky l • Remove
The karma calculator will be the extrapolation of Newton Law - where a force of action will bring about an equal force of reaction.
Newton Law - deal with physics - the tangible "Physical properites".
Karma calculator - deal with the "metaphysics" - the intangible "mental properties".
Radio frequency and TV channel - deal with physics - the tangible "Physical properites".
Switching to the right mix of kusala and akusala consciousness - deal with the "metaphysics" - the intangible "mental properties".
ricky l • Remove
So Religion - is actually a mirror image of Science - when put side by side. Isn't it.
Science deal with physics - the "Physical Properties".
Religion deal with Metaphysics - the "Mental Properties".
Now can see the close association between Religion & Science, Science & Religion?
Science (that look at the Physical properties) cannot advance without Religion (that look at the Mental Properties).
ricky l • Remove
Science are able to recycle alot of things - like carbon to fossil fuel, like sea water to drinking water etc.
Science now can also use to proof rebirth or reincanation - which everyone think that when a person dies - the person will go to heaven or hell. Non-believers of faith think that people just vanish into thin air when a person dies.
We talk about rebirth - into 10 different realms depending on each individual karma.
Below is the :-
Scientific Proof of Reincarnation
Dr. Ian Stevenson's Life Work
"Either he [Dr. Stevenson] is making a colossal mistake. Or he will be known as the Galileo of the 20th century." Dr Harold Lief in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
•About Dr. Ian Stevenson
•Omni Magazine's Interview with Dr. Ian Stevenson
•Sweet Swarnlata: An Example Case of Dr. Ian Stevenson's
Dr. Ian StevensonProbably the best known, if not most respected, collection of scientific data that appears to provide scientific proof that reincarnation is real, is the life's work of Dr. Ian Stevenson. Instead of relying on hypnosis to verify that an individual has had a previous life, he instead chose to collect thousands of cases of children who spontaneously (without hypnosis) remember a past life. Dr. Ian Stevenson uses this approach because spontaneous past life memories in a child can be investigated using strict scientific protocols. Hypnosis, while useful in researching into past lives, is less reliable from a purely scientific perspective. In order to collect his data, Dr. Stevenson methodically documents the child's statements of a previous life. Then he identifies the deceased person the child remembers being, and verifies the facts of the deceased person's life that match the child's memory. He even matches birthmarks and birth defects to wounds and scars on the deceased, verified by medical records. His strict methods systematically rule out all possible "normal" explanations for the child’s memories.
Dr. Stevenson has devoted the last forty years to the scientific documentation of past life memories of children from all over the world. He has over 3000 cases in his files. Many people, including skeptics and scholars, agree that these cases offer the best evidence yet for reincarnation.
Dr. Stevenson's credentials are impeccable. He is a medical doctor and had many scholarly papers to his credit before he began paranormal research. He is the former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, and now is Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia.
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