Friday, June 6, 2014

'China to respond to any provocation'

ricky l

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ricky l • a second agoRemove
I think it is clear that in terms of business, financial, investment and economy, China does not have any problems with any Countries in the World.

The only issue is the territorial dispute with some of the neighbors - when the dispute become physical - will impact other innocent parties who are not part of the dispute.

The parties in dispute also felt that China is non-compromising and non-negotiable during 2 parties talk to resolve the dispute. This is the main complaints from the disputed parties.

Countries not involved in the dispute also wish that China and other disputed parties - not to engage in confrontation and skirmishes - that will hurt Regional trade, investment, business, travel, etc - that will also hurt World Trade.

  • ricky l
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    ricky l • a second agoRemove
    All China neighbors will prefer China to be :-
    (1) more friendly, less hostile
    (2) more cooperation, less confrontation
    (3) rise as a nurturing Superpower, less as co-descending Superpower
    (4) more focus on Win-Win outcome in resolution of dispute, less win-lose outcome is dispute resoluton

    I think if China is successful in attaining the above scenarios, then China will begin to feel that regional Countries will become more and more receptive of China as a nurturing SuperPower.

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