MUIS tells Singapore mosques to adopt ‘non-confrontational’ approach towards LGBT community: report
By Nurul Azliah Aripin | Yahoo Newsroom – 3 hours ago
ricky l • Remove
I think the LBGT has become bolder and bolder in pushing their cause every year - where this year, they think of organising their cause in Padang - in front of the Parliament - which is improper and fail to note the sentiment of the mainstream that advocate family values - not the deviant way.Reply
LBGT is sort of deviant behaviour that the mainstream is not ostracizing them, but they should not push their cause and seek legalise their deviant behaviour.
What happen if our children also learn their deviant behaviour - and insist such behaviour is legal and culturally acceptable if pink dot cause is legalised?
If such deviant behaviour is legalise, will pink dot organised another event - to push their cause for human-to-dog, human-to-cat etc and legalise such deviant behaviour?
Having say so, the mainstream should not also adopt confrontation actions against them - as this will cause unnecessary friction.
But voicing and expressing concern by not supporting the cause should suffice.
ricky l • Remove
I doubt their parents and relatives will be proud if this group of LBGT is going to annouce their marriage - and does anyone believe that their colleagues and friends will attend their wedding?
What is their family plan to raise kids?
What happen if this group succeeded in making majority to follow their way of behaviour, what will the society become - a deviant society.
If this group keep their activities in private, I doubt the mainstream will not be busybody and will mind their own business.
But when this LBGT attempt to push their cause too far and make a big hoo-haa unashamedly, the mainstream will make a stand whether they can accept the LBGT cause - which is against the family values and not accepted by most mainstream religions or secular.
ricky l • Remove
If LBGT cause is legalised and supported by a society - I think we will see more and more LBGT growing in number in a society.
If LBGT cause remain in private - then this group will know that it is a deviant behaviour and not a mainstream behaviour.
ricky l • Remove
Basically the message is :- if LBGT keep their romance to themselves and in private, the mainstream will "pretend not to see" and mind their own business.
But when LBGT unashamely create a big hoo-haa, hold parade, create a ra-ra team to champion their cause - it will cause a reverse outcome - it will cause the mainstream to "turn-off" and become resentful of their cause which is already not 光彩.

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
LBGT is not a deviant behaviour, from buddhism point of view, it is considered as a form of negative karma ripeaning? i am disappointened that you think in this way? May I ask can homosexuality be permanently converted through any form of therapy or cure? What is the succes rate of converting these people? Are your posting inciting discrimination, disharmony or hatred against these innocent people who have little or no control over their behaviour and sexuality? Do you have any LTGB friends and understand them from the human point of view? Do they have choice? We only could try to prevent our children from having these abnormal behaviour, by offering early homosexualityconversion treatment upon detection. Sympathise them but NOT criminalise them! But I must agree that public display of LTGB affection is not benefitual to children though.
Sam • Report Abuse
LBGT is a deviant behaviour. Don't insult Buddhism and distort teachings! You will have retribution for what u said, if you believe in Karma.
YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Sorry, Sam I believe that Your understanding of Buddhism is very shallow? LTGB is considered not a normal behaviour, and it is as a result of negative karma ripening. I must stress that it is not a evil behaviour and it is not something that within the affected person control? If you wanted to talk and discuss about Buddhism, first of all, one must intention to post something that promotes harmony NOT DISCRMINATION? Hence, please point oout where I am Insulting Buddhism, before you shoot any accusation???
YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
You say you believe in Karma, Now let's put yourself in other people's shoes, imagine if you have children whom grown up as LTGB? Do you treat them like criminals, or you treat them as your children??? Buddhism do not discriminate anyone of any lowly chaste and it is only human beings who have the false egostic views of high& mighty and low & shamby???
ricky l • Remove
LBGT is a sexual disorientation.
Buddhism emphasize restraint in sensual desire.
Buddhism is Compassionate - which express sympathy and empathy for LBGT - but not misplaced Compassion for LBGT to carry out protest, parade, charade, unashamedly.
Do remember the precept of Sexual Misconduct - LBGT fall under this basic 5 precepts.
You are distorting the Buddhism teachings and you are trying to misuse Buddhism to embolden the cause of LBGT.
ricky l • Remove
To attain Enlightenment, One need to possess 3 main quality :-
(1) Moral conduct - sensual restraint
(2) Concentration
(3) Mindfulness
Only when this 3 main attribute is in place - can one attain Enlightenment.
LBGT - is an extreme deviant form of infringing moral conduct - How do Buddhism adovcate the cause of LBGT?
Buddhism will only sympathise and emphatise - but will not support LBGT championing their cause - so unabashedly.
ricky l • Remove
If you say LBGT cannot have restraint and cannot control their sexual behaviour, then I need to ask you, can you pardon someone who molest and rape - just because he or she cannot control their sexual urge?
ricky l • Remove
Then if someone cannot control their sexual urge to commit molest and rape - then Buddhism as Compassionate - must pardon them.
What nonsense to misuse Buddhism to support your deviant cause.

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Ricky, you need to seperate people between those who are in Buddhism and those who are not? Yes those striving for Enlightenment, they will abide to the teachings? and how about those who dun? At least, promote something that encorage commiting of positive and refrain from negative deeds which will incur negative fruits of suffering later?

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
ricky, Buddha himself do not discriminate people whether he or she is a prosititute or beggar which normal people who dispise on? But by classifying LTGB as deviants, you are equally no better than people who brand these people as evil???

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Your understanding of 色 & 空 is shallow one, just like parrot chanting om main pe me hum? Beside what has adam and eve got to do with Buddha teachings???
YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Ricky, let LTGB be alone and not discrimnating? What choice can you do? You kill them and they can be erase from this earth? NO!!! we can only educate though postive speech to bring help to people. Disciminating people only incite hatred that will create further suffering to more people!
ricky l • Remove
LBGT just keep your behaviour to yourself and not emboldening your cause.
Buddhism don't discriminate beggar, prostitute, LBGT etc - as they do not embolden their cause unashamely.
Now this group of LBGT parade everywhere unashamely, even want to go to Padang (where we held our National Parade) - to tell the whole world about your sexual disorientation - unashamely and form pressure group on the whole Country, the mainstream.
This is the issue that are resentful - I think you and your group fail to understand and just plain foolish.
Do you see prostitute or beggar holding protest rally or parade or charade championing their cause ? Only this LBGT did and unashamely.
ricky l • Remove
It may not be right for them to form a group, but have you consider what is their objective of doing so? My objective is to advise all not to discrimnate them but see them as a normal human being like the rest of us???? You see that the normal society has discimnate them in different light of view and treat them as devinats, but they desreve better as a human beings as long as they dun commit crimes and harm others! You got to see them from other side of the ball, not to be so squarish! what we can do is do educate our children about LTGB to prevent them from deviaiting???
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentYOLO IS A MORON! • 8 minutes ago Report Abuse
Ricky, accept them for who they are, your posting only discrimnate them, which is uncompassionate and not helping humanity as a whole. Put yourself in their shoes? If you have LTGB children, what to you do? Of course convert them to have the right view, after helping them, nothing can be done, just accept and love them.

0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l • a second agoRemove
Not posting to discrimnate them. They are holding protest rally year after year and has become more and more embolden.
This group is disrupting the society and forming pressure group to force and impose their cause on the mainstream - i think you just fail to understand the whole issue - and talking to you is like talking to a wall.
And not taking the Precept Vows - does not mean that you can break precepts with impunity. You commit a sin, you will reap your karma - whether you take or do not take precept vows.
I suggest you should seek more guidance from your Master and understand Buddhism more thoroughly.
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentYOLO IS A MORON! • 13 minutes ago Report Abuse
It may not be right for them to form a group, but have you consider what is their objective of doing so? My objective is to advise all not to discrimnate them but see them as a normal human being like the rest of us???? You see that the normal society has discimnate them in different light of view and treat them as devinats, but they desreve better as a human beings as long as they dun commit crimes and harm others! You got to see them from other side of the ball, not to be so squarish! what we can do is do educate our children about LTGB to prevent them from deviaiting???
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentYOLO IS A MORON! • 8 minutes ago Report Abuse
Ricky, accept them for who they are, your posting only discrimnate them, which is uncompassionate and not helping humanity as a whole. Put yourself in their shoes? If you have LTGB children, what to you do? Of course convert them to have the right view, after helping them, nothing can be done, just accept and love them.

0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l • a second agoRemove
Not posting to discrimnate them. They are holding protest rally year after year and has become more and more embolden.
This group is disrupting the society and forming pressure group to force and impose their cause on the mainstream - i think you just fail to understand the whole issue - and talking to you is like talking to a wall.
And not taking the Precept Vows - does not mean that you can break precepts with impunity. You commit a sin, you will reap your karma - whether you take or do not take precept vows.
I suggest you should seek more guidance from your Master and understand Buddhism more thoroughly.
ricky l • Remove
If this LBGT is not forming a pressure group on the whole society - why are they holding protest rally every year in Hong Lim - and this year want to do it in Padang?
This is the real contentious issue by forcing the LBGT values on the mainstream - if you still do not understand the whole context.

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
what do you think is their intention of such parade??? they are also forming a group to tell the rest of the world to accept them NOT reject them?
When i say Buddhism empathise and sympathise - it come with helping, educating, counselling.
When i say Buddhism do not support and embolden their cause, - it means Buddhism does not embolden this group to go out to demo, held rally in Padang or go out in the open to form pressure group.
When the behaviour is not correct, they should seek the right support and help - but not go out to protest, champion and form pressure group to pressure the mainstream to accept them - it will just cause resentment.
Definititon of de·vi·ant
1. deviating or departing from the norm; characterized by deviation: deviant social behavior.
2. a person or thing that deviates or departs markedly from the accepted norm.
The word "Deviant" to describe LBGT is correct - because LBGT is not an accepted norm from the society - under the Law of Nature for Human for Procreation and family values as well as most mainstream Religious values.

0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentYOLO IS A MORON! • 13 minutes ago Report Abuse
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentYOLO IS A MORON! • 8 minutes ago Report Abuse

0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l • a second agoRemove
This group is disrupting the society and forming pressure group to force and impose their cause on the mainstream - i think you just fail to understand the whole issue - and talking to you is like talking to a wall.
And not taking the Precept Vows - does not mean that you can break precepts with impunity. You commit a sin, you will reap your karma - whether you take or do not take precept vows.
I suggest you should seek more guidance from your Master and understand Buddhism more thoroughly.

0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentYOLO IS A MORON! • 13 minutes ago Report Abuse
0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentYOLO IS A MORON! • 8 minutes ago Report Abuse

0users liked this commentThumbs UpThumbs Down0users disliked this commentricky l • a second agoRemove
This group is disrupting the society and forming pressure group to force and impose their cause on the mainstream - i think you just fail to understand the whole issue - and talking to you is like talking to a wall.
And not taking the Precept Vows - does not mean that you can break precepts with impunity. You commit a sin, you will reap your karma - whether you take or do not take precept vows.
I suggest you should seek more guidance from your Master and understand Buddhism more thoroughly.
ricky l • Remove
Being Compassionate and helping them - does not mean sanctioning their behaviour to form pressure group, to demo, to rally, to disrupt the society.
If you still don't understand the whole context here.
Who is posting to discriminate them, we are posting to chide their behaviour in holding rally after rally in Hong Lim Park and even think go going to Padang.

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Ricky, if anyone do not look at the dictonary properly the word deviant may give rise to wrong impression that is associated with something nasty or evil, choice of words who use we must be careful. Yes LTGB is not within Law of Nature for human for procreation, so what is your point? Your point is drive further discrimnation or what??? Yes LTGB is not something to be encoraged, but you dun label them as BANE of society??? Treat LG as normal people, the countermeasure we have to take are to educate our young children to have upright values??? I agree it may not be right to put up such protest in the long run, but what is the solution to have win win situation that help these people to intergrate into society????
YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Pls understand that LTGB do not commit crimes or create negative karma that harms anyone? Though their protest may create negative understanding on young and naive, but it is the parents and teachers roles and responsiblities to help children to grow mentally healthy and normally.
No point talking to you further. Better to talk to a wall.
I suggest you get more direct advice from your Buddhist Master - please don't misquote and misuse Buddhism to support your cause.

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Ricky, simialr feeling, i also feel that I am talking to the wall. I did agree it is not healthy to have protest. 5 vows will only apply on those who undertake the path of Buddhism and understand the benefit of doing so? I also mentioned that LTGB relation will incur undesirable karma and it is up to them to refrain it and we dun use gun to enforce upon them? sexual misconduct do cause suffering which I also agree, it is up to them to avoid suffering. We can only help by educating moral values.

ricky l • Remove
BTW, you can start championing the cause of prostitute to hold rally year after year for the same reason as LBGT - out of misplaced Compassion.
You can also start championing the cause of beggar to hold rally year after year for the same reason as LBGT - out of misplaced Compassion.
Next You can also start championing the cause of any less fortunate groups to hold rally year after year for the same reason as LBGT - out of misplaced Compassion.
Let see whether your Buddhist Master take a "Discipline cane" to discipline you or not.
And please once again - don't quote Buddhism for your cause.

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
@ricky, my main point is to see them as a human being and they are part and parcel of the society. Not to discriminate them as someone whom we should avoid having association with. They do not have have little or no choice witheir sexual orientation. All of them are our objects of compassion as well. although under Buddhism, the LTGB sexual relationship is considered as sexual misconduct, which will give rise to fruits of suffering, which is something to be refrain from. But it is the education of moral values that will help them, if they choose to follow. I agree with It is not healthy to promote LTGB in parade year after, as it may mislead the young and naive. But we hope that this will stop after somebody or some authorities bring in the correct balance and approach to educate the public for acceptance and intergration.
ricky l • Remove
Your quote :-
"5 vows will only apply on those who undertake the path of Buddhism and understand the benefit of doing so?"
I want to take issue with your quote to show how misinformed you are in Buddhism teachings.
(1) 1st precept - if you commit killings - you will be sentenced to death - irrespective of whether you take the 5 Precept Vows or not.
(2) 2nd precept - if you steal - you get caught - you will be put in prison - irrespective of whether you take the 5 Precept Vows or not.
(3) 3rd precept - if you commit sexual misconduct - depending on what type of sexual misconduct you have conducted - you will definitely got your karma - irrespective of whether you take the 5 Precept Vows or not.
(4) 4th precept - if you tell lies - depending on what type of lie you tell - eg. lying under oath in court - you will get jail - irrespective of whether you take the 5 Precept Vows or not.
(5) 5th precept - if you drink and drive - you will get jail - irrespective of whether you take the 5 Precept Vows or not.
So i say your understanding of Buddhism is very shallow. Pse once again don't misquote Buddhism, seek advice from your Buddhist Master - get yourself cane by the Master if necessary if you misguided the community by misquoting Buddhism.

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
hahaha! Ricky cool down??? my point is why have protest happened because feedbacks are being ignored which give rise to protest which is in a way understandable, because there are no functional groups that give sufficient support to these people???

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Sorry Rick, I felt that your version of Buddhism will create further misunderstanding and suffering. Buddhism is to promote equal compassion amongst all and even treat them like your own mothers, as all could have been your mother countless of lives, I agree such protest is creating disharmony, but who and which functional group can stand up and help them? I am trying to help to dispel any form of ill wills or wrong views which will further unwanted suffering in the society to the best of my knowledge?
ricky l • Remove
You should get the official response from the Buddhist Master - to see what they did is right or wrong?
You still fail to understand the message that Buddhism talk about sympathy and empathy - but disagree with the way they form pressure group - that will have an impact on the mainstream based on their value systems.
ricky l • Remove
By expressing sympathy and empathy on them is Compassion.
By not supporting their wrong sexual orientation - that will have an adverse repercussion on the mainstream is Panna Wisdom.
If by using misguided Compassion - you are not transmitting the right values - and this is not Panna Wisdom - but foolishness - and if you misquoted Buddhism to 好心做坏事 - then you may inherit bad karma onto yourself without knowing.

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Again you have conviently ommited that i mentioned" It is not healthy to promote LTGB in parade year after year.." but I am saying in a way it is understandable why such protest has formed.
YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
@ricky your form of Buddhism is quite regemental like army style, i did mentioned i do not encorage but most importantly i do not discriminate, they could been your mothers in countless of livestime but as a result of negative karma fruitation, they are what they are????
ricky l • Remove
So are you a helper to their wrong sexual orientation?
So you say you will not inherit bad karma?
Is it not misplaced Compassion?

YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Ricky I stress again? Their sexual orientation, they are unable to do much, until they willingly try? How many have successfully been converted? Do you understand how difficult it is for them? You are straight like robot? I am helping to dispel ill wills and discrimination? I am not encouraging LTGB either?
YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Ricky I have compassion for them and see them as human beings and not labelling the word "deviant" on them. Although, I also understand that they may be "special" in a way, they still deserve respect as anyone else, until their negative karma of fruitation has been exhuasted!
YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
I mean they will remain as who and what they are until negative karma of fruitation has been exhuasted!
YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
I agreed that compassion must align with the practice of wisdom, but people who are full of self righteous will put off people from learning Buddhism. It is sad to see the so called "wise men" of many religions prosecute them with serious negative impression that they have a suffocating time living in society. If both of us are holding Dharma classes, you classes will not attract LGTB, whereas mine will attract them. All of us are misguided as long as we have not reach path of seeing yet. There are a lot of unfortunate groups of people who need our helping hands to assist them, Buddhism is a logical and versatile religion, which will provide sensible answers that will benefit many and bring ultimate salvation of attaining supramundane achievements, which many others do not. When Buddha was still around, he did not discriminate prostitutes, beggars, people of lowly caste, devious murderers etc.and he provide compassionate and wise advice to them, that they are able wake up from their foolishness, repent from their wrong doings and followed His advice which lead them to happiness. That is why his teachings is able to benefit and bring salvation to many people up to these days. Since you have very big problem with me, why not you get you teacher to see the article here for endorsement??? I am very lazy to get my teacher to endorse for me????
ricky l • Remove
There are many layman who do not let their sexual urge go rampant :-
(1) Singles who are not married can control their sexual urge - did not let their sexual urge go rampant or deviant.
(2) Divorcee can control their sexual urge - did not let their sexual urge go rampant or deviant.
(3) Widows and widowers can control their sexual urge - did not let their sexual urge go rampant or deviant.
(4) Minors and youngsters who are not married can control their sexual urge - did not let their sexual urge go rampant or deviant.
There are so many groups did not let their sexual urge go deviant like LBGT.
Why this group of LBGT who can shout louder, who can organise rally, who can lobby, who belong to the higher social class etc - form pressure group to pressure the mainstream - and the mainstream must give in to their sexual disorientation?
I wonder if LBGT is a sickness due to sexual hormone imbalance and require treatment or theraphy or require a social assiociation to look at their needs medically, socially - like what mental illness are going through - an help them to integrate into the mainstream society with the right social values.
We should not let LBGT champion their cause and bend to legalise and culturally accept their deviant disorientation.
Otherwise other group will also stake similar claims like :-
(1) Incest sexual disorientation - between parents and their child, sibilings.
(2) Adult and child sexual disorientation
(3) Rapists and molesters
(4) Prostitute rights.
(5) Beggar rights etc.
The whole society will become deviant - just because they cannot control their sexual disorientation - but able to shout louder than others.
ricky l • Remove
If the LBGT can ensure their sensual restraint - and embrace the right values, if I am conducting the Buddhism class, I will welcome them to the Buddhism class to practice :-
(1) Right Moral Conduct
(2) Right Concentration
(3) Right Mindfulness
and help them to attain Enlightenment - this is what Buddhism all about.
But if they insist on championing their wrong values and shut out loud about their deviant cause, the Buddhism class will have to keep the door close - because they cannot be allowed in to bring wrong values and poison the rest of the disciples who are practicsing the right path.
ricky l • Remove
In other words, a disciple can only come into the Buddhism class - by meeting the minimum criteria before they can allowed in :-
(1) Repentance of past wrong deeds
(2) Renounce sensual desire by observing the Right Moral Conduct - by observing the Right Precepts.
(3) Willings to strive for Enlightenment by practising Right Concentration and Right Mindfulness - by walking the right path
(4) Self salvation and help others in their salvation once self-salvaged.
This is the right Mahayana Practice.
ricky l • Remove
In other words, not any Tom, Dick and Harry can come in.
Imagine if you put an evil person - a murderer who have no trace of repentance into your Buddhist class - you see whether you can tame him - or you will be slaughter by him?
Compassion must come with Panna Wisdom.
Compassion without Panna Wisdom - is misplaced Compassion because of foolishness - and will do more harm than good.

Nortrom Teo • Report Abuse
The teachings of Buddhism are glaringly clear from this series of exchanges. Where credits are due, thanks to Ricky for not backing away from dispelling the misguided views served up here. More wise individuals like yourself ought to come forward to help and educate such misplaced notions floating out there.
YOLO IS A MORON! • Report Abuse
Quote: "We should not let LBGT champion their cause and bend to legalise and culturally accept their deviant disorientation." Understand that in the west there are legal marriage for LGTB, most of the religions forbidden this. But you must understand where do this group of people falls under in the society, are they supposed to be a group of people always outcast in the eyes of others? Where to group these people? LGBT has more entrenched personality that is more dificulty to change. I agreed that the rest of the groups such as (1)~(5) needed to be control by law. Most important thing is there must be public education for LGBT awareness to accept these group of people as human beings who deserve to be treated with equal respect. Now you see, I am emphasizing on public acceptance for them so that their lives would not be so miserable, but from religious point of view is another sensitive issue to strike a balance. It is not right for them to champoin their cause by rallying, but it is a cause and effect naturally happened that they rally nowadays, beacuse the society chosen to shun them. If you strongly insist that we should not legalise them, but there is another problem too, beacuse if you choose to ignore them, the issue may keep on ballooning and snowballing until what you see that happened in Little India? i rather feel that thsee group of people need recongnition and respect though public awareness and education?
ricky l • Remove
I am not saying we ostracised, shunned, discriminate this group - if you have read my posts from top to bottom.
I am saying, we should :-
(1) educate
(2) counsel
(3) empathise
(4) help
and this can be done as quote :-
"I wonder if LBGT is a sickness due to sexual hormone imbalance and require treatment or therapy or require a social assiociation to look at their needs medically, psychologically, socially - like what mental illness patients are going through - and help them to integrate into the mainstream society with the right social values."
If you did not read my posts correctly.
Also Buddha and Buddhist Masters when accepting disciples are very clear, whether the disciples are of normal person, LBGT, male, female, rich, poor, people of high social standings, people of poverty, prostitute, beggar or any other person - there are no discrimination.
And whether the disciples are monks, nuns or layman, they must minimally observe the 5 basic precepts :-
(1) No killings
(2) No stealing
(3) No sexual misconduct - whether straight person or LBGT or prostitutes
(4) No lying
(5) No intoxicants
And for those who strive for Enlightenment, the minimum criteria before they can be allowed in :-
(1) Repentance of past wrong deeds
(2) Renounce sensual desire by observing the Right Moral Conduct - by observing the Right Precepts.
(2) Willings to strive for Enlightenment by practising Right Concentration and Right Mindfulness - by walking the right path
(3) Self salvation and help others in their salvation once self-salvaged.
Buddha and Buddhist Masters set all this - not because they want to be difficult with disciples but because Enlightenment can only be attained - if they follow the above criteria.
Otherwise, no matter how one strive, Enlightenment will not be attained under the Universal Law of Nirvana.
In addition, negative karma will come if the less than qualified candidates are accepted as disciples - and "poison" the Environment and create negative energy that impede the progress of other disciples by behaving negatively and disturb the mental practices of other disciples.
ricky l • Remove
Another thing, whether the West legalise the marriage of LBGT is a right thing to do for us - will depend on political leaders' assessment - of weighing the impact on various aspects of the Society - whereby religious angle is only one of the consideration (I believe) - as I am not a political leader, I an just guessing.
But one can reasonably reason as Political Leader will assess :-
(1) What is the impact on the mainstream citizen if LBGT legalise the marriage? Eg. will straight and normal children follow the footstep of LBGT - since they can argue that LBGT is legally accepted and culturally accepted. And normal children become deviant and turn LBGT?
(2) What are the views of various religions in legalising the LBGT marriage? All mainstream religions rejected LBGT - as it go against the Human nature of Procreation.
(3) What are the Social impact in legalising the LBGT marriage? Eg. set up Registry of Marriage for LBGT? How to coin policy on family planning of LBGT? etc
(4) What are the Legal impact in amending marriage law, estate law, inheritance law, divorce law, raising kids law etc in legalising the LBGT marriage?
(5) What are the Economic impact in legalising the LBGT marriage? Eg. subsidise HDB flat for husband-husband marriage, wife-wife marriage? How to award Alimony if husband-husband marriage, wife-wife marriage result in separation? What will be the Economic cost (tangible and intangible) to set up all these for this group of LBGT? Who is going to foot the bill for this cost - if it runs into billions of $ for this LBGT group?
Are taxpayers like you going to pay more tax to finance all this because of some misplaced Compassion?
I am sure that are many more considerations - as the Political Leaders will be in the best position to know - not me.
Then in future when there are vocal and aggressive group push for Human-Animal sexual orientation, group that push for prosititute rights, group that push for beggar rights, group that push for all sort of deviant rights - does Government have to do all the above for each group?
How many more billions got to be set aside for all this? Are you going to pay more taxes to finance all this - because of some misplaced Compassion?
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